满仓 发表于 2009-9-26 21:07

【vbtutor】西方人对西游记人物性格的分析 - 猪八戒

【原文标题】Zhu Ba Jie Personality
【译文标题】西方人对西游记人物性格的分析 - 猪八戒

Fundamentally, Ba Jie symbolizes man's mundane desires and shortcomings. These three are Ba Jie's basic characteristics:


1. Lustful. He drools disgustingly when he sees beautiful women. Once, he went to spy on eight spider demons (who incidentally looked like beautiful women) when they were bathing in a pool. The pervert changed himself into a monk first and asked if he could bathe with them, and after that he turned into a fish and slinked between their legs......... You get the idea. On a much earlier instance, four gods changed themselves into a beautiful lady and her three young daughters, Zhen Zhen, Ai Ai, and Lian Lian, and gave the pilgrims a test. The fake mother promised them riches and a comfortable life if they would marry her and her daughters. San Zhang ignored her, Wu Kong was kind of derisive, Wu Jing made a little speech on how he had just become San Zhang's disciple and he would never back out of the pilgrimage, and Ba Jie....... was getting an eyeful of the beautiful lady and stuttering...... To cut a long story short, he failed the test and suffered for it, but he didn't learn his lesson. Well, for a while maybe, but old habits are hard to break.


2. Lazy. He complains about his burden and the rough roads - though that may be understandable. But sleeping on the job is not - which he does multiple times. Once, when Wu Kong sends him to scout the area, he goes to sleep in a comfortable spot and prepares a whole load of lies to tell his fellow pilgrims when he goes back. Unknowingly, Wu Kong has been following him from the start. Needless to say, he got chewed out by San Zhang. He is always talking about quitting the pilgrimage whenever they encounter particularly tough obstacles. He would desert his fellow pilgrims without a second thought if they get into trouble. For instance, when he and Wu Jing are fighting a really strong demon (Wu Kong has recently been banished) and they are losing, he gives up and runs away to hide, leaving Wu Jing to fend for himself. Needless to say, Wu Jing is immediately captured by the demon. This goes to show how disloyal he can be.


3. Greedy. Ba Jie has a voracious appetite. He can eat up to 20 times the amount of food for a normal human, and still feel just half full. He is always complaining about being hungry during the journey.
He is also quite humourous, and he provides a lot of the comic relief in the story. He is adequate when it comes to fighting, and helps Wu Kong to defeat some of the demons. He is also a big show-off. There was once when Wu Kong is banished, and they come to a palace, and Ba Jie starts strutting around, doing some showy tricks like turning himself into an enormous giant and flying off on clouds. Naturally, he impresses the king and all the others.


In conclusion, although Ba Jie is a pig-headed, greedy, perverted idiot (as opposed to idiotic pervert XD), he does help out a lot on the journey, albeit reluctantly. He is also one of the most colourful, interesting characters in the story, second only to Wu Kong.


aimeili 发表于 2009-9-26 21:30


thirty 发表于 2009-9-26 23:27


廣東省人 发表于 2009-9-27 15:08


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