nbnbren 发表于 2009-5-19 17:43

【09.05.18 澳大利亚人报】中国发觉(澳洲现任总理)陆克文比(前任)霍华德“更难弄”

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-5-20 17:58 编辑

【原文标题】China finds Rudd 'more difficult' than Howard

INTERNATIONAL analysts in China are starting to claim that Beijing is finding it difficult to deal with Kevin Rudd, and the Chinese leadership was more comfortable with John Howard than the current Prime Minister.


The claim, from one of China's most influential security experts, comes as the federal Opposition starts to break away from the bipartisanship on China, with Malcolm Turnbull taking a different approach on investment and on security.

这声明,来自中国有重要影响的安全专家,就像来自于联邦政府反对党开始放弃两党在中国问题上的合作, Malcolm Turnbull(反对党领导人)在中国投资和安全防护问题上持不同建议。

Controversies have swirled around the Australia-China relationship this year, including the $26billion Chinalco bid for 18 per cent of Rio Tinto, the defence white paper's focus on China's military rise, the unheralded visit of propaganda chief Li Changchun and Chinese-Australian businesswoman Helen Liu's sponsorship of Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon. Zhu Feng, deputy director of the School of International Studies at Beijing University and a frequent consultant to the Chinese Government and corporate sector, said: "When Mr Rudd was elected, there was an expectation that a more intimate relationship between the countries would result, because he knows China so well and speaks Chinese.

今年,澳中关系一直是争论的中心,包括260亿美元的中铝增资Rio Tinto到18%的股份,国防白皮书针对中国的军力提升,中国宣传部门领导李长春到澳洲秘而不宣的访问。

华裔澳洲女商人刘海伦对国防部长Joel Fitzgibbon.赞助到中国的参观,朱峰,北大国际关系学院读副主任,经常给中国政府和合作部门出谋划策,他说“当路克文当选时,有期望两个关系会更亲密,因为他了解中国,也能讲中国话”

"But it has remained just at the commercial level. Bilateral relations as a whole are still far from intimate; they are undeveloped. We haven't even agreed a strategic partnership, in the way we have with 24 other countries."


Professor Zhu said the Howard government had got China excited briefly, when foreign minister Alexander Downer indicated Canberra would not necessarily join the US in coming to Taiwan's support if attacked. But the relationship then settled down a comfortable but economically driven track, he said.

朱教授,说霍华德政府给了中国一个激动人心的概念,当时外交部长Alexander Downer指出堪培拉没有必要在台湾受到攻击时和美国一起支持台湾,关系渐渐趋缓,经济走向轨道,

He described China as "a lonely power", which was "looking for some form of international intimacy".


"We truly want Australia, which we view as a middle power, to play a bigger role internationally," he said.


"I think Mr Rudd's proposal for an Asia-Pacific community is brilliant, and has earned solid support from China. But there has been no follow-up. Nothing substantial is happening to take it further."


He said that "perhaps we should focus on Mr Rudd as a politician".


"He offers words that can be very touching, but may not be taken too seriously," he said.


"We hope that the Kevin Rudd administration can move in a balanced way between Tokyo and Beijing, but strategic co-operation between Canberra and Tokyo seems to be getting deeper."


He said that Mr Rudd "came up with a lot of thoughts".


"But how to put them into effect? Maybe he's just too much entangled in domestic politics," he said.


Beijing is watching with some concern the differences developing between the Government and the Opposition over China, after a lengthy period of virtual consensus.


The Opposition Leader in a speech to the Lowy Institute earlier this month criticised the Prime Minister's push for China to have a greater say in the International Monetary Fund.


"Those who seek to earn brownie points by flattering or favouring a great power are at risk of being seen as doing no more than what is expected, at worst as showing weakness," Mr Turnbull said. "I was disappointed, therefore, by the manner of Mr Rudd's recent very public advocacy of China having a larger shareholding in the IMF.

Turnbul先生说“ 那些想通过奉承和讨好有势力的得到好果子吃,在冒看到见的风险,做那些期望的东西,最不好的就是示弱,我很失望,由于路克文先生最近的关于中国要在IMF获得更多股份而进行的过分的公开鼓吹。

"On his most recent trip to New York, he became so seized by the imperative of greater global engagement with China that he forgot he had a great story to tell American audiences about the strength, stability and security of our own economy and financial system."


The Liberal leader added: "It makes no sense for Australia in 2009 to base its long-term strategic policy on the highly contentious proposition that Australia is on an inevitable collision course with a militarily aggressive China.


"The Prime Minister would have been wiser, and stayed closer to the facts, if he had avoided rhetoric about an Asian 'arms race'."


Professor Zhu is concerned that the controversy over Chinalco's move on Rio Tinto risks undermining the relationship. He warned of the danger of a backlash in China if the deal were rejected.

朱教授关切关于中铝增资Rio Tinto引起的争论有破坏双边关系的危险。他警告如果交易破裂,将在中国引起反弹。

Australia's defence white paper, released this month, warned that China's military modernisation might "give its neighbours cause for concern if not carefully explained".


However, the white paper had not yet been the subject of substantial discussion in China, Professor Zhu said.


"At heart, however, Beijing will not feel very comfortable with the paper's positions," he said.


"He offers words that can be very touching, but may not be taken too seriously," he said.

前半句的意思是:他的话听起来可能很感人/动人。 ...
squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-5-20 08:18 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

liuyu39 发表于 2009-5-20 08:09

自由贸易?世界是平的,全球化,呵呵 人的自利心不除,傻瓜才会信

squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-5-20 08:18

"He offers words that can be very touching, but may not be taken too seriously," he said.


greatwang 发表于 2009-5-23 16:13

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