andycox 发表于 2009-7-23 16:33


本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-24 11:30 编辑

【原文标题】China goaded on aid to North Korea
【登载媒体】The Australian
【译者】 andycox
【翻译方式】 人工

China goaded on aid to North Korea


A GROUP of independent Chinese intellectuals and academics has signed an open letter asking the government to halt aid to North Korea and help bring about regime change in the Stalinist state.

According to the letter, China should support the reunion of Korea under a democratic system, removing a heavy economic, political and security burden on Beijing.

"The repeated nuclear tests illustrate the failure of six-party talks," the letter written by Beijing-based constitutional academic Zhang Hui said.
“反复的核试验表明了六方会谈的失败” 这封北京宪政学者张惠所写的信中说道。

"The ruling party of China should bear the responsibility, and the Chinese government should stop aid to the Kim regime and fulfil the international community's sanctions on the country."

Mr Zhang told The Australian that, so far, more than 60 academics, lawyers and public servants across China had signed the letter - which was released on the internet.

Citizens in the provinces of Liaoning and Jilin, which border North Korea, are concerned about the prospect of continued nuclear testing occurring only 85km from the Chinese border.

In the days after North Korea's second nuclear test last month, the supply of bottled water ran dry in the city of Dandong amid concerns over contamination.

Despite a nominally tougher stance recently and growing frustration with their neighbour, China's leaders are unlikely to radically change their policy towards the country because of strategic considerations and fears of millions of refugees if the regime collapsed.

China has rapidly emerged as North Korea's major trading partner in recent years, as business between the North and South collapsed.

Reports yesterday said the Obama administration was preparing to wield broad financial pressure to try to force North Korea to wind back its weapons program.

The US Treasury Department will work through international banking channels to try to restrict funds to 17 North Korean banks and companies that US officials say are central players in Pyongyang's nuclear and weapons trade. These firms serve as a financial lifeline to leader Kim Jong-il, his family and ruling circle.

UN sanctions call for the banning of shipments of all luxury goods to Pyongyang's leadership. American diplomats are also negotiating through the Security Council to sanction by July 12 a dozen North Korean individuals or companies active in Pyongyang's weapons trade. There is likely to be overlap with the US Treasury's list of 17 sanction targets.
联合国制裁决议规定禁止向平壤领导层货运一切奢侈品。 美国外交官也通过安理会谈判,希望制裁到7月12日为止活跃在平壤武器贸易中的12家朝鲜公司和个人。

US officials said they were targeting key nodes in the North Korean financial system. The language of the new Security Council resolution also provides Washington with leeway to go after a much wider range of targets, said these officials.

The Bush administration pioneered the use of the global banking system as a weapon against nations involved in arms proliferation and terrorism, such as North Korea, Iran and Syria.

Treasury's 2005 blacklisting of Macau's Banco Delta Asia, which held a large number of North Korea accounts, is viewed today as a model for how the private sector can punish rogue states. The Treasury did not initially ban US firms from engaging the bank, but simply warned that such transactions risked skirting US law. The result was a run on the bank's accounts and a contagion effect that nearly froze North Korea out of the international banking system in 2006.


无可就要 发表于 2009-7-24 20:01


xbq2004 发表于 2009-8-25 00:04


BK6141 发表于 2009-8-25 11:28


忧心 发表于 2009-8-26 00:36


veld 发表于 2009-8-26 13:49


fishstone 发表于 2009-8-27 11:58


lIUxg1227 发表于 2009-8-28 14:39


支持一下 发表于 2009-8-28 17:29

这年头 会写字就是知识分子

連長 发表于 2009-8-28 18:33


mq3 发表于 2009-8-28 22:10


记忆之门 发表于 2009-8-29 16:04


记忆之门 发表于 2009-8-29 16:06

打压朝鲜的国家还不够多吗?朝鲜就那两枚破核弹,目标轮也轮不到中国,中国急个什么劲?这帮人都在携带私货,中国白给美国的钱更多,他们怎么不抗议抗议? ...
忧心 发表于 2009-8-26 00:36

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