nbnbren 发表于 2009-6-27 23:32

【09.06.26 澳大利亚广播公司】澳大利亚和亚洲国家瞄准性奴隶交易

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-28 01:30 编辑

【原文标题】Australia and Asian nations target sex slave trade
【登载媒体】abc news

Australian police will work with their counterparts in China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Korea to target the 'kingpins' of the sex slave trade. It follows a three-day meeting in Sydney.


MARK COLVIN: The fight against sexual slavery is being ramped up a notch.

MARK COLVIN:同性奴隶的斗争已经箭在弦上。

Police officials from the Asia region, who've been meeting in Sydney for the past few days, have learned that the trade is more organised than first thought.


And they've decided to form unprecedented joint operations to target modern day slave traders.


National security correspondent, Matt Brown, reports.

国家安全通信记者 Matt Brown报道

MATT BROWN: In a low key meeting, in a luxury Sydney hotel, senior Asian police officials from China down to Indonesia and Australia have agreed to escalate their battle against people trafficking.

Matt Brown:在悉尼的豪华酒店举行的低调会议,来自从中国到印尼的高级警官和澳大利亚的警官一致同意逐步提高同人口贩子的战斗。

The victims are usually sex slaves. You could be forgiven for assuming these agencies already share intelligence on this subject fairly freely.


But that's easier said than done. And Federal Police Commander Ramzi Jabbour says the Sydney meeting has resolved to launch new joint investigations to get at the people running the sex slave trade.

但是说起来容易,做起来难。联邦警察司令官Ramzi Jabbour 说悉尼会议已经确定,开展新的联合调查,能是人们能对性奴隶贸易行动起来。

RAMZI JABBOUR: By bringing together and sharing intelligence in relation to all our holdings, it will certainly focus our efforts on the kingpins.

Ramzi Jabbour :通过集中和分享我们掌握的情报,可以确定集中我们的对交易首脑的努力。

MATT BROWN: The issue of whether this trade's being run by organised crime has in the past been a bone of contention. But Ramzi Jabbour says following the Sydney meeting, there's less and less doubt.

MATT BROWN::是否这种交易是有组织的犯罪,在过去是有争议的,但是说随着这次会议,疑问将越来越少。

RAMZI JABBOUR: It's become quite evident to us that we are dealing with organised criminality in sending people to Australia for trafficking purposes.

Ramzi Jabbour :我们已经十分明确,我们要处理的是把人口贩卖到澳大利亚用于贸易为目的的犯罪集团。

MATT BROWN: The victims of sexual slavery are relatively easy to see: they are usually women from South East Asia, and they're caught up in raids by police and immigration officials often enough.

MATT BROWN:那些性奴隶的受害人相对容易辨认:他们通常是来自东南亚的妇女,她们常常被警察和移民官经常性的突击检查抓到.

But Ramzi Jabbour and his counterparts from countries like Malaysia and Thailand are hoping new layers of the trade will now be revealed.


RAMZI JABBOUR: By bringing together all the intelligence into a central point, we're able to potentially identify organisers or facilitators that are common amongst a variety of trafficking victims.

RAMZI JABBOUR:通过集中所有情报集中到关键点,我们就能潜在识别那些混在贩卖受难者中,看起来是平民的组织者或发起者。

If we were working in isolation; the Malays working on their own, the Thais working on their own; they may never actually see the fact that one or two organisers are actually behind these criminal syndicates.


MATT BROWN: The AFP is also going to take on a unique role. Its officers, posted throughout Asia, are about to become liaison officers for their neighbours - helping other Asian police from different countries work with each other.

MATT BROWN:AFP(法新社)也将扮演一个独特的角色。其办公地点,发行部门遍及亚洲,能够为他们的邻国充当联络官--帮助其他来自不同国家的亚洲警察相互协调。

RAMZI JABBOUR: For example, Royal Malaysian Police could make an approach to the AFP liaison officer in Kuala Lumpur, provide them with a request, we could provide that request to the Royal Thai Police through our liaison officer in Bangkok, and we could get quite a timely response and feed that back to the Malaysian police.

RAMZI JABBOUR:比如说,马来西亚皇家警察可以和吉隆坡AFP的联络官探讨,问他们一些需求,我们也把这些要求通过曼谷的联络官提供给泰国皇家警察,我们可以在很短时间内得到反应,反馈给马来西亚警察。

MATT BROWN: So what does that mean for an investigation for example?

MATT BROWN:那么,打个比方,对于调查意味着什么呢?

RAMZI JABBOUR: Well, it means that in the case of victims we're getting very timely responses. We're able to verify their situation and we're able to potentially identify other victims at risk in a much more timely fashion.

RAMZI JABBOUR:好的,这意味着,在某个受害人的案子中我们可以得到非常及时的反应。我们能够核实他们的情形,我们能够用更快的方式,潜在鉴别其他处于危机中的受害者。

MATT BROWN: Several non-government organisations are working on campaigns funded by the Federal Government to raise awareness of people trafficking in Australia.

MATT BROWN:有几个非政府组织在发起有联邦政府支助的运动,在澳大利亚提升人们对人口买卖的认识。

The police have launched more than 270 investigations since 2004 and 90 per cent of them have been about sexual slavery.But ten per cent have focussed on the plight of people being dreadfully exploited in other industries.


JENNIFER BURN: There have been a number of cases where people have been indentified in industries such as agriculture or construction.

JENNIFER BURN:这里有一些案子,那些人已经从事于比如农业,建筑那样的行业。

Jennifer Burn, the director of the Anti-Slavery Project at the University of Technology in Sydney, says much more needs to be discovered about this area of people trafficking, and the new international effort might help.

Jennifer Burn,悉尼科技大学副教授,反奴隶项目的主任,认为,需要更多发觉人口买卖这个领域,这种新型的国际努力也许有帮助。

JENNIFER BURN: What we would like to see is a greater focus on all forms of trafficking and slavery and in particular look at the patterns of slavery into industries which as yet haven't really been identified as ?for their potential to have exploited labour forces working in them.

JENNIFER BURN:我们似乎更多的关注的是人口买卖和奴役的形成,为了那些潜在的在那些行业中工作的劳动力,特别要看清奴隶进入到目前为止我们还没有辨别清楚的行业的模式。

MARK COLVIN: Associate Professor Jennifer Burn, director of the Anti-Slavery Project, ending that report from Matt Brown.

MARK COLVIN“:Jennifer Burn副教授,反奴隶项目的主任。Matt Brown报道。

无可就要 发表于 2009-6-28 00:21

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