nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-18 11:46

【09.04.23 澳大利亚人报】中国援助也许害了斐济

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-5-18 13:28 编辑

【中文标题】中国援助也许害了斐济【原文标题】China's help may harm Fiji
【登载媒体】The Australian【来源地址】http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25371889-17062,00.html

AS Chinese leaders like to see it, China gives aid without any political strings attached. But when you suddenly start bankrolling a pariah military dictatorship, does that argument really hold any water?


In the year following the 2006 coup in Fiji, Chinese aid pledges increased seven-fold. That is, from about $US23million in 2006 to a staggering $US161 million in 2007. A lot of that aid was not dispersed immediately, but what news escapes from Fiji these days suggests China has kept up its commitment to roll out the promised funds. The Fiji Electricity Authority and theChinese Development Bank signed a $US70 million loan agreement to commence the construction of the Nadarivatu Hydropower project. Chinese loans are also helping to fund other infrastructure projects in Fiji.

在斐济2006年政变以前,中国的援助允诺就增加7倍。换句话说,从2006年的2千3百万美元到2007年令人惊讶的1亿6千1百万美元,许多援助不是马上到位。但是一些来自斐济的消息透露,建议中国维持承诺,放行允诺资金,斐济电力部门和中国开发银行签订了一项7千万美元的借款合同,用来建造Nadarivatu 水电站的基础建设,中国的贷款也援助斐济的其他基础建设。

The relative weight of China's aid program in Fiji is worth noting. Whereas Australia is still the largest aid donor in the Pacific region as a whole, its 2008-09 aid program for Fiji is a rather meagre $26.9million. As the interim regime in Fiji has been isolated by Western nations in an effort to help the people win back their democracy, China has stepped in to fill the donor void.


Although funds from China have yet to make a measurable beneficial impact on Fiji's economy, the symbolism of Chinese aid is important. While the international community has been shunning Fiji's interim government, Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping met Fiji's President Josefa Iloilo and interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama when he visited Nadi on a transit stop on February 9.

经管中国的资金对斐济的经济仍然产生可估量的有益影响,中国象征性的援助也是很重要的,当国家社会疏远斐济过度政府时候,2月9日,中国国家副主席习近平出访时,过境NADI机场中转,会见了斐济总统Josefa Iloilo和过度政府总理.

Frank Bainimarama。Bainimarama's regime has been pursuing a look-north policy since his relations with Australia and New Zealand fell apart after his December 2006 coup. Unlike Australia, New Zealand, the EU and the US, China refuses to comment on the domestic political affairs of other nations. In its dealings with Fiji's interim government, Beijing has not mentioned the importance of democracy nor linked its aid to elections. Bainimarama has portrayed China as Fiji's saviour to his supporters and to Fijians concerned about their next pay cheque.

Frank Bainimarama政权自2006年12月政变以后,发现澳大利亚和新西兰疏远了他,他开始了“望北”政策。不像澳大利亚,新西兰,欧盟,美国,中国拒绝评论别国的内政。作为和斐济过渡政府的交易,北京即不提起民主的重要性,也不把援助和选举挂钩。Frank Bainimarama把北京对他的支持描绘成了斐济人的救世主,同时斐济人也关注他们的下一张现金支票。

Fiji's economy deteriorated rapidly in the first quarter of 2009. A perfect storm of devastating floods in January, the negative impact of the global financial crisis on demand for tourism and exports, and ongoing loss of business confidence following the coup had already hit Fiji before the April 10 abrogation of the constitution made matters much worse. The Reserve Bank of Fiji had already forecast a contraction of the economy; exports and investment were already lower than expected. Official foreign reserves have plummeted to just 2.7 months of import cover.


Fiji's relative size and strategic importance in the Pacific mean that the wider Pacific Islands region will suffer from its economic decline. Preventing the collapse of Fiji's economy is critical not only for Fiji but for the stability of the region. Fiji clearly needs financial assistance, and quickly. But it is important that assistance is provided in a manner that helps the people who need it and does not simply prop up Bainimarama and his coterie.,


China has chosen to step up its aid to Fiji and take on the mantle of major donor. Its track record elsewhere suggests China has neither the will nor capacity to assume responsibility for fixing things if the country implodes. Australian and NZ officials have realised this and recently we have seen the question of China's role in Fiji raised with senior Chinese officials.


If China wants to be taken seriously as a responsible international actor, it needs to behave in a mature way in Fiji. Fiji's interim government will almost certainly request more financial assistance from China to help it respond to its liquidity crisis. China is likely to be willing to help.Beijing knows the Fiji economy is in trouble and, as an investor in the island nation, will be keen to do what it can to help Fiji avert a financial catastrophe. The financial assistance Fiji requires, however, is beyond the capacity of any single donor, even China


Rather than offer more bilateral assistance, China should be encouraged by Australia and others to direct new assistance to Fiji through international financial institutions. This would be consistent with the commitments made by the G20 leaders in London to increase the resources available through the international financial institutions so those institutions can help developing countries cope with the global financial crisis. It would send an important signal to Fiji's interim government that its only option is to deal with the international financial institutions and adopt the disciplines they recommend to stabilise the economy. And it would fit squarely with G20 leaders' efforts to integrate China into co-ordinated responses.


Looking at China's engagement with other regimes (Sudan's and Burma's, for example), the prospect of it changing its approach might seem far-fetched, but Fiji is a little different. Relatively, China doesn't have that much to gain from Fiji. China also wants rewards from Australia (such as approval for resources investments), which offers some room for compromise. For China's policy in Fiji, these changes would have few costs and some important benefits.China doesn't have to be the bad guy in Fiji. If it chooses to deliver its aid through responsible international systems, it has the chance to have a real development impact in Fiji, enhancing its reputation in the region while demonstrating a maturity befitting a great power


Jenny Hayward-Jones is program director of the Myer Foundation Melanesia Program and Fergus Hanson is a research fellow at the Lowy Institute

櫻林花主 发表于 2009-5-18 12:31

本帖最后由 櫻林花主 于 2009-5-18 12:34 编辑





电脑我来了 发表于 2009-5-18 13:01


沧之涛 发表于 2009-5-18 13:03

不干涉别国内政 是对的

seen 发表于 2009-5-18 15:26

【中文标题】中国援助也许害了斐济【原文标题】China's help may harm Fiji
nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-18 11:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


【中文标题】中国援助也许害了斐济【原文标题】China's help may harm Fiji
nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-18 11:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-18 16:00

电脑我来了 发表于 2009-5-18 13:01 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif[/

谁都知道结果是什么了,中国人痛恨,那些盲目跟出去的十多万藏族人痛恨, 那些收留DL的印度人也许也在痛恨


无可就要 发表于 2009-5-18 16:18


liuyu39 发表于 2009-5-18 21:39


天马 发表于 2009-5-18 22:14


忧心 发表于 2009-5-19 00:02


本帖最后由 忧心 于 2009-5-19 00:05 编辑


logo0 发表于 2009-5-19 13:18

忧心 发表于 2009-5-19 00:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

皇甫延 发表于 2009-5-19 15:58

忧心 发表于 2009-5-19 00:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif+1

sxmm2006 发表于 2009-5-20 14:32

太屁精了!!!不还意思 说反了呵呵呵

傲慢的裁决 发表于 2009-5-20 21:07


zhubin777 发表于 2009-5-20 22:25


浊世澈心 发表于 2009-5-22 09:55



sam712 发表于 2009-5-22 10:10

本帖最后由 sam712 于 2009-5-22 10:15 编辑

忧心 发表于 2009-5-19 00:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



sam712 发表于 2009-5-22 10:11


他难道还要求没有民主自由、没有所谓大选的中国去帮助引导威胁人家民主和选举???!!! ...
浊世澈心 发表于 2009-5-22 09:55 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


yqqq13 发表于 2009-5-22 20:42


范美江 发表于 2009-5-23 06:09

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