johnsonpersonal 发表于 2009-5-29 01:12


本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-5-29 11:44 编辑

【原文标题】New Zealand rolls back tax-cut promise
New Zealand rolls back tax-cut promise
By Peter Smith in Sydney
Peter Smith于悉尼报道
John Key, New Zealand prime minister, was forced on Thursday to break a key pledge of his successful election campaign six months ago as his government set aside plans to cut income taxes in its new budget to protect the recession-hit nation‘s credit rating from the effects of ballooning public debt.
John Key,新西兰的总理,被迫在星期四打破了其6个月前成功选举运动的誓言,因为其政府在其新的预算中把减少收入税的计划搁置,以保护受经济衰退打击的该国膨胀的公共债务信用等级。

Delivering the country’s first budget since the conservative National party won office in November, Bill English, finance minister, warned that 15 years of government surpluses would likely be followed by a “decade of deficits”.
在上一年11月,国家保守党赢得大选以来,提出该国第一个预算方案,Bill English,财政部长,警告说,15年以来的政府盈余很有可能跟随着就是“10年的赤字”

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