元素 发表于 2009-7-11 10:17

【纽约时报】China Raises Death Toll in Ethnic Clashes to 184

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-7-12 05:02 编辑

China Raises Death Toll in Ethnic Clashes to 184

By EDWARD WONG Published: July 10, 2009


Security forces block the entrance to a mosque before Friday prayers in the city of Urumqi, China.

Security forces block the entrance to a mosque before Friday prayers in the city of Urumqi, China.

URUMQI, China — The death toll from the ethnic violence in this regional capital rose to 184, with the vast majority of dead from the majority Han ethnic group, the government announced through the state news media on Friday.

Earlier in the day, the authorities banned Friday Prayer at most mosques here to quell further unrest by Uighurs.

Friday was the first time that the government had given an ethnic breakdown of the dead. According to Xinhua, the state news agency, 137 of those killed were Han, 46 were Uighur and 1 was from the Hui ethnic group.

For much of the past week, the official death toll from the initial rioting last Sunday was put at 156, and Uighurs and Han had both claimed that the toll was much higher, and that deaths from each of their groups predominated. Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Muslim race that is the largest ethnic group in this western region of Xinjiang, while Han make up about 90 percent of the Chinese population and are the majority in this city of 2.3 million.

The announced breakdown was sure to spark more anger from Uighurs, who are generally suspicious of the Han-dominated government and who say that many Uighurs were killed by security forces on Sunday and by Han mobs bent on revenge in the next three days. Han residents of Urumqi have been saying that most of the deaths came from Uighurs killing Han civilians while rampaging through the city on Sunday.

The rioting broke out when the police tried to stop 1,000 Uighurs from holding a protest march over judicial discrimination. Uighurs went on a rampage, killing many Han civilians while fighting with security forces. That in turn prompted Han mobs to take up sticks and knives over the next few days and turn on Uighur civilians.

The government kept up a tight security clampdown on Friday, with police officers and military troops patrolling the streets.

Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting from Beijing.

元素 发表于 2009-7-11 10:21


vivicat 发表于 2009-7-11 12:01


茉茉菲 发表于 2009-7-11 13:31


茉茉菲 发表于 2009-7-11 14:57

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