rlsrls08 发表于 2009-5-30 10:39

【09.05.29 英国新闻公报】因西藏访谈节目BBC信托批评"今日"

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-31 08:21 编辑

【原文标题】BBC Trust raps Today programme over Tibet interview
【登载媒体】Press Gazette英国新闻公报

BBC Trust raps Today programme over Tibet interview


The BBC Trust has ruled that Radio 4's Today programme breached impartiality guidelines when it interviewed an academic about Tibet without mentioning his political affiliation.

英国广播公司信托(BBC Trust, BBC的监管机构)裁定,第四电台(Radio 4)的"今日"节目违反了公正的指导方针,在就西藏问题采访一个学者时没有提及他的政治倾向。

Professor Barry Sautman of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology appeared on Radio 4's flagship morning news programme last March to discuss the demonstrations taking place in Tibet.

香港科技大学教授Barry Sautman去年3月份出现在第四电台的的旗舰-早晨新闻节目,讨论发生在西藏的示威活动。

One listener complained that Sautman, who is unsympathetic to the Tibetan independence movement, was introduced only by his name and university, and it had not been made clear what his political stance was.


The BBC's editorial guidelines state: "We should not automatically assume that academics and journalists from other organisations are impartial and make it clear to our audience when contributors are associated with a particular viewpoint."


The Trust's editorial standards committee said it was "appropriate for the programme to have presented a perspective that accorded with that of the Chinese government in order to provide balance".

信托公司的编辑标准委员会说,“节目给出了与中国政府一致的一个观点以提供平衡是恰当的” 。

It said that while many people would disagree with Sautman, he was a credible choice of interviewee, as he has published many books on the subject of Tibet under Chinese rule.


But it partially upheld the complaint, agreeing that Sautman's political views should have been mentioned when he was introduced.



维基百科解释: "今日"是英国广播公司(BBC)第四电台(Radio 4)的长期运行的清晨新闻和时事节目,广播时间是周一到周五上午6-9点,周六上午7-9点。这是第四电台最流行的节目,也是BBC广播网最流行的节目之一。 它包括定期的新闻简报,严肃但往往对抗性的政治访谈和深度报道。它通常被认为是英国最有影响力的新闻节目。 据英国广播公司统计节目听众达660万。

Today, sometimes referred to as the Today programme to avoid ambiguity, is BBC Radio 4's long-running early morning news and current affairs programme, which is now broadcast from 6am to 9am from Monday to Friday and from 7am to 9am on Saturdays. It is also the most popular programme on Radio 4 and one of the BBC's most popular programmes across its radio networks. It consists of regular news bulletins, serious but often confrontational political interviews and in-depth reports. It is generally considered to be the most influential news programme in Britain. According to a BBC press release the show has 6.6 million listeners.


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-5-30 10:40


jundaomc 发表于 2009-5-30 10:58

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-5-30 10:40 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
谢谢A C伟大的编译;

耳冉子 发表于 2009-5-30 11:34



支持一下 发表于 2009-5-30 16:00

呵呵 政治立场优先

hzxswyg 发表于 2009-6-8 17:53


千年明月 发表于 2009-6-8 18:35

hzxswyg 发表于 2009-6-8 17:53 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif在这个世界上,在报道与政治有关的议题时,真正的“客观公正”根本不存在,即使是自我标榜“公正”的西方媒体。每个新闻记者和新闻从业者都是活生生的人,每个人都有自己特定的政治倾向,决定了他们必然会按自己的倾向和想法、意愿去报道、去评论。
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