红血 发表于 2009-6-29 14:40

【09.06.29 澳大利亚广播公司】 流感好可怕哟:澳洲某考察团在中国被隔离

本帖最后由 红血 于 2009-6-29 15:07 编辑

【中文标题】流感好可怕哟:澳洲某考察团在中国被隔离 _" \- u3 vY* R
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【原文标题】Flu fears: China quarantines Aussie uni group

A group of students and a lecturer from Western Australia's Curtin University have been quarantined for swine flu while on a field trip in China.


The construction management students travelled to Beijing as part of an annual trip organised by lecturer Tuck Foong.


The Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed two of the five group members have tested positive to the virus and been admitted to a Beijing hospital.


A spokeswoman for the department says the other members of the group are quarantined at a Beijing hotel.She says it is not known how long the group will remain in quarantine.


School group quarantined on China tour


A group of 15 teenagers and two teachers from Traralgon, east of Melbourne, have been quarantined in Shanghai after being exposed to swine flu on a plane.


Two of the children from the Flinders Christian Community College Latrobe campus have tested positive for the virus and are in hospital


The group was on a tour of China but will remain in quarantine until Wednesday.


College executive principal Jill Healey says the children are keeping in contact with their parents by phone and email


"The Australian consulate in Shanghai advises that the hospital treatment is good, with reasonably quick recovery and release likely," she said.


"We're in contact with the children and with the children in hospital and it seems to be being managed well."


Free_Corsica 发表于 2009-6-29 14:58


红血 发表于 2009-6-29 15:02

Free_Corsica 发表于 2009-6-29 14:58 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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