顾凯 发表于 2009-6-10 13:42

【温总理震怒】 敌特如此破坏 国家的海外重点工程被迫停工

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-6-15 10:41 编辑

原文链接 #地板========版=主=编=辑==========================
(一)重点工程Q47) 巴布亚新几内亚的瑞木镍矿是中冶集团投资14亿美元的世界级大型红土镍矿,是目前中国在海外(除石油以外)最大的资源投资项目。中冶集团自2003年开始进入巴新市场并跟踪瑞木项目,开始进行现场考察和初步的项目论证。2004年2月,在总理温家宝与巴新总理迈克•索马雷爵士共同见证下,与巴新政府及合作方签订了项目的合作框架协议。项目运营期限为40年,生产规模为年产5.8万吨镍钴硫化物,折合金属镍为3.2万吨,金属钴为0.33万吨。项目位于巴新东北部马丹省,矿石资源储量约为1.43亿吨,其中已探明及可控的资源储量超过0.78亿吨。项目由露天开采、管道矿浆输送、高压酸浸湿法冶炼和深海尾矿排放等主体工艺和配套设施组成。Q47) 镍是有延展性的铁磁性硬金属,能够高度磨光和抗腐蚀。主要用于合金及催化剂,是航天军工的重要资源。该项目将大大缓解我国镍资源的供应不足,对相关行业的发展具有重要的战略意义。当中国工程师2006年抵达巴布亚新几内亚考察时,他们不得不艰难地穿越热带丛林,一路上还要躲避毒蛇和蚊子。不到3年之后,一连串小型中国城出现在丛林。曾经的蛮荒之地如今已到处是中国工人。这着实不易。(二)祸从天降Q62) 但是,躲在阴暗角落里的敌特分子也在行动。Q62) 2008年11月3日凌晨,300多名警察与劳工移民官员包围矿区总部,抓走了84名中国工程人员,并收缴了全部的证件文件和钱物,包括国家机密。当地媒体(《Post-Courier》11月6日)报道:)11月5日,警察在职工宿舍抓了另外41名中国工程人员。之后,警察又拉网式抓人。最后,包括中冶镍矿的223个中国技术人员被捕,178个被正式起诉。行动的总指挥和总后勤川岛志明警官就是一个自称满洲皇族的台湾特务。川岛志明一伙还登报宣传,说:“中国人几乎都是非法的。”在巴布亚新几内亚有个台湾商会,会长吴福财(满洲人,获PNG国籍),系情报人员。1999年曾策动台湾/巴布亚新几内亚"邦交",安排巴新领导人与李登辉会面。虽然"邦交"闹剧才维持几十天,但青天自日旗也挂起,影响十分恶劣。经常拉拢策反我们大陆人士,刺探情报,贿买PNG警政官员。魏志明(Wei Chih-Ming:台湾护照正式名字)是他外甥,魏后来获PNG国籍。改姓爱新-觉罗(Qi Ming Alxinjerou:巴布亚新几内亚护照正式名字),对外叫川岛志明。(三)敌特破坏Q10) 巴布亚新几内亚政府没有钱,用飞机调动如此多的人员谈何容易,选矿厂位于高山山脚的河边,在海湾设有冶炼厂,所处位置偏僻,光135公里的矿浆管道就知道那次拉网行动的代价了,那里连公路、桥梁、码头也没有。谁出的钱?2006年吴福财的堂弟吴思财诈骗台外交黑帐十亿新台币,部分赃款已经流入巴布亚新几内亚从事反华活动,他们都是反华铁杆分子。Q10) 2008年11月7日晚,川岛志明伙同郑而琴(福建女蛇头),在首都莫尔兹比港大摆庆功宴,犒赏部分凯旋而归的“功臣”。当地媒体(《Post-Courier》12月24日)报道:178个被正式起诉的中国技术人员全部被法院无罪释放。瑞姆镍矿的副总经理吴雪峰表示,中国技术人员被抓离后,车辆被原住民毁损,工人的住宿楼和厂区设施也受到大面积破坏。以致于工程一不断延期,导致建设项目被迫停工,损失惨重。惊动了中央军委和国务院!


lvshuichang 发表于 2009-6-10 14:41


小麦子 发表于 2009-6-10 15:11


顾凯 发表于 2009-6-10 17:48

Court frees Chinese miners (http://www.postcourier.com.pg/20081224/wehome.htm]www.postcourier.com.pg/20081224/wehome.htm)

THE 178 non-citizens apprehended in a special joint operation conducted by government officers are free, and can continue working at the Ramu nickel mine.
The special operation was conducted by officers from the Department of Labour, Migration and officers from the Trans-National Crime.
It followed reports alleging foreigners were entering the country and working at the mine without following proper immigration processes and without work permits.
There were also allegations levelled against responsible departments for non-performance.
This decision was handed down by the Chief Magistrate John Numapo at the Madang District Court last Wednesday in Madang.
Attempts to talk to Mr Numapo were unsuccessful yesterday.
However, Senior Magistrate Jacob Sareng said from Madang that the court ruling was based on evidence tabled in court.
Mr Sereng confirmed Mr Numapo found the Chinese workers apprehended during the special operations at the mine site were allowed into the country through a government to government agreement.
Learning they were actually working in the country with proper permits and were not illegally in the country as branded by Papua New Guinea officials,?Mr Sereng said.
He said this was kind of an inter-arrangement where they were allowed to come into country on tourist and business visas with the knowledge that their work permits and visas would be processed within six or seven months but that had not been the case.
Mr Sereng said the District Court found that since it has a government to government arrangement, the failure lay on the part of the department and people who were responsible for enforcing the arrangement and that it was seen to take effect.
Mr Sereng said Mr Numapo ruled after hearing submissions from both parties that:
THE informations against the defendants of each and severally as attached were withdrawn;
THE defendants each and severally were discharged;
ALL bail money by defendants each and severally were refunded; and
BAIL conditions imposed as part of the bail be lifted.
The operation which was conducted early last month took centre stage the officers apprehended the non-citizens for allegedly breaching of our country's labour and immigration laws.

84 ‘illegal’ miners(postcourier.com.pg/20081105/news01.htm)
A JOINT special operation with officers from the Labour and Foreign Affairs departments and members of the Trans-National Crime unit detained 84 Chinese at the Ramu nickel mine, in Madang Province.
The employees, all from mainland China were handed to police in Madang yesterday and charged with breaching Papua New Guinea immigration and labour laws.
It was discovered many of the non-citizens were employees of ENFI, a company contracted by the developer of the nickel mine, MCC.
The operation followed reports in recent weeks on allegedly illegal foreigners entering PNG to work in the multi-million-kina project.
Last night, Ramu nickel project manager Wu Xeufeng asked for more understanding and cooperation.
He urged that all find ways to a constructive solution. “We as always would be fully cooperative with the government agency to address these working issues’’.
The special operation which started in the early hours of Monday at the camp site saw 57 detained while 27 more were apprehended yesterday morning at their work stations.
The special operation was confirmed by officers from the three law enforcing agencies that it was the first of its kind on the mining site.
A senior labour officer said MCC management were always reminded of the consequences of breaching PNG’s labour and foreign affairs laws and they should not be surprised at the presence of the officers from the three organisations. He said all the Chinese apprehended there were working illegally as they did not have work permits and visas while some were employed on business visas or with expired business visas.
The officer said among those caught were two women whose business visas expired a few months ago.
The operation was conducted by head count and ID cards confiscated by the officers were cross checked against the records of the non-citizen employees working in the mine.
Most of those apprehended came into the country as engineers and technicians but were working on site as drivers, cooks, cleaners and carpenters. One was employed on site as a doctor although the records with the foreign work permit division identified him as an engineer.
The officers said it was very clear under the Foreign Employment Act, that “you can not be employed while you are on a business visa and the conditions governing the business visa is strictly employment prohibited’’.
RAMU nickel mine management last night defended their position on employment of Chinese nationals at the mine, after a raid by government officers.
Foreign Affairs and Labour officers, plus staff from the transnational crime unit, detained 84 Chinese on the mine site over two days.
The workers were taken to Madang town and handed to police who charged all of them with breaches of our immigration and labour laws.
Project manager Wu Xeufeng said in a statement that there were about 800 expatriates currently at the mine site.
The project had been granted more than 850 working visas and more than 900 working permits by the PNG Government, he said.
“While trying to fast track the project construction, we lost no time in complying with the requirement to submit requested information for working permits and working visas,’’ he said.
“In recent meeting with the Labour Department, we were encouraged that it was acknowledged that there are a number of essential and urgent project skills (for example, special welding technicians for the pipeline) that are scant in the project area and PNG and must be outsourced.’’
Mr Wu said the company was concerned that there wer more than 200 work permit and work visa applications that had been held for long times at government agencies, some for up to a year.
“We would strongly urge the government agencies to speed up the process,’’ he said.
“It should also be noted that it is impractical (and impossible given the current processing timeline we have experienced) to arrange and obtain working visa for certain groups of personnel, for example, among the site employees that have been identified only holding business visa, there are site visiting experts and equipment commissioning/debugging and maintenance technicians who are urgently required on ad hoc missions but they would only stay there for one or two weeks.’’
Mr Wu said the project was progressing well in construction and should be completed on schedule next year.

3# 小麦子

historypc 发表于 2009-6-11 10:49

4# 顾凯


好莱坞出品:007系列之 能源危机
中国出品   :大矿厂 (电视剧,40集,从清末讲到新中国,再讲到非洲,讲到矿,讲到领导人,最后以领导人英明伟大结尾。)

historypc 发表于 2009-6-11 10:52






顾凯 发表于 2009-6-14 15:56

台十亿(2.5亿人民币)外交丑闻越滚越大(2008年05月06日 16:59凤凰卫视)
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