noonoo 发表于 2009-5-14 10:59

【09.05.14 BBC】奥巴马阻止公布美军虐囚照片

本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2009-5-15 09:21 编辑

Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
noonoo from      
                                               Photos purporting to show prisoner abuse in Iraq were published in 2004
US President Barack Obama has said the release of more photos of prisoner abuse by US soldiers is "of no benefit" and may inflame opinion against the US.


The pictures were not "sensational" and every case of abuse had been dealt with by the military, with action taken where appropriate, he said.


The White House previously said it would not fight a court ruling ordering the release of the pictures.


US civil liberties activists accused Mr Obama of adopting Bush-era policies.


The pictures were due to be released by 28 May, according to the court order.


The order was issued by an appeals court in September 2008, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).


Barack Obama explains why he doesn't want the release of the photos


The US defence department had been preparing to release the images,reportedly taken in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the dispute could now end up before the US Supreme Court.


Speaking outside the White House, Mr Obama said he would not tolerate the abuse of prisoners.


However,he had, he said, directed his legal team to fight the court-ordered release of the photos because he was concerned they might "inflame anti-American opinion and put our troops in greater danger".


The Pentagon had not sought to conceal anything, he added, and appropriate action had been taken against individuals involved in abuses. The president had been advised against publication by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, Centcom commander Gen David Petraeus and the commander of US forces in Iraq, Gen Ray Odierno, a Pentagon official said.

五角大灵敏没有寻求隐瞒任何事情,他接着说,那些个别的虐囚行为已经得到了相应的处理。 总统是听取了国防部长Robert Gates,中央司令部指挥官司Gen David Petraeus及驻伊美军指挥官司 Gen Ray Odierno的建议,阻止公布照片。一位五角大楼的官员说。
       Jonathan Beale, BBC News, Washington

President Obama has clearly concluded that - in this instance - national security trumps transparency.                                       
Thereis no doubt that President Obama will have disappointed some of his supporters - and, let us be honest, they are those on the left.

But he will have reassured many more that his prime concern is the nation's security and the lives of US troops.

You don't have to be a political genius to work out where the sympathies of the mainstream lie.
Reasons behind US-Turn                                             
Send your comments                                                                                                                      
The ACLU said the president's "decision not to release the photographs makes a mockery of President Obama's promise of transparency and accountability".


"It's absolutely essential that these photos be released so the public can examine for itself the torture and abuse that was conducted in its name," ACLU attorney Amrit Singh said.

“公布照片绝对是必需的,这样公众才能自己核查那些以他们的名义所进行的酷刑和虐待”,美国公民自由联盟的代理人Amrit Singh说。

The human rights group Amnesty International also criticised the president's decision, saying human beings had been"tortured and denied basic rights".


But the switch was welcomed by Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican, and Senator Joe Lieberman, an independent.
"The fact that the president reconsidered the decision is a strength not a weakness," they said in a joint statement.

但是共和党员众议员Lindsey Graham和无党派众议员Joe Lieberman对此转变表示欢迎,“总统能重新考虑此决定是件好事,而不是坏事”,他们在联合声明中说。

The BBC's Richard Lister in Washington says that although President Obamahas insisted on the need for open government, it appears that on this issue he has been persuaded that - for now at least - such transparency risks doing more harm than good.

BBC驻华盛顿记者Richard Lister说,尽管奥巴马总统坚持一个开放的政府,但是在此问题上他好像被说服了——至少现在——此事的透明弊大于利。



   but surely, Obama is owning the cover-up of his predecessors'war crimes. But covering up war crimes, refusing to prosecute them,promoting those associated with them, and suppressing evidence of themare themselves violations of Geneva and the UN Convention. So Cheneybegins to successfully co-opt his successor.
The Atlantic Monthly's Andrew Sullivan, an Obama supporter during the election, is                                                      disappointed by the actions of the president he backed.         

                          photos of abuse at Abu Ghraib did aid our enemies and put the livesof US soldiers at risk. We can assume that another round of photoswould have had the same effect. That is, the only salutary effect ofsuch a move would have been to soothe the consciences of Americanliberals who suspect American troops to be war criminals anddesperately want the pictures to prove it... There are elements on theleft that would expose the president to political danger, and thetroops to mortal danger, only to see the last administration implicatedin any kind of abuse. The president should be praised for resistingthose elements.
Neo-conservative Michael Goldfarb, who worked for John McCain during the presidential election,      
hails his former opponent in the Weekly Standard.                           
      'm speculating, but the White House and Pentagon must not havecherished the idea of having their new start in Afghanistan underminedby the release of pictures that would further inflame the Muslim world.That's not a defense of the decision. I think it's a bad one. But it'san ominous decision for reasons that go beyond upholding the spirit ofFOIA.

David Kurtz, at Talking Points Memo,               
thinks that the decision means there is a "long slog ahead" for the US in Afghanistan.      
                            isn't the photos; it is the acts themselves that put US troops indanger. The abuse is widely known among Iraqis, and those inclined toact don't need photographic evidence as justification.
So, argues FireDogLake's Gregg Levine,                                                   

why not publish the photographs?                                        All statements from Barack Obama come with an expiration date. All of them.
Conservative Jim Geraghty, writing in the National Review,                                                   

gives President Obama little credit, although he does back the president's decision.

jundaomc 发表于 2009-5-14 11:21


水溶C 发表于 2009-5-14 13:45


东方红旗 发表于 2009-5-14 19:17


驴驹 发表于 2009-5-15 00:53


天丛云 发表于 2009-5-15 02:24


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-5-15 04:27



无可就要 发表于 2009-5-16 02:10

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