yqh 发表于 2009-10-28 07:27

【09.10.27BBC】China confirms Tibetan executions

【原文标题】China confirms Tibetan executions【登载媒体】BBC

China confirms Tibetan executions
Ethnic Tibetan regions of China are under heavy securityhttp://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45548000/jpg/_45548122_police_ap226b.jpg

Two Tibetans have been executed for their involvement in riots in Tibet last year, the Chinese government has confirmed.
They are thought to be the first executions in relation to the unrest, which left at least 22 people dead.
There are reports that two more Tibetans have been executed, but that has not been confirmed.
China also spoke out against interference following criticism of the executions from a UK minister.
Fair trial
News that two Tibetans had been executed first came last week from Gu Chu Sum, an organisation based in India that helps former political prisoners.
一个建立在印度从事于帮助前政治犯的组织Gu Chu Sum,在上周第一个发布了关于两个藏人被判死刑的消息。
Pro-Tibetan groups and the Tibetan government-in-exile named the men who died as Lobsang Gyaltsen and Loyak, who went by just one name.
亲西藏组织和西藏流亡政府称死的两人为Lobsang Gyaltsen和只有一个名字的Loyak,。
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu confirmed at a regular press briefing on Tuesday that "two criminals" had been executed, although he did not give their names.
He said: "I would like to point out that China's judicial authorities handled the cases according to the law."
Mr Ma said the two fully expressed their views through their lawyers at a public trial and had been given interpreters.
The two men were sentenced to death in April for starting fires in riots that gripped the Tibetan capital Lhasa in March 2008.
Lobsang Gyaltsen was accused of starting fires in two clothes stores that killed a shop owner. Loyak is said to have set fire to a motorbike store, causing the deaths of five people.
Lobsang Gyaltsen控告因放火烧了两个衣服店并烧死了一个店主(译者注:另外五名年轻的生命都被忽略了,“以纯”服装专卖店被烧死的5名员工均系年轻女性,年龄最大的23岁,最小的仅17岁,其中被害人次仁旺姆还是刚满19岁的藏族姑娘)。Loyak据说(译者注:充满了怀疑)放火烧了一个摩托车店并导致了五人死亡。
British foreign office minister Ivan Lewis, who visited Tibet in September, condemned the executions last week.
曾于九月访问过西藏的英国外交大臣Ivan Lewis上周反对这个判决。
"We respect China's right to bring those responsible for the violence in Tibet last year to justice," said Mr Lewis. "But the UK opposes the death penalty in all circumstances, and we have consistently raised our concerns about lack of due process in these cases in particular."
“我们尊重中国将那些导致去年西藏骚乱的主谋者绳之于法的权利,”Mr Lewis说.“但英国反对任何情况下的死刑,我们一直提出对缺乏应有的程序的关切,特别是这件事情。”
Mr Ma responded at the press briefing by saying that no one had the right to interfere in China's legal process.
Lhasa protests
The unrest broke out last year when peaceful demonstrations turned into riots in Lhasa. China says 22 innocent civilians died in the violence.
Protests and violence quickly spread to other Tibetan areas across China, in the provinces of Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan.
Pro-Tibetan groups and the Tibetan government-in-exile, base in Dharamsala in India, say that scores of Tibetans were killed in the unrest and subsequent government crackdown.
Security is still reported to be tight in Tibetan areas, more than a year-and-a-half after the most serious unrest involving Tibetans in two decades.

               译者:“我们并不反对媒体本身,我们只反对媒体的不客观报道。我们并不反对西方人民,但是我们反对偏见。 ”

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