hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-7-28 19:12

Edward Wong was sent to Iraq before coming to China.If he's just an ordinary American Chinese journalist, he wouldn't had that kind of opportunity to cover a war zone.His Chinese face would help him to collect intelligence amongst the Arabs, such as the civilians, the resistant militants, etc...because Iraqis are not as hostile to orientals and would less likely to kidnap him and behead him.After Iraq, he was sent to China.I bet for the same convenience of helping him to collect intelligence amongst the Chinese communities.Why would they send a war journalist to cover sensitive regions of China ? That got to be much much more than just because Edward Wong is a "Banana" - yellow outside white inside.

说不 发表于 2009-8-5 09:32


communicator 发表于 2009-8-5 10:33

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