Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-10-14 22:40


[朗文]《英语语法高手的24堂必修课》练习册 世界图书出版公司 2007年9月第1版


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-10-14 22:47



1. 英语的语序:原则是(主语+动词+其他成分)

She is a high school student. 她是一名中学生。

He bought a computer. 他买了一台电脑。

当向他人提问时,英语为了吸引注意,把主语与动词倒置,在主语前用 Do/Does/Did (情态动词),改变了语序。

Is she a high school student? 她是一名高中生吗?

Did he buy a computer? 他买了一台电脑吗?

連長 发表于 2009-10-14 23:08

thanks a lot

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-10-19 17:15

2. 英语词语的种类与作用:英语中用于造句的词语,根据其在句中作用的不同,可分为十种词性。


名词 表示人或事物的名称,其中可分为可数名词与不可数名词两类。

* 可数名词:a pencil/ the man/ my books 等[具有单数、复数形式]
   通常与 a/the 这类冠词,this/my 这类代词一起使用。

* 不可数名词:coffee, happiness, London 等[没有复数形式]

冠词 a/an, the 置于名词之前, 表示该名词是否特指。

* You took a photo of us.   
   Will you show the photo to us?

* 在形容非特指的、首次提及的“一个具体的物体、事情、人”时,使用a/an
* 在形容对话双方都知道的“特指的物体、事情、人”时,用the

代词 I, me, you, him, this, some 等,用于指代词。为了避免多次重复使用某名词,或在不应提及具体名词的场合下代替名词使用。

* Look at the car over there! It's a new model of BWM. 看那边的车!它是宝马的新型号。

当使用I, you, he 这样的人称代词时,要根据其在句中的作用做相应的变化。

I-my-me, you-your-you, he-his-him

形容词 right, happy, young, many, few 等,用于说明事物的性质、状态、数量等。

* a long novel [说明小说的性质] 长篇小说
* My sister looks happy. [说明我妹妹的状态] 我妹妹看起来很高兴。

动词 be, have, love, go, run 等,表示人或事物的状态或动作。

* She loves me. [表状态] 她爱我。
* She runs in the park every morning. [表动作] 她每天早上在公园跑步。

情态动词 can, may, will 等,置于动词原形前,表示说话人的心情、判断等。

* He can swim well. [表示说话人对他能力的判断] 他游泳游得很好。

副词 softly, there, always, tomorrow, very 等,表示动词、形容词、其他副词或者整个句子的状态、场所、时间、频率、程度等。

* He speaks slowly. [说明以动作的状态] 他说话慢。
* This medicine is very effective. [说明形容词的程度] 这种药很有效。

介词 at, by, for, on 等,置于名词、代词之前,用介词短语对名词、动词加以说明。

* The book on the desk is mine. [对名词加以说明] 桌子上的书是我的。
* Put the book on the desk. [对动词加以说明] 请把书放在桌子上。

连词 and, but, or, because, when, that 等,用于词语、句子和段落之间,起连接作用。

* Tim loves Ann, and Ann loves Tim. [用于连接两个对等关系的句子] Tim爱着Ann,而Ann也爱着Tim。
* I won't go to the party unless you come. [在一句话补充说明另一句话的情况下起连接作用] 你如果不来的话,我也不去派对了。

感叹词 ah, oh, ouch, well, wow 等,表示说话人的感情。

* Wow, this is a very cute doll. 哇,这真是个可爱的娃娃。

antifake2 发表于 2009-10-19 17:21


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-10-21 17:53

3. 句子的要素:英语把构成句子的必要的、有意义的部分称为句子的要素。



* He ran. 他跑了。
   My sister is a college student. 我姐姐是一名大学生。



* My mother made dinner. 我妈妈做了晚饭。
* My brother is a junior high school student. 我弟弟是个中学生。


对句子成分起修饰、限定作用的 部分称为修饰语,不加修饰语句子也成立。

* The boy carried the heavy bag. [修饰名词] 这个男孩扛着个很沉的袋子。
* Yuta played soccer in the park. [修饰动词] Yuta 在公园里踢足球。

yonghongy23 发表于 2009-10-21 19:01

very helpful。but we suggest to learn practical english. for instance, writing and talking in english fluently.

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-10-27 19:17

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-11-1 00:20 编辑


A 肯定句与否定句

* My sister is a college student.
   My sister isn't an office worker.

* We go to school even on Saturdays.
   We don't go to school on Sundays.

* My brother can swim very fast.
   My sister can't swim very fast.

1. 含有be动词的句子——be 动词+not
2. 含有be动词以外的实义动词的句子——do/does/did not+动词原形
3. 含有情态动词(can, will 等)的句子——情态动词+not+动词原形

主语                     be动词(过去时)    do/does(过去时)
I                               am(was)            do(did)
we                            are(were)         do(did)
you                           are(were)         do(did)
he, she, it, Tom 等      it (was)            does(did)
they                        are(were)         do(did)


I am not — I'm not   are not — aren't    is not — isn't
was not — wasn't       were not — weren't    do not — don't
does not — doesn't    did not — didn't    will not — won't


1> I am tired.                                 I'm not tired.
2> I go to the park every weekend.I don't go to the park every weekend.
3> It will be hot tomorrow.            It won't be hot tomorrow.
4> I don't have a car.                      I have a car.
5> Tom doesn't like carrots.            Tom likes carrots.

Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-11-1 00:29

本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-11-23 20:19 编辑

B 一般疑问句

* Are you hungry? "Yes, I am."
* Do you know her name? "Yes, I do."
* Can you play the piano? "No, I can't."

1. 包含be动词的句子 —— be 动词+主语……?
2. 包含be动词以外的动词的句子 —— Do/Does/Did +主语+动词原形……?
3. 含有情态动词的句子 —— 情态动词+主语+动词原形……?

Check !

1> She is happy.                            
—— Is she happy?
—— Yes, she is.

2> Meg practices the piano every day.
—— Does Meg practice the piano every day?
—— No, he doesn't.

3> He can speak Chinese.                   
—— Can he speak Chinese?
—— Yes, he can.

czkimi 发表于 2009-11-18 17:32


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-11-23 20:58

C 使用疑问词的疑问句

* "Who painted this picture?" "My father did."
* "When did you hear about the accident?" "This morning."

1. 疑问词是主语—疑问词+助词......?
2. 疑问词不是主语—疑问词+be动词+主语(......)?/ 疑问词+情态动词=主语+动词原形......?

who   谁,向谁    which哪边,哪个    why为什么
what    什么          when何时             how怎样
whose谁的          where哪里

注意 选择疑问句
"Which do you like better, dogs or cats?" "I like cats better." —— “你喜欢狗还是猫?”“我更喜欢猫。”

Check !
1. 按照给出的中文意思,将()中的单词排列成句。

1) 这本书是谁写的?(this book/who/wrote)?
—— Who wrote this book?

2) 你周末有什么计划? (plans/are/what/your) for the weekend?
—— What are your plans for the weekend?

2. 在()中填写适当的疑问词。

1) Where did you buy this cake? — At the supermarket.
2) When is your birthday? — June 16th.
3) How did you go to the island? — By plane.
4) Which do you like better, summer or winter? — Summer.
5) Whose bag is this? —— It's Sally's.
6) Why didn't he come to school today? — Because he was sick.

herqldh 发表于 2009-12-11 00:25


百姓 发表于 2009-12-11 13:49


Iam_zhcn 发表于 2010-1-18 16:31

D 祈使句

* Be careful! Wait for me.
* Don't be so noisy! / Don't worry.

1. 肯定的祈使句 — 以动词原形开头
    You are careful. — Be careful.

2. 否定的祈使句 — Don't+动词原形
    You are so noisy. — Don't be so noisy.


1. 请把以下的句子改写为祈使句。

1) You are nice to your brother.
2) You stand up.

2. 按照给出的中文意思,在()内填入适当的单词。

1) 请不要在此照相。() () picture here.
2) 不要害怕水。() () afraid of the water.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-18 16:57

本帖最后由 zhongdong_wang 于 2010-1-18 17:12 编辑

Be nice to your brother.
Stand up.

Do not take picture here.
Do not be afraid of the water.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-18 17:01

Take good care of this column.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-18 17:07

Do not be afraid of studying English.
Do not be afraid of speaking English.
Do not be afraid of reading English.
Do not be afraid of writing English.
Do not be afraid of listenning to English.
Do not be afraid of hearing English.
Do not be afraid of scolding and being scolded.
Do not be afraid of making mistakes.
Do not be afraid of being a thief or a killer and being wanted.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-18 17:12

Do be nice to your brother.
Do stand up.

四喜米花 发表于 2010-1-19 16:50

版主真是辛苦啦 非常有用!

hanhaihong 发表于 2010-1-27 12:47

Thanks a lot of.......楼主继续扫盲。。。。
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