KenMartin 发表于 2009-6-13 17:00

【09.06.10 今日美国】更多的学生加入免费午餐项目

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-13 23:46 编辑

【原文标题】More students on free lunch programs
【登载媒体】USA Today
【来源地址】 `5 W5

WASHINGTON — Nearly 20 million children now receive free or reduced-price lunches in the nation's schools, an all-time high, federal data show, and many school districts are struggling to cover their share of the meals' rising costs.


Through February, nationwide enrollment in free school lunch programs was up 6.3% over the same time last year, to 16.5 million students, based on data from the U.S. Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), which subsidizes the programs.


Participation in reduced-price lunch programs rose to 3.2 million students, the data show.


MORE: School systems juggle cost of free lunches


Demand in some states has climbed at an even greater rate: Enrollment in free lunch programs jumped almost 17% in California, and several states — Arizona, New Jersey, Utah and Vermont — also saw more than 10% growth.


Many new enrollees are believed to be first-timers from families hit by the recession, says FNS Administrator Julie Paradis.

许多新加入者被认为是对受经济不景气冲击的家族的雪中送炭,FNS官员茱丽叶 帕拉迪斯称。

"These programs are intended to expand when the need is greater ... and we're pleased that they're working," she adds.


"But certainly there are additional costs, and that is a concern at a time of scarce resources. Our state and local partners are stretched."



更多的故事来自:乔治 米勒

In Jackson, Miss., where 86% of all students qualify for free or reduced-price meals, "some of our students show up for breakfast and haven't had anything to eat since lunch the day before," says Mary Hill, executive director of food services.

在86%的学生有资格拥有免费或减价的午餐的Jackson中,“一些学生在早餐之前就只有在前一天中午的午餐可以吃,”玛丽 希尔,食品服务的负责人说。

The federal government pays schools $2.57 for each free lunch served. (Reimbursement for reduced-price lunches is lower to account for the share paid by students.)


But the average food and labor cost for each meal is about $2.92, says the School Nutrition Association, which represents school lunch directors.


School systems pay the balance, sometimes with state help, and those costs are exploding, says association President Katie Wilson, director of meal programs for Onalaska, Wis., schools.

学校系统支付这个差价,有时候州政府会帮忙,这些支出是爆炸性的,协会主席凯蒂 威尔森说,她是午餐计划在Onalaska,Wis的负责人。

Increased demand, rising food prices and insufficient federal reimbursements are "a perfect storm," Wilson says.


"We absolutely want every eligible student to participate, but schools are losing money on every meal."


Preliminary school lunch data for March suggest that February's record demand may be dipping slightly.


Still, Congress should give "serious consideration" to boosting the federal subsidy during the reauthorization this fall of the Child Nutrition Act, says Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who chairs the House Education and Labor Committee.

但是国会仍然应该给予“严重的关注”来提高联邦针对儿童营养行动计划的补贴。乔治 米勒称,他代表家庭教育和劳动委员会。

"For millions of children, this is the nutritional safety net."

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