遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-12-3 23:43

【09.12.03 Time】中国vs迪斯尼:关于木兰的斗争

【原文标题】China Vs. Disney: The Battle for Mulan


China is moving to take back one of its own — even if it is legend. Mulan is the Middle Kingdom's gender-bending heroine, its Joan of Arc. The character from folktale is a daughter who disguises herself as a male soldier to take her father's place in the conscription army. The problem for the Chinese is that, since 1998, the definitive version of the story is Disney's.


Indeed, because of the animated Disney film, the character Mulan has become one of the most recognizable symbols of Chinese culture worldwide. Baby girls adopted from China have been named Mulan by their American parents. Disney has staged musical versions of the movie Mulan from Mexico to the Philippines. And posing for a photo with Mulan is a must for hordes of tourists at Hong Kong Disneyland.


Though it was too American for audiences in China (where it performed abysmally), Disney's Mulan was a smash hit in the rest of the world, where it reeled in $300 million. That didn't sit well with some Chinese, including Guo Shu, executive president of Starlight International Media Group, an entertainment company based in Beijing. "We commit ourselves to be a media with a sense of national responsibility," she told the state-run People's Daily. "Now that foreigners can produce a popular movie out of the story Hua Mulan, why can't we Chinese present its own to the world?"

尽管对中国观众来说太过美国化(在中国电影的表现很糟糕),迪斯尼的Mulan却横扫全世界,席卷3亿美元。对包括Guo Shu——北京娱乐公司星光国际传媒集团的总裁——在内的某些中国人来说,这是不合适的。“我们是负有国家责任的媒体”,她告诉国家开办的人民日报。“既然外国人能根据花木兰的故事制作一部受欢迎的电影,为什么我们中国人不能把自己的版本呈现给世界呢?”

In 2006, she announced production of a Chinese Mulan and now that version has opened to reclaim the global Mulan-mania. On Nov. 27, the $12 million, mainland-funded live-action war epic Mulan premiered in mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. It will hit screens in Hong Kong this week, and negotiations are on the table for release dates in the U.S. and Europe.


Hong Kong director Jingle Ma says the new 115-minute Mulan is a sweeping melodrama that depicts the central character as an action hero, dutiful daughter and wistful romantic. The film stars Vicki Zhao Wei, who shot to fame in the late 1990s playing the wide-eyed lead role in the television series Princess Pearl. Zhao may have gotten the role because of her tomboy image in action films such as Red Cliff and So Close, but in Mulan, she appears with full makeup and long, glossy fingernails — even as a soldier.


While the Disney film wove comedy into a Disney-esque plot about a young girl breaking out of the confines of tradition to pursue her own destiny, the new, live-action Mulan focuses on patriotism, filial piety, romance and the difficulties of war. The formula is part of an evolving mainland genre that has seen filmmakers incorporating more nuanced, entertaining storytelling into patriotic plots. "China is anxious to be part of the global community. There's a lot of concern over soft power right now," says Poshek Fu, professor of cinema studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. "Movies are a strong projection of that desire."

迪士尼电影将充满具有迪斯尼风格的情节编织成一部喜剧,讲述一个年轻女孩突破传统的限制追逐自己的命运,而新的真人电影花木兰则将重点放在爱国主义、孝顺、浪漫故事以及战争的艰难上面。这一公式是正在进化中的大陆流派的一部分,电影摄制者将更加细腻、有趣的叙事糅合到爱国主义情节当中。“中国急于成为全球共同体的一部分,现在有很多关于软实力的考虑”,伊利诺伊大学厄本那—香槟分校的电影研究教授Poshek Fu说。“电影是这种渴望的强烈投射。”

The new Mulan is at least the 10th film version of the Hua Mulan tale ("Hua" is the heroine's surname). Many of the previous films, such as Mulan Joins the Army, released in 1939 in Japanese-occupied Shanghai, carried political messages during turbulent periods in the country's history. In 1956, after the Communist party had banned American films and nationalized the country's film studios, a state-sponsored Hua Mulan was released, touting the party's egalitarian gender policy. After many Chinese filmmakers fled Communist-controlled China, the Shaw Brothers studio in Hong Kong gave overseas Chinese audiences a vision of a unified China in its 1963 film The Lady General Hua Mulan.


The latest Mulan was not the only post-Disney attempt to remake the folktale. In 2003, there was talk of a version starring Michelle Yeoh and Chow Yun-Fat. In 2006, the Weinstein Company announced a big-budget Mulan film that would star Zhang Ziyi. Director Ma says his version comes at just the right time. "Eleven years ago, just because someone else made this film didn't mean that we had to come back and make our version right away," he says. "It was better to wait for things to cool down before we made our own Mulan. Back then, the Chinese market wasn't mature yet, but now it's ready."


But there's a foreign presence even in this Chinese attempt to take back its own. The Russian entertainer Vitas plays the role of a singer from a distant land held hostage by the nomadic and militant Rouran tribe, which is set on invading Chinese territory. The casting choice, Ma explained, was a simple marketing decision. Starlight International also represents Vitas in China. And, who knows, the Russian actor could be key to the new Mulan's conquest of foreign audiences. Take that Disney.

但是即使在这次中国尝试拿回自己的东西时也有外国的存在。俄罗斯一人Vitas扮演来自远方的歌者,是被设定为正在侵略中国领土的好战的游牧部落柔然的人质。马楚成解释说,演员的选择是由市场决定的。星光国际也是Vitas在中国的代理。而且,谁知道呢,俄罗斯演员可能是新的花木兰征服外国观众的关键。Take that Disney.【这句什么意思?】

sniper1100 发表于 2009-12-3 23:57


五星利中华 发表于 2009-12-4 00:06



追求公正 发表于 2009-12-4 00:30



USSR 发表于 2009-12-4 02:54

Take that Disney.


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 04:18


要求收回, 拿回

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 04:23

Take that Disney.【这句什么意思?】


红尘不透 发表于 2009-12-4 08:34


五星利中华 发表于 2009-12-4 00:06 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

drinkmilk101 发表于 2009-12-4 09:17


antifake2 发表于 2009-12-4 10:03

In 2006,she announced production of a Chinese Mulan and now that version has opened to reclaim the global Mulan-mania.



Take that Disney. 看招(接招),迪斯尼。

非常可乐 发表于 2009-12-4 10:53


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-12-4 11:46


lrx 发表于 2009-12-4 12:23

他们没读过我们的  木兰辞

naixiann 发表于 2009-12-4 20:02


青蛙小王子 发表于 2009-12-4 20:17

In 2006,she announced production of a Chinese Mulan and now that version has opened to reclaim the global Mulan-mania.


这句话我的理解是:2006年,她宣布拍摄一部中国版木兰,现在这个 ...
antifake2 发表于 2009-12-4 10:03 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-12-4 21:01

naixiann 发表于 2009-12-4 20:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

harney 发表于 2009-12-5 00:21


唧唧复唧唧 木兰当户织

麒麟兽 发表于 2009-12-5 00:46


麒麟兽 发表于 2009-12-5 00:47

Take that Disney

niaoren5 发表于 2009-12-6 13:06

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