nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:24

【09.06.16 悉尼晨锋报】中国给Goodman公司注入现金

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-17 21:22 编辑

【原文标题】China pumps cash into Goodman

Global industrial property fund Goodman Group has shored up its longer-term future through a cash and options deal with the China Investment Corp that will see a total commitment in Goodman of about $485 million.

全球工业资产基金Goodman Group 将通过中国投资集团的现金和特权交易,支持其长远前景,可以预见承诺给Goodman 大约4.85亿美金。

The deal will see CIC inject $200 million into Goodman through a finance facility as part of a broader relationship between the two companies.


As part of the transaction, Macquarie Group and its associates have sold down about $15 million of their exposure in Goodman to CIC.

作为本次交易的一部分,Macquarie 集团(澳大利亚麦格理银行)和其合作人抛售给中投公司1500万美金的风险投资。

The deal will require approval from Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board.

这次交易需要等待澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会 (Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board.)的批准。

After much speculation that a deal was being hatched worth more than $1 billion, the cash facility will not be increased in size beyond $485 million.


Investor reaction was muted with Goodman securities falling 3.5 cents to 45.4 cents.

投资者对 Goodman 的证券下降3.5%,达45.4分,采取悄无声息的动作。

In the past week Goodman's price jumped from 30 cents as investors rallied behind Goodman's well-anticipated refinancing package.

在过去一周,随着 Goodman 公司有很好预期的重新募集资金计划,投资者们重整旗鼓,股票价格爬升30分。

In conjunction with the new CIC deal, additional options will be granted over 255.3 million Goodman stapled securities with a two-year term at a strike price of 40 cents and the lenders will share the two tranches of options on a pro rata basis.

Greg Goodman, the chief executive and co-founder of Goodman, said he was pleased with the support shown to the group by CIC and "is excited about the opportunity to partner with an institution of this calibre as we seek to grow our business globally''.

Greg Goodman, Goodman,的创始人和首席执行官,说他很乐意由中投公司进入集团的支持“非常兴奋,有这样一个机会,和这样一个和我们有统一目标的机构成为伙伴,(我们的目标)是在全球寻找我们商业的发展”。

"We view a relationship with CIC as highly strategic and believe that together we can capitalise on the significant opportunities created by current market conditions,'' Mr Goodman said.


"The key terms of the $485 million facility comprise a nine-month term expiring in February 2010, extendable for a further 15 months; and a secured facility with covenants comparable to those in Goodman's existing common terms deed poll.''


Mr Goodman said following the completion of the CIC deal, the Goodman board and management team will be in discussions with all relevant investors to "determine Goodman's optimal long term capital structure''.

Goodman 先生说,在完成和中投的交易后, Goodman 的董事和管理团队将和所有相关的投资者讨论“确定 Goodman 公司最佳长远的资金结构”。

"The goal of these initiatives will be to have the group more conservatively leveraged and to achieve a debt structure both within Goodman and across its managed funds that is sustainable and resolves expires over the next two years.

“这些主动的目标,将组建更多的合适的杠杆,完善包括 Goodman 在内的债务结构,通过管理基金,在下两年届满时候,能稳定和有效解决”


翻译交流见 沙发 #7

In conjunction with the new CIC deal, additional options will be granted over 255.3 million Goodman stapled securities with a two-year term at a strike price of 40 cents and the lenders will share the two tranches of options on a pro rata basis.
nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

与中投这项新融资计划相关联的是,Goodman Group将再提供购买其2.553亿股合订证券的期权,期限为2年,执行价为0.4澳元;而出资方(麦格理和中投)将按(出资)比例分享这两笔期权。
rhapsody 发表于 2009-6-17 02:41 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:26

In conjunction with the new CIC deal, additional options will be granted over 255.3 million Goodman stapled securities with a two-year term at a strike price of 40 cents and the lenders will share the two tranches of options on a pro rata basis.



nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:26

《澳大利亚金融评论报》 (Australian Financial Review)周五报导,澳大利亚Goodman Group (GMG.AU)正在与中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp., 简称:中投公司)和加拿大退休计划投资委员会(Canada Pension Plan Investment Board)进行交易磋商,后面两家公司或其中之一可能会收购Goodman的大量股份,或收购其部分资产。


  该专栏报导,若上述两家公司对Goodman Group进行投资,且澳大利亚麦格理银行(Macquarie Bank)执行5月份向Goodman提供3亿澳元信贷安排时所获得的期权,Goodman Group将可获得2012年前再融资所需10亿澳元中的大部分资金。

  该报称,由于上述两家公司购入Goodman Group大量股份的可能性很大,因此该公司此后可以通过配股轻松满足融资需求。

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:27


solidsnake 发表于 2009-6-16 11:45


nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 12:32


rhapsody 发表于 2009-6-17 02:41

本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-6-17 03:01 编辑

In conjunction with the new CIC deal, additional options will be granted over 255.3 million Goodman stapled securities with a two-year term at a strike price of 40 cents and the lenders will share the two tranches of options on a pro rata basis.
nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-16 11:26 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
与中投这项新融资计划相关联的是,Goodman Group将再提供购买其2.553亿股合订证券的期权,期限为2年,执行价为0.4澳元;而出资方(麦格理和中投)将按(出资)比例分享这两笔期权。


Goodman Group:
  Goodman Group是一个综合性地产集团,上市公司。拥有、开发和经营工业产权和全球商业地产。总资产为213亿澳元(约合105亿美元),且管理着391家商业地产。主要投资于商业园,办公园区,工业区,仓库和分销中心,并且还提供一系列的地产基金的专业服务。
  Goodman Group的前身为麦格理古德曼产业信托(Macquarie Goodman Industrial Trust),于1995年在澳洲证券交易所上市。通过一系列的兼并和收购,它很快成为澳大利亚最大的上市工业地产集团。

合订证券(stapled securities):
  亦称“组合证券”(如台湾地区),指的是将若干种有价证券“合订”到一起而形成的一种证券。买入合订证券等于按合约规定比重同时买入这若干种有价证券。讲到合订证券就没法不提不动产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称REIT,详见下注),因合订证券是不动产投资信托常用的一种重要金融工具。

  以美国为代表的不动产投资信托基金模式和以澳大利亚为代表的信托计划模式为两种最具代表性和发展最为成熟的不动产投资信托模式。在澳大利亚的不动产投资信托和基础设施投资信托上市时经常采用的就是合订证券结构(占到四成以上),具体而言就是把资产管理公司或者地产开发公司的股票和信托基金单位捆绑的结构。在这种结构下,基金管理公司主要负责房地产物业的开发和建设,而收租型物业则由资产管理公司来持有。资产管理公司和基金管理公司等合起来就构成一个集团公司(如上文的Goodman Group)。

  指是一种能在未来某特定时间以特定价格(也就是上文里的strike price,执行价)买入或卖出一定数量的某种特定标的物(证券、指数、外汇等,以至实物商品)的权利。

P.S. 不知楼主能否同意本人将您的译文修改后发到“经济纵横”版?同时也建议楼主以后将翻译的经济类文章更多地发到“经济纵横”版。
P.P.S. 被落版召唤过来的,还是忍不住一下就把上边一堆东西打出来了……{:10_379:}

nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-17 12:22




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