mlisten 发表于 2009-8-6 14:23

【09.07.18 WAtoday】在北京的24小时

【原文标题】24 hours in Beijing

July 18, 2009

Leisa Tyler explores a post-Olympic city in the midst of another cultural revolution.

Leisa Tyler探索奥运城市进行另一个文化革命

The Forbidden City takes all day, so head to the vast Tiananmen Square instead if you're pressed for time. Photo: John Donegan

紫禁城需要逛一天,所以如果时间紧迫就去天安门广场。摄影:John Donegan

A year after the Olympic Games, Beijing has been reborn. Once among the most polluted cities in the world, the Chinese capital has not only cleaned up its act but it has acquired a slick new veneer with extensive urban re-engineering and a new-found confidence.


This upbeat energy is fuelling a boom in galleries, restaurants and hotels and helping to mould a new chapter for the city.


Travel tip: Beijing is vast. Fortunately, taxis are plentiful and ridic ulously cheap just don't expect drivers to speak English. Save hassles and getting lost by having your hotel address and destinations in Mandarin and don't get into an unregistered taxi.




Wake from a heavenly slumber in 400-thread-count cotton sheets at The Opposite House hotel, the pick of Beijing's new wave of boutique lodges. Designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, the 99-room property on up-and-coming Sanlitun Road best sums up the new Beijing: modern and self-assured with suave, competent staff.


Minimalist rooms have floor-to-ceiling glass walls with automatic blackout curtains, oak wood floors, Tibetan-inspired Bayankala toiletries and Ploh linen. The dramatic lobby is a gallery of contemporary Chinese art, with bi-monthly installations and permanent pieces by Pamela See and Li Xiao Feng.

房间设计简约,有落地玻璃幕墙,自动停电窗帘,橡木实木地板,来自西藏巴颜喀拉的洗浴用品和Ploh的亚麻。迷人的大厅是一个当代艺术的画廊,有两个月更换的作品,也有来自Pamela See和李晓峰的永久性作品。

There's a slice of Australia, too the general manager is Melbourne-born Anthony Ross, who flew to hotel stardom at the Azure Lodge in Queenstown, New Zealand.


Scrub up in your wooden bath tub or under the rain shower and head to the ground floor for breakfast fresh breads, yoghurt and spicy fruit compotes.


The Opposite House has double rooms priced from 1950 yuan (about $365), which includes mini-bar and breakfast.


The Opposite House, 11 Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District; +86 10 6417 6688; or see

瑜舍酒店位于朝阳区三里屯11号;电话:+86 10 6417 6688;网站。



Jump in a taxi and head to the Confucius Temple, surrounded by some of the few residential hutongs, Beijing's traditional old neighbourhoods, that were spared the bulldozer during the pre-Olympics quest to modernise the city. Ironically, the hutongs are now hot property.


These are highlighted by some of the city's last Song and Ming dynasty-era pailous (archways) and stone tablets, including one requesting riders in several minority languages to dismount their horses as a sign of respect for Confucius.


Wander the neighbourhood's leafy streets and identify the status of former residents by the intricacy of their court-house gates.


If you are here on a weekend, The Opposite House and the Beijing Cultural Heritage Centre offers guided hutong tours free for hotel guests.




Strolling along Yonghegong Dajie, turn right on to Gulou Dongdajie, where you will find the Drum Tower, an edifice that once marked the centre of the Mongol empire, which ruled Beijing during the 13th century. Clamber up the stairs as there are great views of the surrounding hutongs. Nearby, absorb the ancient atmosphere at the Drum and Bell Bar.


Drum Tower, Gulou Dongdajie; Drum and Bell Bar, drinks for two, $5; 41 Zhonglouwan Hutong.




Continue south along Dianmenwai Dujie until you reach Jingshan Park, a small hill shaped with earth excavated from the next door's Forbidden City moat and offering exceptional views over the old palace.


You will need a full day to explore the Forbidden City, so continue right instead, skirting the palace's plum-red walls and moat shaded by weeping willows, to reach Tiananmen Square.


A vast and empty space, it was here 20 years ago that the world watched in horror as students came under fire for protesting for political reforms. It is about six kilometres from the Confucius Temple to Tiananmen Square.




Next stop is Qianmen 23 (formerly known as the Legation Quarter), a cluster of stone cottages and former home of the US embassy, a few minutes' walk from Tiananmen Square.

下一站是前门23号 (以前是美国领事馆),有一些石质屋子和以前美国大使的住所,从天安门广场到这儿步行几分钟就到。

Recently gentrified, it's now an upmarket space of fancy galleries, shops and restaurants, including Maison Boulud.The first Asian-based diner for French-born chef Daniel Boulud, whose New York restaurant, Daniel, ranks consistently among the world's best, sent shock waves through China's gastro-crowd when he opened last year. Choose one of the great-value set lunches, such as poached white asparagus with egg vinaigrette for starters, swordfish with cspetzkepasta and onion tomato confit for mains and tiny cheesecake-filled profiteroles for dessert.

最近这里改造成高档的想象空间画廊,商店和餐馆,其中包括Maison Boulud(布鲁宫法餐厅),法国厨师Daniel Boulud在开的亚洲第一家,Daniel在纽约的餐厅一贯坚持世界一流的高贵品质,而去年在中国开店后,就俘获了中国人的胃,发展很好。午餐要选择物有所值的食物,水煮白芦笋、酸醋沙司鸡蛋做开胃菜,剑鱼、cspetzkepasta和洋葱甜渍番茄做正餐,小芝士蛋糕、奶油巧克力小圆酥饼做甜点。

Maison Boulud, 23 Qian Men Dong Da Jie; see; lunch for two, excluding drinks, $60.

布鲁宫法餐厅,东大街前门23号;网址 / maisonboulud.html ;两个人的午餐,不包括饮料,60美元。



Recharged, jump in a taxi and head to the National Olympic Sports Centre to see the "Bird's Nest", also known as the National Stadium and home to last year's opening ceremony. The spectacular latticed cube by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron received almost as much attention as the Olympics.

稍事休息,跳上一辆出租车前往国家奥林匹克体育中心去看 “鸟巢”,这也是国家体育场和去年奥运会开幕式的地方。由雅克赫尔佐格和皮埃尔德梅隆设计的壮观的网立方体,收到了几乎与奥运会同样多的关注。

Next door is the National Aquatics Centre's bubbly "Water Cube", designed by a consortium of Australian architects. It's another architectural dazzler that has helped reinvent this city.

旁边是国家游泳中心 “水立方”,由一个澳大利亚建筑师设计。这是改造城市的另一座著名建筑。



Back into a taxi, zoom out to the Dashanzi art district (otherwise known as the 798 Art Zone), about 20 minutes' drive away, to see a snapshot of China's booming contemporary art movement. Make your first stop the new Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, set up by Belgian couple Guy and Myriam Ullens as China's first privately run, non-profit gallery and a platform for non-commercial artists to develop their talents.

返回到出租车,出发去大山子艺术区(也被称为798艺术区),约20分钟的车程,就看到的中国蓬勃发展的现代艺术的缩影。第一站停在新的尤伦斯当代艺术中心,它由比利时的尤伦斯夫妇(Guy & Myriam Ullens)创立的尤伦斯基金会出资建造,在中国政府的支持下成立。是中国第一个私人运营,非营利性画廊和用于发展非商业艺术家的潜能的平台。

Other notable galleries in the neighbourhood include Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery and 798 Space. Art aficionados may prefer driving 10 minutes further to Cao Chang Di, a newer, cooler art district that sprung up recently as a reaction to the growing commercialism of Dashanzi.


Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, 4 Juixianqiao Road; +86 10 8459 9269;; open 10am-7pm, closed Monday; tickets $3.

尤伦斯当代艺术中心,酒仙桥路4号;电话:+86 10 8459 9269;网址 ;开放时间:上午10点至晚上7点,周一关门;门票3美元。



When you have had your fill of art, jump back into a taxi and head straight down the highway to the ritzy new Park Hyatt, where the sleek 65th-floor China Bar has 360-degree views of the city and a bird's-eye view of Rem Koolhaas's twisted CCTV tower yet another of Beijing's whimsical architectural delights. Order a Tsingtao beer, established by German colonists in the port town of Qingdao in 1903 and now the national brew, and watch the sun set over the adjacent Fragrant Hills.


China Bar, 2 Jianguomenwai Street; +86 10 8567 1234;; drinks for two, $25.

中国酒吧,建国门外大街2号;电话: +86 10 8567 1234;网址;饮料两份,25美元。



Head back to the city centre and wander around Wangfujing Snack Street, a night market selling all manner of titbits including scorpions on sticks, a local delicacy. Resist the temptation to sample the dishes that won't make you squirm are still of poor quality.


Instead, stroll to the Grand Hyatt, opposite, and its Made in China restaurant, which specialises in Beijing's must-eat treat, Peking duck. The venue is cited as the best in the city and reservations are essential, as duck is only cooked to order.


Team your fatty fowl with northern specials such as Beijing cabbage with chestnuts and saffron and "pot-sticker" pan-fried dumplings.


Grand Hyatt, 1 East Chang-An Avenue; +86 10 8518 1234;; dinner for two, excluding drinks, $90.

东方君悦大酒店,东长安大街1;电话:+86 10 8518 1234 ;网址 ;两个人的晚餐,不包括饮料,90美元。



Bursting at the seams, head back to Sanlitun Road for a nightcap in one of the many new bars that are springing up near The Opposite House, or in the hotel's own thumping bar, Punk.


翻译交流 见15#

There's a slice of Australia, too the general manager is Melbourne-born Anthony Ross, who flew to hotel stardom at the Azure Lodge in Queenstown, New Zealand.


Confucius Temple是孔庙,不是夫子庙

If you are here on a weekend, The Opposite House and the Beijing Cultural Heritage Centre offers guided hutong tours free for hotel guests.如果你是周末在这儿,瑜舍酒店和北京文化遗产中心对酒店的客人免费提供游览胡同的导游。 应该是免费胡同游

Continue south along Dianmenwai Dujie until you reach Jingshan Park, a small hill shaped with earth excavated from the next door's Forbidden City moat and offering exceptional views over the old palace.

and now the national brew 这句话的意思不是“现在由中国酿造”,而是“现在是中国的国饮”

Instead, stroll to the Grand Hyatt, opposite, and its Made in China restaurant, which specialises in Beijing's must-eat treat, Peking duck. The venue is cited as the best in the city and reservations are essential, as duck is only cooked to order.
相反,漫步在东方君悦大酒店,对面是地道的中国餐厅(漫步到对面的东方君悦大酒店和它的made in china--中文名为长安一号---餐厅),专门经营在北京的必吃品——北京烤鸭。这家店位于北京最好的地段,要提前预定,因为只有煮熟的鸭子才被供应。(因为鸭子都是现点现烤的)
wuski 发表于 2009-8-13 14:34

yuntian01 发表于 2009-8-6 14:33


liandao7 发表于 2009-8-6 14:34


强国之鹰 发表于 2009-8-6 14:53


Free_Corsica 发表于 2009-8-6 14:54


红尘不透 发表于 2009-8-6 15:07

广告啊 广告啊

北欧海盗 发表于 2009-8-6 17:05

这些地方说穿了就是骗小资的地方。个人认为真正的美食应该是廉价的,不应该以高高的价格门槛阻挡住大多数的人。而这也正是中华美食的优点,好吃,不贵。 法国菜、日本菜都喜欢把自己搞得高高在上,对开餐馆来说是不错的策略,但以纯美食的角度,我却认为是其衰落的开端。 只能是满足富人的虚荣心,而偏离了美食本身,变成了玩物。

shinakuma 发表于 2009-8-6 18:02

Free_Corsica 发表于 2009-8-6 14:54

rainne 发表于 2009-8-6 19:56


flybei 发表于 2009-8-6 20:30


可可树 发表于 2009-8-9 21:37


靠!人权? 发表于 2009-8-10 11:16


Moarx 发表于 2009-8-10 19:37


桔子咪咪 发表于 2009-8-12 02:17


wuski 发表于 2009-8-13 14:34


There's a slice of Australia, too the general manager is Melbourne-born Anthony Ross, who flew to hotel stardom at the Azure Lodge in Queenstown, New Zealand.


Confucius Temple是孔庙,不是夫子庙

If you are here on a weekend, The Opposite House and the Beijing Cultural Heritage Centre offers guided hutong tours free for hotel guests.如果你是周末在这儿,瑜舍酒店和北京文化遗产中心对酒店的客人免费提供游览胡同的导游。 应该是免费胡同游

Continue south along Dianmenwai Dujie until you reach Jingshan Park, a small hill shaped with earth excavated from the next door's Forbidden City moat and offering exceptional views over the old palace.

and now the national brew 这句话的意思不是“现在由中国酿造”,而是“现在是中国的国饮”

Instead, stroll to the Grand Hyatt, opposite, and its Made in China restaurant, which specialises in Beijing's must-eat treat, Peking duck. The venue is cited as the best in the city and reservations are essential, as duck is only cooked to order.
相反,漫步在东方君悦大酒店,对面是地道的中国餐厅(漫步到对面的东方君悦大酒店和它的made in china--中文名为长安一号---餐厅),专门经营在北京的必吃品——北京烤鸭。这家店位于北京最好的地段,要提前预定,因为只有煮熟的鸭子才被供应。(因为鸭子都是现点现烤的)
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