nbnbren 发表于 2009-7-27 19:57

【09.07.27 澳大利亚人报】中国能源比我们更绿色

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-7-29 14:52 编辑

【原文标题】Chinese energy is greener than ours

IT'S hard to comprehend, Martin Ferguson said last week. The federal Minister for Resources and Energy was referring to the fact that, in the next decade, China will bring on line about 1000 average-sized coal-fired power stations, equivalent to 34 times Australia's present coal-burning generation capacity.

上周,当联邦政府的资源和能源部长Martin Ferguson 提到,中国将系列发展其燃煤电厂的水平(相当于34倍澳大利亚目前的燃煤电厂容量)时候,认为这简直难以置信。

Ferguson's government and others in the developed world are being asked to comprehend even more than that, however. They have been repeatedly warned by the International Energy Agency that, even if the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries collectively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030, they cannot put the world on track to achieve stablisation of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere at 450 parts per million.

Martin Ferguson 政府和其他发达国家被要求能比那样做还有更好的理解,无论如何,国家能源组织再三警告他们,甚至经济合作组织和发达国家到2030年一致要把他们的温室气体排放降低到零,达到了大气层中每百万450个CO2的稳定水平,他们也无法使世界回到正常轨道。

When the IEA delivers its new world energy outlook in September, ahead of the Copenhagen global warming treaty summit in December, this gobsmacking message can only be reinforced. Non-OECD countries are heading towards a collective volume of emissions of more than 25 billion tonnes a year by 2030, compared by then with less than 15 billion tonnes for the OECD nations.


In the vanguard, of course, is China, but not because it is ignoring the issue.


Ferguson could have also cited a set of startling Chinese green power statistics in his mid-July speech to the Queensland Resources Council.


By 2020 China aims to have installed 300,000MW of hydro power (equal to 80 Snowy Mountains schemes), 30,000MW of plants fuelled by agricultural waste, 1800MW of solar power and more than 50,000MW of wind farms (about four times what will be needed here to meet the Rudd renewable energy target).

到2020年,中国的目标是安装300000MW的水电站,(相当于80个Snowy Mountains计划 ),30000MW农业作物为燃料的,1800MW太阳能,超过50000MW的风

This will involve spending $US33billion ($40.3bn) a year on renewable energy.


Everything about the Chinese effort is mindboggling. For example, it now employs 600,000 people (twice the population of Canberra) installing solar hot-water heaters in a $US2bn a year business. Its electric bicycle business is worth more than $US6bn a year.


Nor are its efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its coal-burning generators to be underestimated. Since 2005 China has required all new large power plants to use at least high-efficiency, super-critical technology and since 2007 it has shut down smaller, inefficient plants with a capacity of 14,380MW (more generation capacity than in NSW).


This is allowing China to leapfrog the less efficient coal technology that is dominant in the developed world, including Australia.

At Yuhuan, it has commissioned 4000MW, almost as much capacity as the largest generating complex in Australia, Bayswater-Liddell, of ultra-super-critical generation, the largest operation of its kind in the world, providing power to 10 million households, with a thermal conversion efficiency of 45 per cent, about one-quarter better than conventional coal-burning generators.

应该承认,中国跨越了低能的燃煤技术,在包括澳大利亚的发达国家里更有发言权。在Yuhuan,将安装4000MW,几乎相当于澳大利亚最大的发电机组,Bayswater-Liddell(注:Bayswater / Liddell 火力发电厂位于澳大利亚新南威尔士的Hunter Valley,有在南半球最大的反渗透系统,总装机容量为4640 MW,它包括于1971年投产的Liddell电站2000MW ( 4×500MW ) , 和1986年投产的 Bayswater 电站 264MW ( 4×66MW )。该联合企业是世界上最大的零排放水系统之一。)在世界上是最大的机组,可以提供给1000万个家庭电力,热转换效率达到45%,比传统的燃煤机组效率高了月四分之一。

What's more, the operator, Huaneng Group, the largest power company in China and rumoured to have an eye on NSW, built Yuhuan at a capital cost about 40 per cent below equivalent installation charges in the West.

还有什么更多的信息?其操作者,华能集团,中国最大的电力公司,传闻对新南威尔士州比较关注,建设Yuhuan 电站总资本的大约是西方装机费用的40%不到。

There is a considerable difference of opinion in China over carbon capture and storage - opponents there, as here, point to the cost and concerns about environmental risks associated with storing massive amounts of carbon dioxide - but that hasn't stopped Huaneng pursuing its Green-gen project at the head of a consortium of seven companies. The first stage, costing $US360 million, is scheduled to deliver a capture-ready 250MW integrated, gasified combined cycle plant in the near future, to be followed by a 400MW plant with a storage add-on in 2012 and hydrogen production capacity. Stage 3 will be a commercial-scale carbon capture and storage plant.

(注:二氧化碳截住同儲埋(簡寫做碳截儲,CCS)即係捉實啲大型發電廠產生嘅二氧化碳(CO2),然後用各種辦法儲起佢,唔畀佢出大氣層。碳截儲係調慢全球變暖嘅一個方法,商業用大型二氧化碳截住嘅方法已經用咗一段時間,好成熟。將二氧化碳渚入地層係做過吓,不過,要長期咁儲埋二氧化碳只係一個未實踐嘅諗頭。到而家(2007年)為止,未有一間投產嘅電廠安裝咗碳截儲嘅設施。有碳截儲設施嘅電廠,比起冇嘅廠,排少八到九成嘅二氧化碳,而有減排設施嘅電廠運行嗰時,大約用多兩到九成嘅能源,呢個只限於新起、近住儲埋地點嘅廠,如果現成嘅電廠加減排設施會重貴。一係將啲二氧化碳㘉入地下岩層,深海。或者變成碳酸礦物。深海儲埋會搞到海洋酸化。儲埋喺地下岩層而家係最理想同可行嘅方法,現有嘅地點估計可以至少儲 2000 Gt 嘅 CO2(而家人類每年整 30 Gt 嘅 CO2 出嚟)在中国,关于碳的截留和存储不同观点值得思考。那里的反对者,同我们这里一样,指出了存储大量CO2需要付出的代价和环境的风险,但这也不会阻挡华能倡导的Green-gen 绿色计划,在七个公司的最前沿。第一步,花费36000万美元,计划一个截留250MW的综合工厂,不久建立综合气化循环工厂,随后在2012年用扩展其存储到400MW能力和具有制氢的能力,步骤三将建成具备碳的截留和存储的能力的工厂。

What all this, and a great deal more, adds up to, the Chinese point out, is that they are taking targeted action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and that the transition to lower-carbon solutions is generating jobs and increased energy security.


They are on track, the optimists claim, to peak emissions there by 2020, and then to reduce emissions to an average of two tonnes a head by 2050. It is about five tonnes a person today.


The problem is that, even if they do succeed in this, and other developing countries do as well, on the IEA numbers the 450ppm target is several bridges too far.But it does, at least, provide some perspective for the "example to the world" that Rudd, Wong and Co want to take to Copenhagen. Do you remember Paul Hogan's Crocodile Dundee line? "Call that a knife?"Keith Orchison is editorial director of Powering Australia yearbook and writes PowerLine blog.

真正的问题是,即使他们成功的这样做到了,其他发展中国家也同样做的很好,国家能源署成员们的450PPM目标还不会成功(注:A bridges too far.是电影,讲盟军的失败)但是这样做了,起码能给“世界提供一些乐观的例子”,路克文,WONG(注:Penny Wong,黄英贤负责的气候变化与水利事务部是陆克文为全球气候变暖问题专门成立一个政府部门,华裔),CO将出席哥本哈根的会议,你还记得Paul Hogan's演的《鳄鱼邓迪》里面的台词吗?“把那叫做刀吗?”Keith Orchison是澳大利亚电力年鉴的主编,在PowerLine博客上发表。

翻译交流 见12#

China will bring on line about 1000 average-sized coal-fired power stations, equivalent to 34 times Australia's present coal-burning generation capacity.
中国将建成1000座中等规模的燃煤电厂, 相当于34倍澳大利亚目前的燃煤电厂容量。

even if the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries collectively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030, they cannot put the world on track to achieve stablisation of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere at 450 parts per million.

this gobsmacking message can only be reinforced.

Non-OECD countries are heading towards a collective volume of emissions of more than 25 billion tonnes a year by 2030, compared by then with less than 15 billion tonnes for the OECD nations.

In the vanguard, of course, is China, but not because it is ignoring the issue.

This is allowing China to leapfrog the less efficient coal technology that is dominant in the developed world, including Australia.
深深的红 发表于 2009-7-29 12:27 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


450 parts per million 应该是450ppm的意思,也就是百万分之450.
zero9999 发表于 2009-7-29 14:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

阳光真强烈 发表于 2009-7-27 23:51


可可树 发表于 2009-7-28 19:28


任天郎 发表于 2009-7-28 19:42


孙无空 发表于 2009-7-28 20:01

Keith Orchison是澳大利亚电力年鉴的主编,在PowerLine博客上发表


onghis 发表于 2009-7-28 20:36


洛宸 发表于 2009-7-28 20:42



welovechina2009 发表于 2009-7-28 21:12


孙无空 发表于 2009-7-28 21:31

welovechina2009 发表于 2009-7-28 21:12 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


不死狂龙 发表于 2009-7-28 21:50

7# 洛宸

忧心 发表于 2009-7-29 11:54


深深的红 发表于 2009-7-29 12:27

China will bring on line about 1000 average-sized coal-fired power stations, equivalent to 34 times Australia's present coal-burning generation capacity.
中国将建成1000座中等规模的燃煤电厂, 相当于34倍澳大利亚目前的燃煤电厂容量。

even if the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries collectively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030, they cannot put the world on track to achieve stablisation of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere at 450 parts per million.

this gobsmacking message can only be reinforced.

Non-OECD countries are heading towards a collective volume of emissions of more than 25 billion tonnes a year by 2030, compared by then with less than 15 billion tonnes for the OECD nations.

In the vanguard, of course, is China, but not because it is ignoring the issue.

This is allowing China to leapfrog the less efficient coal technology that is dominant in the developed world, including Australia.

nbnbren 发表于 2009-7-29 13:08


zero9999 发表于 2009-7-29 14:02

450 parts per million 应该是450ppm的意思,也就是百万分之450.

ggmch 发表于 2009-7-29 15:55

忧心 发表于 2009-7-29 11:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

nbnbren 发表于 2009-7-29 16:27

本帖最后由 nbnbren 于 2009-7-29 16:31 编辑




AAWM 发表于 2009-7-30 08:53

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