xitaowu 发表于 2009-8-17 10:49

【2009.08.13 经济学人】发生在台湾的台风----对台湾造成毁灭性的灾难

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-17 19:31 编辑

【原文标题】Taiwan's typhoon-----Taiwan's disastrous typhoon


Aug 13th 2009
From The Economist print edition

The confirmed death toll in Taiwan caused by Typhoon Morakot, which first hit the island on August 6th, causing the worst floods since 1959, is bad enough. By the middle of this week, over 100 people were reported dead and more than 60 were missing. But there had been fears that 500 people had been buried alive in Hsiao Lin, a village in the wooded mountains of Taiwan’s south, and even more in remote neighbouring villages. These eased on August 12th, when almost 1,600 people were found alive by a 25-helicopter search mission. Survivors had not eaten for days and helicopters dropped provisions and began a slow evacuation, hampered by drenching rain. The army says it does not know how many people may have died there. The government faced criticism for not having arranged an evacuation as soon as it heard the typhoon was coming. “We should brace ourselves against typhoons as if they are an invading enemy,” said Chu Wen-sen, one of Taiwan’s leading water-management experts.

因莫拉克台风袭击,台湾死伤惨重。台风于8月6日登陆岛屿,引发了自1959年以来最为严重的洪灾。在本周三,据报道超过100人死亡、60人失踪。但最令人恐惧的是地处台湾南部山林地区的小林村500名村民已经被活埋,地处偏避的邻村可能更多。在8月12日,当救灾的25架飞机总共发现大约1600名灾民仍然活着,人民的神经稍微松驰了下来。这些被发现的幸存灾民已经好几天没有吃东西了,直升飞机先空降食物给被困的灾民,由于绵绵降雨,展开的救援工作比较缓慢。参加救援的军队说他们目前还不能确定由多人死于此次灾难中。当局面临由于台湾来到之前没有尽快安排群众撤离的批评和指责。台湾最有名的水利专家之一Chu Wen-sen说,“我们应该鼓起勇气、团结一致,把台风当成入侵的敌人那样战胜它。”

火星神牛 发表于 2009-8-17 11:10


杨威利 发表于 2009-8-17 23:37

本帖最后由 杨威利 于 2009-8-18 00:05 编辑

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