顾凯 发表于 2009-6-13 17:22


Q64) 今年5月起巴布亚新几内亚各大城市发生当地人哄抢中国人商铺事件。据了解,多家华侨华人商铺被抢,造成一定经济损失,镍矿中国工人被反华急先锋的川岛志明警官煽动起的暴民打伤,有的颅脑外伤,脾脏破裂,眼睛重伤,全身是伤,送回国内救治。马朝旭介绍说,中国政府高度重视在巴新中资机构和中国公民安全。

Q64) 22日起,中国公安机关已成立四人专案组, 走访当事人,收集证据材料,对事件进行调查。根据举报,包括驻巴布亚新几内亚大使魏瑞兴的许多人物均已纳入视线中。2008年11月3日凌晨起,300多名警察与劳工移民官员包围温家宝总理批准的投资14亿美元的瑞木镍矿矿区进行拉网式抓人,共抓走223个中国技术人员,并收缴了全部的证件和钱物,包括国家机密文件。其中178人以触犯《雇佣法案》被非法起诉,尽管巴新劳工部秘书长戴维•蒂普登报声明,按《雇佣法案》16条A款规定,只有劳工部秘书长本人有权起诉。镍矿的副总经理吴雪峰表示,中国技术人员被抓离后,车辆被原住民毁损,工人的住宿楼和厂区设施也受到大面积破坏。以致于工程一不断延期,导致建设项目被迫停工,损失惨重。

Q64) 这次行动得到了巴新警察总监巴克的批准,其总指挥和总后勤川岛志明警官就是一个自称满洲皇族的台湾特务。川岛志明一伙还宣传说:“老共要用镍来造飞弹。”最后,178个被起诉的中国技术人员全部被法院无罪释放。但是,中国驻巴布亚新几内亚大使不但不抗议,还用人民的纳税钱去慰劳川岛志明一伙警察。

Q64) 据中国驻巴布亚新几内亚使馆网站报道:2月23日,驻巴布亚新几内亚大使魏瑞兴向巴新警察总署捐赠一批电脑和打印机等办公设备。巴新警察总监巴克、助理警察总监瑞乌、曼吉、警察总署培训部长尼基、通讯部主任考伦等高级警官和巢小良政务参赞等使馆有关官员出席捐赠仪式,魏大使在发言中回顾了中国使馆和巴新警方长期以来的友好合作关系,高度评价巴克总监就任以来对使馆工作的积极支持,并希望此次捐赠的电脑设备有助于提高巴新警察总部和警察学院的信息化办公水平、培训质量和日常工作效能。魏大使还表示,中国政府高度重视维护中国公民在海外的合法权益和生命财产安全,希望巴新警方严格遵循《维也纳领事关系公约》,为中国使馆行使领事保护职责提供必要支持和协助。巴克总监代表巴新警察总署对中国政府和中国使馆的无私援助表示诚挚的感谢。巴克表示,巴新警方同中国使馆长期保持着良好的工作关系,此次的设备捐赠对进一步加强双方关系具有重要意义。巴克总监希望中巴新警方加强人员和技术方面的交流,以进一步促进中巴新互利合作关系的健康发展。

Q64) 根据群众举报,平时中国驻巴布亚新几内亚大使馆人员经常在饭店里接受川岛志明和郑而琴的宴请。

Q64) 由于巴布亚新几内亚原为澳大利亚殖民地,按协议,有部分澳大利亚联邦警察长驻,负责边境和反恐,2009年3月29日夜,澳大利亚顾问配合特警摧毁了川岛志明和郑而琴开的其中一家非法赌场/妓院。当《信使邮报》关于此事采访巴克总监时,巴克总监竟说川岛志明就是他本人特招进来的对付“中国黑帮”的。全文如下 :

Crime ring hit(postcourier.com.pg/20090402/news01.htm)By MOHAMMAD BASHIR
NINETEEN people, alleged to be members of an Asian crime syndicate, were arrested in Port Moresby and charged with engaging in prostitution and illegal gambling.
The 19 suspects, mostly men and women of Chinese origin, were picked up in a dawn raid at Gordon last Saturday. The joint operation involved police, Internal Revenue Commission, the National Intelligence Organisation and the Australian Federal Police task force agents attached to the Trans National Crime Unit.The Trans National Crime Unit is also keeping surveillance over a woman of Chinese origin (郑而琴)who was deported in 2004 for the same crime but re-entered Papua New Guinea and is back in business.According to reports yesterday, an initial 30 people were questioned at the Fu Gui Restaurant compound and the 19 people were arrested and charged with various transnational crimes including illegal casino gambling and engaging in prostitution. The suspects were formally charged on Monday and locked up at the Boroko police cells before they were released on K1000 bail each. LATER in the day, they appeared at the Boroko District Court for mention and were released. Police are preparing their files and will set a time for their appearance in court. Police Commissioner Gari Baki acknowledged the arrests when contacted yesterday but could not elaborate as he had not been fully briefed by his men.He also acknowledged that the wife of a deportee Zhubiao Chen who was made “persona non grata’ and deported in 2004 by the then Foreign Minister Sir Rabbi Namaliu, was back in the country and police were keeping tabs on her.The woman is alleged to be one of the masterminds of the Mafia ring operating illegal casinos and brothels in Port Moresby.The police investigators also confiscated all gambling equipment, books and money at the compound which were taken into the state’s custody as exhibits.Mr Baki said senior organised crime unit officer, Qi Ming of Asian origin (川岛志明)but a naturalised citizen, was employed through the proper recruitment process following a newspaper advertisement and was the only candidate when the position was vacant.He was reacting to allegations about Mr Qi’s supposed associations with people in the gaming and other industries.The allegations were initially raised by a PNG woman (named) and were forwarded to the Commissioner’s office, claiming among others, that Mr Qi was connected to two deportees who leased and owned a gambling operation in the same premises and their mafia kingdom. In a related report from IRC senior auditor and investigator Brian Lilywhite, at the time the multiple millionaire woman and her husband were joint owners and directors of a business purporting to be a restaurant, a company which had reportedly engaged in business without a IPA foreign certification and also had evaded paying almost K500,000 in taxes to the state, forcing IRC to recover the money through court. Mr Lilywhite was sidelined from his task of auditing Asian mafia business and the matter had been reportedly swept under the carpet.In 2005, a Malaysian mafia leader Michael Kim was also deported by Sir Rabbie Namaliu after he was convicted of operating a casino at the same premises.

pheily 发表于 2009-6-13 18:04


顾凯 发表于 2009-6-13 22:52

哀求对方: "希望巴新警方严格遵循《维也纳领事关系公约》,为中国使馆行使领事保护职责提供必要支持和协助。"    2# pheily
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