rlsrls08 发表于 2009-6-9 11:34

【09.06.08 福克斯新闻】在中国被隔离的纳金的电话被审查‘以确保他的安全’

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-6-9 13:03 编辑

【原文标题】Nagin's Phone Calls Screened 'to Keep Him Safe' While Quarantined in China
【登载媒体】Fox News美国福克斯新闻

Nagin's Phone Calls Screened 'to Keep Him Safe' While Quarantined in China

The mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, is under lockdown in a suburban Shanghai hotel after a passenger on his flight from the U.S. exhibited symptoms of swine flu -- and now his Chinese hosts are screening his calls "to keep him safe."

由于他从美国飞往中国的航班上一名乘客出现猪流感的症状,新奥尔良市长雷纳金目前正在上海郊区的酒店被隔离。现在他的中国主人审查他的电话以“确保他的安全 ”。

By Carolynne Wheeler
Monday, June 08, 2009

BEIJING -- They take their quarantines very, very seriously in China. They don't even allow phone calls.

北京---中国非常非常认真地对待隔离。 他们甚至不允许你打电话。

The mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, is under lockdown in a suburban Shanghai hotel after a passenger on his flight from the U.S. exhibited symptoms of swine flu -- and now his Chinese hosts are screening his calls "to keep him safe."

由于他从美国飞往中国的航班上一名乘客出现猪流感的症状,新奥尔良市长雷纳金目前正在上海郊区的酒店被隔离。现在他的中国主人审查他的电话以“确保他的安全 ”。

Nagin and his wife Seletha have been in quarantine since Sunday, along with a member of the mayor's executive protection team, after they had the misfortune of sitting within a few rows of a French student now confirmed ill with the A-H1N1 virus on their flight from the U.S.


Officials at the hotel where Nagin is quarantined, the Jinjiang Inn in Shanghai's Nanhui district, have refused even to pass on telephone messages without the permission of the city's Disease Control and Prevention Office. They, in turn, handed requests over to the municipal foreign affairs department, which yesterday claimed no knowledge of the case.

在纳金被隔离的上海南汇区的锦江饭店,因没有市流感防控工作小组的许可,当地官员甚至拒绝传达口信。 他们把要求报告给上海市的外事部门,但昨天外事部门声称不知道这一回事。

"We have to keep him safe," said a woman who said she was acting as a translator at the hotel.

一个貌似酒店翻译的女人说:“我们必须确保他的安全。 ”

Ceeon D. Quiett, Nagin's director of communications, said in a statement Sunday that the three were symptom-free and "being treated with utmost courtesy by Chinese officials." But she couldn't say how long they'll be forced to stay in the hotel, which is a designated city quarantine site. Quarantine measures in China typically last seven days.

星期天纳金的交流负责人Ceeon D. Quiett在一份声明中说,这三个人没有流感的症状,“得到中方官员极其礼貌的待遇。 ”但她不知道他们将被迫留在酒店多长时间,这是一个指定的检疫站点。 在中国隔离措施通常持续7天。

Nagin had planned several days of trade-related meetings in China followed by a flight to Sydney, Australia, where he is to give a speech on climate change at a university summit.


China now has 80 confirmed cases of swine flu, including 10 in Shanghai. An Associated Press reporter was quarantined in the same hotel last month after his flight made a brief stopover in Mexico. Will Weissert described ample if greasy food, twice-daily temperature checks, limited English-language television and considerable boredom, which he said was his biggest inconvenience.

中国现在有80个猪流感的确诊病例,其中上海10个。 上个月一名美联社记者Will Weisser被隔离在同一酒店,因为他的航班在墨西哥短暂停留。他认为最大的不方便是大量油腻的食物,每日两次体温检查,极少和无聊的英语电视节目。

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-6-9 11:40












  据外交部表示,正在向有关部门核实情况。(记者谢来 吴鹏)

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-6-9 12:55

Some comments:

I wonder if the Chinese will keep Nagin if we give them GM? We can even throw in Pelosi and Obama to sweeten the deal! Or maybe the Chinese already have too many communists...
我好奇中国会不会留著纳金如果我们把通用汽车公司给他们? 为了更诱人一点,我们甚至可以把配洛西和奥巴马也加上!! 或者在中国已经有太多的共产党员了...

I hope Nagin survives and learns something. I doubt the latter. Once a person goes down the road of rationalization as a lifestyle, they tend to require a tremendous shock (like Charles Lindbergh got in Sept 1940) to change their thinking.

Peanut Head stuck in China LOL truly doesn't his head look like a peanut. The man is a racist, I use to live in New Orleans on the West Bank but now it's all gangs and violence. Such a beautiful place is NO LONGER SAFE! Remember his famous words "At the end of the day New Orleans will be chocolate". So what's that keep the white folks and Mexicans out. The city was stunned when Mexican workers came to New Orleans to help rebuild. Police there don't speak Spanish. Good luck New Orleans I do miss you.

Hey Ray, Down in New Orleens you might be a big shot, but in China you are just another porch monkey

Hey China, We'll forgive all that poisonous drywall you sent us after Katrina if you KEEP this silly little maggot. Well, not forever--just until May when we can vote this fool out.

For God's sake, KEEP HIM.

keycall North Carolina - the way I see it, this country was actually United, until the election period. Dems/ Liberals are the ones whining about race, sexual orintation and the works. Nagin is only a mayor why is he using the taxpayers money to travel? Who paid for his wife. Answering your question, YES this country is that divided thanks to the super star and his followers. In fact Obama is not doing anything to united this country. Nagin is associated with $8 billion dollar that was supposed to be for NO, but it disappeared. Now hardly anyone remembers this

What in the world is this IDIOT doing in China anyway? Why are the American Taxpayers paying for him to fly there? He is a governor, there is no reason in the world that he needs to be in China. He needs to be at home taking care of New Orleans, oh wait! He is not capable of that. What an idiot. Recently Gov.Grahm Cracker went over seas too to the middle east to talk about how to better Michigan. Do these Democrat Governors think we are stupid? I call for an inquiry and for their schedules to become public. There is no reason during a time that we are in that our Governors should be traveling over seas. If it is that important, then have them come to us, they can afford it, we are getting by by the skin of our teeth here in our Country and it is UNACCEPTABLE for these Governors to be doing this. So whatever Nagin gets is what he gets.

Who is he going to blame that on? Bush? He can't even run a city, what is he doing in China?


heracules 发表于 2009-6-9 14:54

中国真new bee

yangshu314 发表于 2009-6-9 18:32


olgacheung 发表于 2009-6-9 18:54


rainne 发表于 2009-6-9 18:56


veld 发表于 2009-6-10 17:10


gloria0725 发表于 2009-6-10 17:21


范美江 发表于 2009-6-10 19:59


squirrelnyc 发表于 2009-6-11 03:50

Some comments:

I wonder if the Chinese will keep Nagin if we give them GM? We can even throw in Pelosi and Obama to sweeten the deal! Or maybe the Chinese already have too many communists...
我好奇 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-6-9 12:55 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

是fox news网站上的留言吧?那应该都是共和党保守派了,也不是什么好鸟。不过有几条是满搞笑的。

向左微倾 发表于 2009-6-11 10:01


阿锐 发表于 2009-6-11 12:47

yangshu314 发表于 2009-6-9 18:32 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


calmvoca 发表于 2009-6-12 01:14

yangshu314 发表于 2009-6-9 18:32 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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