woodorw 发表于 2009-7-20 09:54

【09.07.19 英国卫报】修女也疯狂,180kph慈悲冲刺遭罚款

本帖最后由 woodorw 于 2009-7-21 16:19 编辑


【原文标题】Nun fined for 112mph Italy mercy dash

【译者】 woodie

Tom Kington in Rome
Sunday 19 July 2009 18.36 BST

In a country where speeding is a national sport, Italian traffic policeare used to hearing the most colourful of excuses from drivers.


Butthe patrol that pulled over a Ford Fiesta on Friday doing 112mph wassurprised to find at the wheel a 56-year-old nun who claimed she neededto be at the pope's side after the pontiff lost his balance in thebathroom and broke his wrist.


In the back were two fellowSalesian nuns, aged 65 and 78, who had jumped in the car in Turin whennews broke of Pope Benedict's fall near Aosta, where he is spending hissummer holiday.


"The police were shocked to find three nuns of acertain age in the Fiesta," confessed the nun, named only as AM. "Butwe were afraid of getting there late. I know you shouldn't go so fast,but the news of his Holiness's injury had made us truly anxious."


The pope underwent surgery on Friday and was able to hold a blessing on Sunday with his right wrist in plaster.


Thepolice chose not to forgive the nun, pointing out that she was 30mphover the limit. They suspended her licence for a month and issued a€375 (£323) fine. But AM is a "determined sort", said her lawyer, AnnaOrecchioni.


"She is planning to appeal and we think we can invokethe 'state of necessity' in the law that allows speeding," Orecchionisaid.


Orecchioni has become a point of reference for members ofthe religious community in trouble with traffic police. She isdefending a priest stopped for drink-driving who claimed communion winehe sipped at four consecutive masses pushed him over the limit.


AMuslim imam in Rome defended by Orecchioni has been given his licenceback after she convinced a judge that asthma medicine had given himtwice the legal limit of alcohol.


hhjnet 发表于 2009-7-21 11:54


小6 发表于 2009-7-21 21:49

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