yqh 发表于 2009-11-27 22:58

【09.11.27 泰晤士报】中国第一次发布温室气体目标

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-11-28 02:43 编辑

【原文标题】china announces first greenhouse gas target

China announces first greenhouse gas target


http://my.anti-cnn.com/attachment/200911/27/157669_1259333022LbQO.jpgChina has unveiled its first firm target to curb greenhouse gas emissions, and said that the Premier, Wen Jiabao, will attend climate change talks in Copenhagen next month.


The State Council, or Cabinet, pledged yesterday to cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 40 to 45 per cent by 2020 compared with 2005 levels.


It said: “This is a voluntary action taken by the Chinese Government based on its own national conditions and is a major contribution to the global effort in tackling climate change.”


The Foreign Ministry did not say which days of the December meeting Premier Wen would attend, although it claimed his presence underlined China’s commitment to making Copenhagen a success despite the low expectations of any binding outcome from the talks.


A spokesman said: “We hope to reach a fair and reasonable arrangement.” The Premier’s attendance “fully demonstrates the importance attached to this”.


China’s emphasis on tackling its climate change and pollution problems has become a priority for the Government. This announcement marks the first time Beijing has put specific numbers on a September pledge by President Hu Jintao at the United Nations to reduce the intensity of carbon emissions as a percentage of economic growth by 2020 by a “notable margin”.


Experts described the goal as ambitious but not unattainable and said that it was extremely significant that China had made such a move a day after President Obama said that he would go to Copenhagen to announce personally US proposals to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.


Alex Wang, of the Natural Resources Defence Council environmental group, said: “This is setting the stage for a successful meeting.”


He described the two targets from Beijing and Washington as opening numbers. “We hope to see a higher range if not beyond.”


The goal does not mean that China will actually cut its carbon emissions by 2020. In fact, given the expected huge increases in its economy over the next decade, its global warming emissions should increase but at a much slower pace than if China had made no changes.


China already has a goal to cut energy intensity by 2010 by 20 per cent, a target that it should meet by a whisker and probably only because the global financial crisis slowed its red-hot growth last year.


The carbon intensity goal is particularly important because coal accounts for a massive 70 per cent of China’s total electricity generation.


Allan Zhang, head of carbon markets in Beijing with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, said: “I would say it is a very aggressive target. This 40-45 per cent reduction is quite big.

Allan 张,北京普华碳市场的领导说:“我想说这是一个非常雄心勃勃的目标,减少40%-45%这非常的大”

“I am sure they will have to come up with subsequent action plans to implement it.”


He cited the link with actions from the US, the world’s No2 carbon emitter after China. China and the US together account for about 40 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions.


“This will be the official position of China and it will be quite something. I am sure it will put more pressure on the US side. It is definitely a significant move but to achieve it will be quite a challenge.”



Andy Kadir-Buxton wrote:
There is no point in setting targets without at the same time adopting a near-zero CO2 plan, the first of which has been around for 25 years without being taken seriously by politicians. It is self-financing, what do polticians want, to be paid to do it?

ray fu wrote:
And "greed" drives it on. united states and western europe had no hesitation over the industrialisation of the west and to make the people pay for it.
It is the same with China and power is the game.
who was the first region to be industrialised --- the western europe since 18th century
who was the biggest CO2 emitter --- the united states
who was the second biggest CO2 emitter --- the western europe
the west is being driven by greed and hypocrisy.
the oldest and biggest polluters are asking developing countries to cut CO2 whilst the west can enjoy their quality of life and keeps on polluting the planet.
environmental sustainability has a NEW meaning now.

Jeff London wrote:
@Ken Rather
It's so easy to say that, living in our stately modern homes, electricity and gas 24/7, LCD TVs, laptops, wifi home security systems, first class communications and transport structure.
We in the West already have the wealth, so much so that we are fortunate enough to have a social security net to supply those who cannot fund themselves; most full time Chinese workers can only dream of having the above.

Ken Rather wrote:
The record over the last sevearl decades shows that there is a huge disparity between what the Chinese say and what they actually do. The incredibly blind ambition of the Chinese to become developed (i.e. rich)at any cost should be truly frightening to all sensible people around the world. The Chinese are determined to manufacture (pollute) their way to oblivion (unfortunately, that means rest of the planet).

James Green wrote:
@Dave George - There is nothing "wrong" with "these global warming sceptics". Scepticism is a foundation stone of science. Take away or suppress the scepticism and it's no longer science.
Any small child can tell us that pumping CO2 into the atmosphere is a bad thing only because of government brainwashing. Any adult who has actually looked into this can tell us that it is not. E.g. many horticulturists pay to have the CO2 levels in their greenhouses boosted considerably because the plants grow so much better.
These are two of the things that, to me, undermine the arguments of almost all 'Warmists'; one is presenting faux science as fact and the other is their willingness to stoop to silly insults and personal attacks.
Ken Rather wrote:
It is incredible how many people continue to believe in the lies and and are fooled by the deceptive games the Chinese regime continues to play with the world.

Bryan King wrote:
"China is still moving from Soviet style heavy industry to modern energy efficient plant. The economy uses energy in a wasteful manner. With newer technologies, their carbon intensity would decline in a dramatic fashion. You don't have to set "targets" for this."
I agree, it's probably going to happen anyway, but there's no harm in presenting it as a target, when they are under pressure to produce one.


iew gnem wrote:
China is also 4 times larger than the US, to talk about China and the US in the same terms is like comparing American emissions France.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, but if you want to be the one stuck relying on oil in 10 years be my guest.

Sid Sid wrote:
A clever political move I reckon, because by 2020 the CO2-based global warming myth will probably be dead anyway, as the planet continues to cool naturally over the next 10 years, so nobody will care that China failed to meet those targets!



无可就要 发表于 2009-11-27 23:11


红色的血 发表于 2009-11-27 23:22


gabirella 发表于 2009-11-27 23:58

The Foreign Ministry did not say which days of the December meeting Premier Wen would attend, although it claimed his presence underlined China’s commitment to making Copenhagen a success despite the low expectations of any binding outcome from the talks. 外交部没有提供温总理将出席十二月的会议多少天,虽然它表明中国对哥本哈根会议取得成功做出的底线是会谈不能对中国产生有任何有强制性的要求。
1# yqh

連長 发表于 2009-11-28 00:16


shimo1989 发表于 2009-11-28 09:30

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, but if you want to be the one stuck relying on oil in 10 years be my guest.

"Be my guest" 应该是“随你便”的意思。

superloong 发表于 2009-11-28 11:25


yqh 发表于 2009-11-28 12:13

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, but if you want to be the one stuck relying on oil in 10 years be my guest.

"Be my guest" 应该是“随你便”的意思。
shimo1989 发表于 2009-11-28 09:30 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif谢谢大家的支持!评论相对于文章更难翻译,俚语熟语对于不熟悉西方的人来说想破脑袋也猜不着。ACER们又很希望看评论,希望有更多的人能加入我们的,特别是熟悉海外的Acer。外媒需要你们!
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