nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-8 20:11

【the Australian 09.05.06】对澳洲国防白皮书回应: 中国是“和平力量”

本帖最后由 nbnbren 于 2009-5-8 21:13 编辑

【中文标题】对澳洲国防白皮书回应: 中国是“和平力量”
【原文标题】China a 'peaceful force' in Beijing's response to defence paper【登载媒体】the Australian

CHINA has called for Australia and other countries to have a more objective approach to its rising military power, in its first official response to the Rudd Government's defence white paper.

中国对路克文政府的国防白皮书做出了首次官方回应 ,呼吁澳大利亚和其他一些国家客观地看待中国军力的提升,中国是“和平力量”。

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,,6612561,00.jpg Australia's Anzac-class frigate HMAS Parramatta on patrol in the North Persian Gulf. Picture: Defence
澳洲皇家海军的澳新级快艇“Parramatta ”号在北波斯湾巡逻

"China is a peaceful force that forms no threat to any other countries," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhong Xu said in answer to questions from The Australian. "(We hope) neighbour countries will view China's military build-up objectively, without bias."


Public response to the white paper in China has been subdued as Australian diplomats work behind the scenes in an attempt to quell any disquiet over the new document, which calls for a major Australian naval build-up to counter the rise of China.

当澳洲的外交官面对一个为了应付中国军力提升而扩建海军的新文件引起中国的不安,在幕后做了一下工作,力图消除隔阂,而中国面对这个白皮书的公开回应,口气也缓和了很多 。

The Chinese navy has almost doubled the number of secret long-distance patrols conducted by its submarines in the past year, reflecting its growing assertiveness in the region.


Australia's spy agencies noted the jump in Chinese submarine activity at the same time as military chiefs were penning the new defence white paper, released last week, which called for a doubling of the Royal Australian Navy's future submarine fleet.


In Washington yesterday, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, said the US would need to work more closely with Pacific allies such as Australia to respond to Beijing's increasing military capabilities.

昨日在华盛顿,美国参谋长联席会议主席海军上将Michael Mullen,说道,美国有必要和如澳洲那样太平洋联盟保持更紧密的工作关系,来面对提升中的中国军力。

He said the US and Australia would have to do more to build trust with China but he warned that Beijing needed to be more transparent about its big increases in defence spending to ensure there were no "miscalculations" in the Asia-Pacific.


Admiral Michael Mullen told a defence conference in Washington that China's build-up of sea and military air power appeared to be aimed at counterbalancing US power in the Pacific.

在华盛顿举行的国防会议上,Michael Mullen海军上将说,中国海军和空军力量的提升,显示出在太平洋地区对准美国,力求势均力敌。

"They are developing capabilities that are very maritime focused, maritime and air focused, and in many ways, very much focused on us," he said.


His comments are in line with the Pentagon's strategic assessments of Beijing's growing military might and echo the Rudd Government's defence white paper released at the weekend which focused on the rise of China.


Mr Ma declined to say how China's leaders had reacted to the white paper or whether the new defence strategy would have any bearing in free trade talks.


Trade Minister Simon Crean begins his second visit in a month to China today. Mr Crean will visit the southern province of Yunnan, which has strong trade links with Australia, as well as Shanghai.

贸易部长Simon Crean于今日开赴中国,进行本月的第二次访问。Crean先生将访问中国南方省份云南,和上海一样,和澳洲有很多的贸易往来。

Australia's navy will continue to be dwarfed by those of China, India and Japan even if the Government achieves its white-paper plans to substantially boost naval firepower.


The white paper foreshadows the largest naval build-up since World War II with the acquisition of three air warfare destroyers, eight new powerful frigates, 12 new submarines, new naval helicopters and 20 beefed-up patrol craft by 2030.


But the navies of China and India are expanding at a much faster rate, and Australia is likely to struggle to maintain its relative strategic weight in the region.

但是中国和印度的海军扩张数度很快, 在本地区,澳洲可能是要苦苦维持其相关的战略分量。

China's naval chief, Admiral Wu Shengli, said last month his navy would "move faster in researching and building new-generation weapons to boost the ability to fight regional sea wars".


China is upgrading and expanding its fleet of 74 combat ships as well as acquiring new amphibious boats that can transport a battalion group of troops.

中国扩张和升级了 74艘战斗艇,同时装备了新的两栖登陆舰,能输送一个军团的部队。

It is also upgrading its 60-boat submarine fleet, which includes at least two nuclear missile launching vessels, and is believed to be planning an aircraft carrier.


US naval intelligence recently reported a declassified assessment of Chinese submarine activity that found the number of long-distance Chinese submarine patrols rose to 12 last year compared with seven in 2007.


This compares with two patrols in 2006 and none in 2005, showing China's naval ambitions are rapidly expanding, although its submarine activity is still much less than the US, which has in excess of 100 patrols a year.


In November 2007, US military chiefs were caught by surprise when a Chinese submarine surfaced near the supercarrier USS Kitty Hawk in the middle of a US naval exercise.

2007年11月, 美军高层对中国潜艇逼近高正在海军演习中的超级航母Kitty Hawk大吃一惊。

China in March unveiled its official military budget for this year of $US70.24 billion, the latest in nearly two decades of double-digit rises in declared defence spending. Undeclared spending is believed to be substantially higher.


Despite Beijing's attempts to develop a blue-water navy that can project military power far from China's shores, Australia believes will be several decades before it could threaten US dominance in the Pacific.


India is the other Asian power building up long-range strategic naval capabilities in the region.


New Delhi plans to increase the size of its navy by more than 20 per cent by 2017 with plans to include modern aircraft carriers to replace its single, 50-year-old carrier the INS Viraat.

到2017年,新德里计划增强其范围最少20%,计划包括取代原来单一的用了50年的INS Viraat号,换取更现代化的航母。

However, Australia's nearest large neighbour, Indonesia, has not joined the rush to expand its naval reach.


Additional reporting: Geoff Elliott, Stephen Fitzpatrick

傲慢的裁决 发表于 2009-5-8 20:21


lvshuichang 发表于 2009-5-8 20:30


nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-8 20:33


无可就要 发表于 2009-5-8 21:26

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