Iam_zhcn 发表于 2009-11-25 16:31

【09.11.24 每日电讯报】死海濒危:水位持续下降 面积缩减堪忧

Dead Sea clings on for dear life

By Ahmad Khatib, in Ghor Kaditha Published: 11:47AM GMT 24 Nov 2009

The shores of the Dead Sea are drying and it may soon shrink to a lifeless pond Photo: AFP

The Dead Sea may soon shrink to a pond as Middle Eastern political strife undermines measures to halt the decay of the world's lowest and saltiest body of water.

The water level is falling by a metre a year and nothing has yet been done to reverse the decline because of a lack of political cooperation in the region.

The shoreline has receded by more than a kilometre (around a mile) in some places and the world-famous lake, a tourism destination renowned for the beneficial effect of its minerals, may dry out completely by 2050.

"It might be confined into a small pond. It is likely to happen and this is extremely serious. Nobody is doing anything now to save it," said Dureid Mahasneh, a water expert and former local government head in the Jordan valley.

"Saving the Dead Sea is a regional issue, and if you take the heritage, environmental and historical importance, or even the geographical importance, it is an international issue."

Landlocked between Jordan, Israel and the West Bank, the Dead Sea is rapidly vanishing because water that previously flowed into the lake is being diverted, as well as being extracted for service industries and agriculture.

Jordan decided in September to go it alone and build a $2 billion (£1.2 billion) pipeline from the Red Sea to start refilling the Dead Sea without help from Israel or the Palestinian Authority.

However, that project is controversial and Mahasneh emphasised that Jordan alone is not capable of solving the Dead Sea's problems.

>> 以下内容来源于网络

这个世界上最低点、盐含量比普通海水高9倍、可让游客浮在水面上看书的内陆湖泊,水位持续急降。死海垂危,约旦政府宣布,明年起开始第一阶段营救行动,从红海(Red Sea)抽盐水注入死海。











yiyuanyan 发表于 2011-10-2 23:07

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