xitaowu 发表于 2009-8-14 14:11

【2009.08.10 经济学人】中国和力拓--不断变质的关系:在中国指控力拓参与间谍活动后

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-17 19:41 编辑

【原文标题】China and Rio Tinto --A souring relationship:Behind China’s accusations of spying against Rio Tinto

EACH year the world’s big steelmakers and the big suppliers of iron ore get together to fix a benchmark price for the commodity. For decades the annual negotiations generated barely a murmur of interest from outsiders. In recent years some attention was paid to talks between the big three of the seaborne iron-ore trade—BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Vale—and the steelmakers because of rapid price rises for iron ore on the back of rocketing Chinese demand. However this year they have been beset with uncustomary intrigue.

每年世界上的大钢铁公司和大的铁矿石供应商一起协商确定铁矿石的供应的基准价格。几十年来,年度谈判都引起外部利益者的私底下的不满。近年来这些关注转移到会谈三大海运铁矿石贸易商必和必拓,力拓和淡水河谷 --及钢铁制造商,因为中国近年来急速上升的需求所带来的价格飞速上涨,然而今年他们却被不符合常理的、有计划性的阴谋所困扰。

Last month four Rio employees, including an Australian, and two employees of Chinese steel companies were arrested in China. Then on Saturday August 8th China accused Rio, an Anglo-Australian mining giant, of overcharging the country for iron ore by a whopping 700 billion yuan ($102.5 billion) over six years.

上个月, 包括一名澳大利亚人在内的4名力拓雇员,和两名中国钢铁公司雇员在中国被逮捕。然后上周六8月8日中国控告力拓---一个英澳矿业巨头---在过去6年里通过要求过高的铁矿石价格掠取了7000亿元(1025亿美元)。

It is no coincidence that the dramatic developments come as negotiations between suppliers and China’s steelmakers, which should have concluded by April, are at an impasse. China’s government is putting pressure on the foreign suppliers and showing its ongoing unhappiness with the way that iron-ore prices are set. Secret annual discussions with one ore producer (in this case Rio) and a leading steelmaker (Baosteel for China) result in a price that is, by tradition, accepted by the other miners and the world’s steelmakers.


This year China has been pushing for big price cuts, in response to the waning world economy. Although steelmakers in Japan and South Korea had made a deal to pay 33% less than last year, China has demanded a deeper discount. But as talks continued, spot prices, a determinant of contract prices, began to rise. Many of China’s steelmakers looked for supplies on the open market to fill hungry blast furnaces. China’s negotiating position worsened even as it made increasingly belligerent noises.


The anger turned to outrage in early July, with the arrest of Stern Hu, Rio's head of iron-ore marketing in China, and colleagues. They were accused of stealing state secrets. Although the precise accusations are unclear it seems that the Chinese suspect Rio’s people of spying on its steel industry to obtain information about China’s negotiating position. As a result of seizing computers during the arrests it seems that China believes it has found evidence of Rio’s wrongdoing. Rio denies all the charges but has otherwise kept quiet since the arrests.


The latest accusations demand closer inspection. They have been made by a state-secrets watchdog, presumably with the government’s blessing. But the charges seem absurd. Suggesting that Rio extracted excess charges of over $100 billion for iron ore over the past six years is odd given that the company’s entire global revenue over the six years to 2008 is some $162 billion, of which less than a third has come from iron ore.


Perhaps the huge total reflects what the country feels it has lost because of the benchmarking system as a whole, though it still seems excessive. That too would be a strange complaint as there is no obligation to join negotiations—the system was developed to give both miners and steelmakers certainty about prices over the year. And the system is breaking down. BHP is offering a quarterly pricing system based on spot prices and Rio says that it could do something similar. China is also entitled to buy exclusively from the spot market.


It may be that China has other motives for its pursuit of Rio. The country’s leaders were said to be furious with the mining giant for pulling out of a deal in June that would have seen Chinalco, a state-controlled aluminium firm, raise its stake in Rio from 9% to 18% in return for an investment of $19.5 billion. Rio instead raised cash to pay down hefty debts with a rights issue and also announced an iron ore tie-up with BHP (which itself had tried, and failed, to acquire Rio in 2008). Chinalco took its original stake in the hopes of blocking a merger that China feared would hand too much control of iron ore prices to one company. China worries that the new deal may lead to a similar outcome.


China may have other reasons to act tough towards Australia. Its attempts to buy assets in Australia, home to one of Rio’s two head offices and many of its mines, have met difficulties. Australians are nervous of Chinese efforts to acquire what they regard as strategic assets, and regulators have been less than welcoming (rumours suggest that the authorities in Australia were ready to block the Chinalco deal). Australian bosses also point out that China does not welcome foreign takeovers of its firms. But the latest accusations, far from easing the country’s way into investment overseas, may make foreigners more wary about doing deals with the Chinese.



翻译交流 见6#


The latest accusations demand closer inspection. They have been made by a state-secrets watchdog, presumably with the government’s blessing.

Perhaps the huge total reflects what the country feels it has lost because of the benchmarking system as a whole, though it still seems excessive.
深深的红 发表于 2009-8-16 00:06 http://www2.anti-cnn.com/forum/cn/images/common/back.gif

rainne 发表于 2009-8-14 17:15


无可就要 发表于 2009-8-14 18:05


dnh7688 发表于 2009-8-14 19:44


莫言莫鱼 发表于 2009-8-14 20:05


深深的红 发表于 2009-8-16 00:06


The latest accusations demand closer inspection. They have been made by a state-secrets watchdog, presumably with the government’s blessing.

Perhaps the huge total reflects what the country feels it has lost because of the benchmarking system as a whole, though it still seems excessive.

xitaowu 发表于 2009-8-17 09:19

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-17 19:45 编辑


The latest accusations demand closer inspection. They have been made by a state-secrets watchdog, presumably with the government’s blessing.
可能来自于政府间的压力,目前事件最新的进展是 ...
深深的红 发表于 2009-8-16 00:06 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


The anger turned to outrage in early July, with the arrest of Stern Hu, Rio's head of iron-ore marketing in China, and colleagues.



xitaowu 发表于 2009-8-17 09:20

莫言莫鱼 发表于 2009-8-14 20:05 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



《经济学人》(ISSN 0013-0613, The Economist)是一份由伦敦经济学人报纸有限公司出版的杂志,在全球发行。

  《经济学人》主要关注政治和商业方面的新闻,但是每期也有一两篇针对科技和艺术的报导,以及一些书评。除了常规的新闻之外,每两周《经济学人》还会就一个特定地区或领域进行深入报道。 杂志最早于1843年9月由詹姆士·威尔逊创办,创办的目的是“参与一场推动前进的智慧与阻碍我们进步的胆怯无知之间的较量”,这句话被印在每一期《经济学人》杂志的目录页上。一般人把《经济学人》看作是一份杂志,因为它每周出刊一次,而且采用杂志专用的光面纸印刷。但是《经济学人》认为自己是一份报纸,因为它每一期除了提供分析与意见外,还试图报导整周发生的所有重要政经新闻。



xitaowu 发表于 2009-8-17 09:24



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Leon HAHA wrote:
August 16, 2009 19:18

The US acting like a horse's behind doesn't excuse Chinese action. This is a discussion on this specific case, bring up all the wrong doings in the world will not alter this case.

Indeed if bribery is involved, charge them so and tell everyone in the beginning like a civilized society would. Making the four disappeared without giving any coherent reason is a just cause for criticism. Letting government-controlled media started a lynching is definitely not civilized.

I believe it was the US Congress which blocked the deals you mentioned and FBI who arrested Dr Wenho Lee yet you named the US as being responsible. Why not criticize "the wrong doing of some people/government agency within" US rather than rant against the US? Let's not be splitting hair here.

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bismarck111 wrote:
August 16, 2009 18:29

"FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT , since the TIME article did not mention names, it is not being factual"

I don't have a problem with using unnamed sources, but as a professional journalist they should use people who are willing to go on the record most of the time. Look even the China Daily would not write a piece like this.

As for the Economist not allowing their writers to use their name that is irrelevant. Because at the end of the day its the Economist as a magazine that is responsible.

With the unnamed source no one is responsible.

"Since you yourself also do not mention your real name, as all of us here use fake names,as well

THEN, does it mean , as, according to your logic, we are all not factual here ?"

It interesting that you should make that point. We are just having a discussion. Even though my figures are correct and properly sourced no one is going to take my info and use it as a source.

Someone pays Bill Powell to write an article that is supposed to factual. He gets paid $100-150 K a year, at least he should be more careful about the facts. His editor who most likely gets paid even more than him is supposed to fact check. What if a college or high school student uses that 75% figure to write an essay or report thinking that since TIMES is a respectable magazine its figures are true.

What I did not like about the article it was mostly heresay. It did not comment on what the Chinese government had to say about the possibility of Baosteel taking over negotiations again or provide more background. Most readers of TIMES will take the story as fact, because this is most likely 1-2 time they came across the topic. If the SMH or Financial Times was to write such a piece I would have no problem, because it would most likely be their 10 or 20 piece on Rio Tinto. Readers have the other articles to serve as counter balance.

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Smiling face tiger_ wrote:
August 16, 2009 16:22
@ bismarck

FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THAT , since the TIME article did not mention names, it is not being factual

Since you yourself also do not mention your real name, as all of us here use fake names,as well

THEN, does it mean , as, according to your logic, we are all not factual here ?

The AUTHOR OF THIS Economist aticle do not disclose his name, ---does that mean that this article is not factual? does it mean that all ECONOMIST articles are not factual since all ECONOMIST articles do not bear the names of their writers

AT LEAST THE TIME ARTICLE's writer give his name as Bill POWELL


云水客 发表于 2009-8-17 14:11

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