bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 13:52

【09.08.26 澳大利亚人报】善意会带来财富(中澳关系分析)

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-27 12:47 编辑

【原文标题】Goodwill offers a rich yield
【登载媒体】The Australian
【译者】 Bylife
【翻译方式】 人工

Greg Rudd            

陆瑞格 (此人是澳洲总理的哥哥)

日期:August 25, 2009

IREMEMBER my first girlfriend's father proudly telling me he was born in thehouse next door, married the girl across the street, bought the house to theright of his parents' place and had happily lived there for 30 years.


He knew everyone in the street and was suspicious ofnewbies until they'd been to their quota of backyard barbies and passed thelocal acceptance test, whereupon they were given qualified support.


Today, China has moved into our street. We are suspicious,so it's time for a few backyard barbies to help build the bridge of friendshipand understanding.


This journey of friendship and understanding will takedecades but it's a journey we should embrace not shy away from. It will enrichus. It will enrich China. It will also protect our children and protect ourcountry.


Friendship and understanding do not always equate toagreement. Show me a marriage where there is constant agreement and I will showyou a sham.


Would communism work in Australia? No. Would democracy workin China? No. If you transported Australia's version of democracy to Chinatoday you would have 102 different political parties by this time next year andcivil war in China by the end of year two. War lords and crime lords would riseto replicate the dismantling of the USSR by the power of 10. And that's noteven including the always eager separatist provinces wanting to go their ownway. An eco-political tsunami would roll through the world.


Are the Chinese hard handed at times? Yes. It's a tough gigrunning a country of 1.3 billion people. Better them than me. Have we madehypocrisy an art form in the West? Of course. Call it spin, PR, branding -whatever you want - but deep down we know the truth because we know ourselves.At least the Chinese have the honesty to call their state mouthpiece a PropagandaDepartment. Not that it should keep that name if it wants to do more businesswith the West - more subtle spin is required for the Western palate.


Free press is a two-edged sword. I'm always explaining thisin China. I used to teach journalism and the fundamental mantra of journalism101 in the West is that good news is bad news. Harmony doesn't sell newspapersor win ratings.


As in all novels there has to be a villain. I tell my Chinabuddies, who get somewhat peeved at times with Australian press coverage, thatit's simply China's turn to be portrayed as the bad guy. Take it on the chin Itell them, but don't take it too seriously. “Other countries have had theirturn before you so don't feel special - and we've all got our skeletons in thecupboard. In Australia we can quite comfortably talk about human rightsviolations elsewhere while many indigenous citizens still live in Third Worldconditions.”


Above all, I insist at lunches, dinners and meetings inChina that everyone keep a sense of humour. Humour has a better chance ofsaving our planet than carbon sequestration or the UN.


There is no point giving China a hard time. Chinaessentially has a good heart and can make a great contribution to thecivilising of humanity. We have to respect China and China has to respect us.We have to educate China about Australia and China has to educate us about its5000 years of struggle in civilisation.


Compared with our 221 years of post-indigenouscivilisation, China has far more interesting, violent, uplifting, tragic andmeaning-of-life stories than we can imagine. If stories are the currency oflife, then China has a lot to offer.

与澳洲221年的文明相比, 中国拥有更有意义,动荡,道德上,悲壮的故事,是在澳洲人想象能力之外的。如果这些经历何以换做金钱,中国完全可以向世界出售(变得富有)。

With few exceptions politicians are not the bestbridge-builders when it comes to forging positive and lasting relationshipsbetween countries, although Colin Barnett and Simon Crean are doing a fair job.Politicians have many agendas and almost everyone is expendable in their desirefor survival. Better to leave the building of lasting friendship bridges tomore ordinary people: tourists, artists, architects, educators, students,businesspeople, religious workers or construction workers. More exchangeprograms should be inaugurated between Australia and its largest tradingpartner. China is willing to build these links. Australia should be, too.


It's time Australia made a renewed effort in understandingChina. We need a long-term win-win situation here, not a short-termfinger-pointing episode.

对澳洲来说,是时候在了解中国的基础上继续保持重要关系。 我们需要长期的双赢局面,而不是短利。

Did China handle the failed Chinalco-Rio Tinto deal well?No. A market economy is always moving - it is not a planned economy - andthings are fluid. There needs to be a plan B and plan C, which China didn'thave. And was rival suitor BHP really just going to go away after putting inthe early hard yards? Not likely. Did Rio and Australia handle the Chinalcodeal well? No. Public relations courses will be using it as a case study foryears in what not to do when handling cultural sensitivities.


Is it easy for Australian companies to do business inChina? No. Is it easy for Chinese businesses to do business in Australia? No.Both find it frustrating.


Eighteen months ago I was asked by the chairman of theChina Iron and Steel Association what China could do to stop any takeover of RioTinto by BHP. I said: nothing, it's market forces. My advice was to supportChina's Fortescue Metals Group and the Midwest iron ore investments to providecompetitive sources.

18月前, 我被中钢协主席询问中国该怎样做来阻止必和必收购力括。我回答:不需要做任何事。这是市场力量。我的建议是支持中国的另一家钢铁集团(美菱,猜译)和Midwest铁矿石投资公司参与竞争。

Is there a vibrant private sector in China? Yes,entrepreneurs abound. Is the central government an evil control freak? No.Stereotypes are dangerous.


Do Chinese try to rip you off? Of course. It's the basis oftheir haggling system in every Chinese market that Australian tourists love,the pursuit of the best deal. If you don't haggle, the Chinese lose respect foryou. To them it's normal business, built into their psyche, part of theirculture.


Should the Opposition Leader in Australia have brokentradition on a bipartisan approach to China in an effort to wedge the PrimeMinister, using the argument that “the PM has a close relationship with China,maybe it's too close?”, turning a positive into a negative? No; all politicsand no policy never lead to a healthy outcome. But the opposition has spookedthe government on China to a degree.


Provincial cities in China are screaming out for Australiantrade offices to open up in their patch so as to do business with Australia,but the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade budget allocation is divertedto other less controversial countries. Sure, China is pumping investmentdollars into Australia, but the amount is still a small percentage of allforeign investment, so why the fuss?


Once China understands it can't buy resource supply chainsto provide cheap returns at Australia's expense, all the better. China isquickly learning that lesson. You'll see far more sophisticated investmentvehicles from China soon.


Australia runs the risk of taking China for granted. Not awise move, as China has other places to invest. Don't look at China today; lookat what relationship you want between Australia and China in 20 years. You haveto start building that relationship now and it has to be bipartisan.


Should Australia have given US-based Uighur leader RebiyaKadeer a visa to enter Australia to give her version of reality in Xinjiang?Yes. Like it or not, everyone gets a voice in democracy. China has tounderstand that. But don't lecture the Chinese - explain it to them. Even themost gifted student doesn't always get it the first time.

是否澳洲政府应该给居住在美国的维族领导人热那亚访问签证,让她在澳洲表达自己对新疆的看法? 应该。 无论喜欢与否,每个人都应该有表达自己观点的权利。中国必须明白这一点。但是我们不要对中国人说教,我们要向他们解释。有时候,收获最大的学生不是在第一时间就能够得到的。

If China believes Kadeer is a master terrorist, then theyshould explain that to us, show us the evidence rather than the rhetoric.Democracy also gives China a legitimate voice in Australia and we are willingto listen, but we don't like being lectured to any more than the Chinese. Ifthere is hard evidence, then she won't be back.


My mother taught me when you walk into someone's house youshouldn't be rude. You may not like what you see sometimes, and advice andsuggestions can be given in the right spirit and in the right atmosphere, butalways remember it is not your house.


When we are in China's house we should show respect andwhen they are in our house they should show respect. The real relationshipshould be built around the barbie in the backyard, or the equivalent, in aurbane and civilised way without resorting to threats and painting stereotypes.


A retired Chinese general once said to me, “If there everwas a war between China and the US where would Australia line up?” I told himthat as much as China often says to me the West doesn't understand China, toask a question like that meant he obviously didn't understand the psyche ofmost Australians. He cocked an eyebrow for me to explain.


“Most Australians would rather have a long weekend, anextra hour in the pub, an afternoon kip or a barbie in the back yard ratherthan go to war.” He looked at me and smiled. “Yes, maybe it's time the ColdWar is over.” One can only agree. The Cold War is over so let's keep it that way.

“大多数澳大利亚人喜欢长周末假期,多一小时在酒吧里,整个下午在后院吃烧烤,而不喜欢战争。” 他微笑地望着我:“是的,也许冷战该结束了。”。是啊,冷战已经过去,就保持这样吧

Greg Rudd is managingdirector of GPR Asia, based in Beijing. It advises on investment and jointventures.

名字:这篇文章主人为陆瑞格,在北京成立一家GPR ASIA, 专门在投资和作领域提供建议。

翻译交流 见15#

good news is bad news. “好消息是坏消息”
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-8-27 03:19

bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 14:06

本帖最后由 bylife 于 2009-8-26 14:08 编辑




chinaren2010 发表于 2009-8-26 14:42


chinaren2010 发表于 2009-8-26 14:45


chinaren2010 发表于 2009-8-26 14:47


vivicat 发表于 2009-8-26 16:30


幽州节度使 发表于 2009-8-26 16:51



青衣紫萝 发表于 2009-8-26 17:54


无可就要 发表于 2009-8-26 18:42


忧心 发表于 2009-8-26 19:56


bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 20:13

vivicat 发表于 2009-8-26 16:30


bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 20:15

青衣紫萝 发表于 2009-8-26 17:54


bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 20:29

路克文特别忌讳被认为是“亲华派”,这顶红帽子成了他的一块“心病”,结果在许多问题上做得很过火。他要努力把自己打扮成为反华人士去讨好那些敌视中国的人,毕竟大多数澳大利亚人对共产党中国没有好感。 ...
无可就要 发表于 2009-8-26 18:42


1: 澳洲30%的人对中国非常有好感;
2: 澳洲50%的人对中国不存在厌恶(还行),但缺乏对中国的详细了解;
3: 澳洲10%的人事对华厌恶,主要是由于中国负面新闻(如环境污染,产品质量),其中包括澳洲当地学者,有时会发表一些所谓的感想;
4: 澳洲6%的人对中国(共产党)非常厌恶(几乎是政客);
5: 澳洲4%的人对中国政府这个国家不喜欢,而且他们大多数是华人(其中包括从世界各地移民来的华人和叛逃的中国人)。想想这些华人在所谓学者和研究者天天在报纸上(收费和免费)发表不负责的文章,对中国政府进行攻击,也就造成当地华人潜意识形态与中国的隔阂。很奇怪的事,接触很多出国的学生和商人,嘴里都是对政府的不满。


hongkong1997 发表于 2009-8-26 23:04



rlsrls08 发表于 2009-8-27 03:19

bylife 发表于 2009-8-26 14:06


good news is bad news. “好消息是坏消息”

veld 发表于 2009-8-28 13:26



中华神箭 发表于 2009-8-30 00:26



中华神箭 发表于 2009-8-30 00:27

veld 发表于 2009-8-28 13:26


pigeon2009 发表于 2009-8-30 09:21


pigeon2009 发表于 2009-8-30 09:28

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