Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-6-24 06:59

【A封面 09.08】Teen Vogue: 从霍格沃茨到常春藤大学?魔法女孩艾玛.沃特森的下一篇章

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-24 07:06 编辑

From Hogwarts To Ivy League? Glam Girl Emma Wotson's Next Chapter

Acting? I think I've had enough, says Harry Potter star, Emma Watson

By Jo Clements Last updated at 10:36 PM on 23rd June 2009

The clothes were modest and showed off nothing that would shock young Harry Potter fans - as per instructions.

But the interview accompanying Emma Watson's latest magazine photoshoot was a little more revealing.

The 19-year-old said that she does not have a 'burning passion' for acting and that she may give up her film career once she finishes playing Harry's school chum Hermione.

'Until something comes along that I feel as strongly about as I did Hermione - like, I felt that it was life or death - I don't want to act again,' she told America's Teen Vogue.

She added that she was struggling with the pressure of promoting one film - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which is released next month - and filming the seventh and eighth Potter films.

The August issue of Teen Vogue, with Miss Watson on the cover, is out in the U.S. on July 1.

ly9876654 发表于 2009-6-24 19:07

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