渔音谦谦 发表于 2009-9-1 18:08

【09.8.30 纽约时报】达赖抵达台湾 正式开始访问

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-9-1 20:27 编辑

【中文标题】达赖抵达台湾 正式开始访问
【原文标题】Dalai Lama Arrives in Taiwan for Visit

Published: August 30, 2009
Filed at 10:01 p.m. ET

      TAOYUAN, Taiwan (AP) -- The Dalai Lama denied any political agenda as he began what he described as a ''purely humanitarian'' mission to comfort victims of Taiwan'sworststorm.Althoughthe Tibetan spiritual leader has traveled to Taiwan before, many fearhis visit could hurt the island's improving relations with rival China-- the signature issue in the 15-month-old administration of TaiwanesePresident Ma Ying-jeou.


Chinahas protested the visit, and a Chinese official for Taiwan affairsSunday night warned it ''is bound to have a negative influence on therelations between the mainland and Taiwan.''


Ma has said he approved the Dalai Lama's visit but will not meet him.


TheDalai Lama, who greeted Buddhist followers and supporters at theTaoyuan International Airport near Taipei on Sunday, said his visitwould have no political overtones.


''I've visited different parts of the world, and I may have a political agenda there ... (but) myvisit here is purely for humanitarian concerns,'' he said.


TyphoonMorakot left about 670 people dead when it hit the island in earlyAugust. On Monday, the Dalai Lama planned to visit a village where anestimated 500 people were buried under mudslides. He also planned to lead a mass prayer ritual during his five-day trip, calling his acceptance of the invitation to visit ''my moral responsibility.''


Hisarrival at a suburban Taipei train station Sunday was greeted by about50 demonstrators waving Chinese flags and banners supportingunification with China and shouting, ''Go home Dalai Lama, don't comehere.'' The demonstrators briefly scuffled with police.


''I'm here to oppose the Dalai Lama's visit,'' 62-year-old Feng Tsai-chiaosaid. ''I want unification with China, so I don't like him.''


Chinahaslong vilified the Dalai Lama for what it says are his attempts tofightfor independence in Tibet. Beijing has said it ''resolutelyopposes''the Taiwan visit ''in whatever form and capacity.''


But instead of criticizing Ma, the spokesman for China's State CouncilTaiwan Affairs Office blasted Taiwan's opposition DemocraticProgressive Party for its ''ulterior motives to instigate the DalaiLama, who has long been engaged in separatist activities, to visitTaiwan.''


Taiwan's opposition invited the Dalai Lama to comfort the typhoon victims.


In an editorial Monday, the official China Daily said, ''With the mainlandoffering to provide whatever it could possibly deliver to assuage thepains of the typhoon victims, the DPP has appeared more interested inturning disaster relief into a political circus.''


Wu Poh-hsiung,the chairman of Ma's Nationalist Party, said earlier Sunday that hisparty had sought Beijing's understanding of the visit, but he did notgive details or say whether China responded.


''We believe theDalai Lama will have the wisdom to distinguish between religiousempathy and political maneuvering,'' Wu told reporters.


In blamingTaiwan's opposition, not Ma, for the invitation, China appearedto betrying to keep the improving relations on track. China and Taiwan splitamid civil war in 1949, and China's leaders want theself-governingisland back.


The invitation had put Ma in a bind-- either risk angering China orgive further ammunition to hisdetractors, who were already revelingover widespread perceptions thatMa's government had badly botchedtyphoon relief efforts.


渔音谦谦 发表于 2009-9-1 18:09

本帖最后由 渔音谦谦 于 2009-9-1 18:22 编辑

这条新闻还算N.Y Times中比较河蟹的报道。但是遣词造句中还是觉得有些不爽。。ing。。

Chinahaslong vilified the Dalai Lama for what it says are his attempts tofightfor independence in Tibet. Beijing has said it ''resolutelyopposes''the Taiwan visit ''in whatever form and capacity.''

vilify=to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people to have a bad opinion of them:
译成中文大概的意思是诽谤, 辱骂, 贬低, 轻视。

渔音谦谦 发表于 2009-9-1 20:15

Ma has said he approved the Dalai Lama's visit but will not meet him.

But instead of criticizing Ma


blueoj 发表于 2009-9-1 21:58

纽约时报 对达赖还真是关照啊,示威者喊的是:滚回去~~吧

malody1984 发表于 2009-9-2 01:21


ik96 发表于 2009-9-3 09:27

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