rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 04:56

【09.12.03 ABC新闻】皮尤调查: 孤立主义和中国崛起

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-12-5 23:29 编辑

【原文标题】Pew Poll: Isolationism and China Rising
【中文标题】皮尤调查: 孤立主义和中国崛起
【登载媒体】ABC NEWS 美国广播公司新闻
【来源地址】http://blogs.abcnews.com/george/ ... -china-rising-.html

Pew Poll: Isolationism and China Rising

December 03, 2009 10:15 AM

Two unsettling findings in the latest Pew survey caught my eye this morning.

For the first time in forty years of polling, a plurality of Americans -- 49 percent -- think the US should "mind its own business internationally.". Not surprising that the country is turning inward during tough economic times, but this is still a dramatic number.

Matched only by this: for the first time a plurality of Americans -- 44 percent -- see China as the world's leading economic power. Only 27 percent name the U.S.

Just last year, the US was at 40 percent -- ten points ahead of China.

That jolt of confidence President Obama brought to the country last year has faded fast.

Read the rest of the Pew findings HERE.

皮尤调查: 孤立主义和中国崛起


四十年来第一次,受调查的大多数美国人( 49%)认为美国应该“在国际上专注自己的事务”。这毫不奇怪,在经济困难时期,美国正在转为内向,但49%仍然是一个巨大的数字。





这篇文章发表在"乔治的底线(George's Bottom Line)"博客。乔治 斯特凡诺普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)是美国广播公司(ABC)驻华盛顿首席记者,报道政治,国会和白宫的活动。同时主持一个节目叫“本周(This Week)”。每周日在"本周"栏目里,他采访顶级的新闻人物,讨论了本周发生的活动,并期待下一周。

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 04:58

本帖最后由 j小蜜蜂 于 2009-12-4 13:44 编辑


This country has gone downhill, because we allowed Coporate America, to send all of our manufacturing off shore, sacrificing the jobs and well being of citizens.

Most ordinary Americans get that. It is government that doesn't get it.

Government must take action to provide incentives for American companies to produce in America. Plain and simple.

Americans, must stop buying what is cheapest, and they must start buying American, once again. It is in their overall best interest, to buy less, and buy American.

Posted by: Rick McDaniel | Dec 3, 2009 10:45:39 AM

大意: 抱怨美国大公司把制造业外包,牺牲了工作岗位和市民的利益。美国政府必须采取行动保护本国的工作,号召美国人拒绝购买便宜商品,只买美国生产的东东。

Many Americans dream of living in Russia where you still have the Liberty to "drink one for the road".....whereas in America it would put you in jail, raise your insurance to crazy high levels, and put a negative hit on your record.

Pretty sad when the Communists appear to have more Liberty than Americans don't you think?

I wonder how much Liberty those Chinese have? Can't be more restricted than we are by our Government.

Posted by: Phil | Dec 3, 2009 10:56:37 AM

大意: 在俄罗斯人们有酒后开车的自由,在美国酒后开车就得入狱,保险涨价和记录在案。共产主义国家--中国--一定比美国还自由。美国政府管太多了。


It's rathern naive to point fingers at coporate america. Take GM as an example, it's really easy for us to blame companies like GM to invest in China -- therefore, shipping jobs overseas. For GM, however, it's a game of survival. GM is losing over $1,000 each vechicle it makes here in North America. However, it's making billions of dollars of profit in China. Without profits from China and other countries, GM would have been dead. which means tens of thousands people who're still working for GM today in the US would have vanished. As I see it, it all comes down to competitiveness.

GM would be the greatest auto maker again in the universe if it could beat the Japanese in quality, the Chinese in cost of operations. It's really what capitalism is all about: you'll die if you can't compete.

Posted by: Adrian | Dec 3, 2009 11:29:20 AM

大意: 不同意归咎于大公司。不能轻松地指责它们,比如通用汽车公司,它投资中国乃是为了生存。通用在北美每制造一辆汽车就损失超过1000美元。投资中国虽然给中国带来了极大的利润。但不这么做通用就死了。


Americans are simply wising up to where this Administration is taking us. Yes, the honeymoon is over!

Posted by: Bill | Dec 3, 2009 11:33:24 AM

大意: 美国人最傻了,政府让他们去哪就去哪。蜜月结束了。


The plan (international socialism) has always been the deflating of America and the inflating of the under developed world. That is what Outsourcing is and that is what Cap and Trade is. Wakeup, One world government is here and it is not based in Democracy or "one man one vote". It is based in "elitism and privilege" vs "fall in line and shut up."

Posted by: JonEAppleSeed | Dec 3, 2009 11:42:26 AM


The problem is the average american has become spoiled with a credit fix way of life and have become accustomed to not having to work hard to get what they want. Another problem is people who control great wealth and its given to the family in the end just screw up that generation of kin. How many times have you seen a 16 year old driving a benz to high school? Its a struggle between the rich and poor in this country. Everyone wants the nice things but isn't willing to work like china to get it. Suck it up america and work hard.

Posted by: will | Dec 3, 2009 12:17:47 PM

大意: 美国人被宠坏了,习惯于不劳而获。有钱人没有好好教育下一代。每个人都不愿意象中国一样为了得到好的东西而努力。


the price of our interventions around the globe has been staggering, both monetarily and socially. the polarization of the nation that has accompanied the nation's foreign strategies in the last decade brought this on. but shall the admin. respond? shall we focus on home and hearth and ignore foreign struggles? don't bet on it...

Posted by: patrick ryan killeen | Dec 3, 2009 12:18:34 PM


Got news for one and all. Americans traditionally and historically have been isolationist. Leave us alone, King George III!

Posted by: John2010 | Dec 3, 2009 12:27:31 PM



I think isolationism is an incorrect interpretation of America "minding its own business internationally." I am an American Expat living between Honduras and London, and I hardly feel like the US should withdraw from the rest of the world, but I do believe that America should let other countries make their own decisions. There's a big difference.

Posted by: David | Dec 3, 2009 1:04:29 PM



JohnEappleseed....you got it half right. The path were set in the 1980's by Ronald Reagan, when the outsourcing and Deregulation began, the fall of our Auto companies, and the anger that continues today fueled by the Republicans to burst unions, so the American workers are at the will of the employers only. They threaten to leave the country if the policies weren't changed back then. (to pay what they please, without benefits or healthcare) Why do you think the Minimum Wage was an issue? Why do you think Hough, American Motors, Johnson Motors, Sara Lee and all of the such companies only has a fraction of their companies remaining in America? (tax breaks) These were the jobs that built this country with Middle Class Hands! In my late 50's, I REMEMBER when, how and who! The point...Ronald Reagan enacted laws and policies to create 2 class of people in America....Rich and Poor. Now that's Socialism! Now isn't that's how China is ran. Except, they did have a plan to keep their "minions" with minimum wage jobs. INSTEAD OF USING THE WORD "SOCIALIST" TRY "TRICKLED-DOWN"(DOWN, DOWN, DOWN)> SOCIALISM IS BEEN BEAT INTO YOUR BRAIN BY THE REPUBLICANS TO TAKE THE FOCUS OFF THEM, THAT CREATED THIS MESS BY THEIR HERO...RONALD REAGAN. STOP BEING STUPID!

Posted by: sara | Dec 3, 2009 1:11:52 PM


Education in China is VALUED for all. Even Cuba educate their own..even they know that a Strong Country depends on education and wealth....Not just Military Might! Now we can barely maintain that monetarily. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING! TAX CUTS TO THE Wealthiest Americans can't hold up the REMAINING 99%. THEY STOP CREATING JOBS AND POCKET THEIR WEALTH AND HIDE IT OVERSEAS IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. NOW THE SYSTEM THAT WERE CREATED IN THE 1980'S THAT WE SEE THE END RESULT TODAY WERE DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!

Posted by: sara | Dec 3, 2009 1:18:39 PM

中国人看重教育,一个强大的国家依靠教育和财富...而不是军事力量。现在我们连财富都维持不了。他们在想什么!!! 给最富有的美国人减税,然后富人缩减工作机会,把钱装进口袋,放到海外藏起来。80年代建立的这个系统我们今天看到它的结果是蠢!蠢!蠢!


Poor Sara with her quote "isn't this how China is ran" shows why industry does not want to be here. Our education system is pathetic because we cater to bring a "minimal education" to everyone. Without a highly skilled and highly educated population we are doomed. In the manual labor market with all our laws, minimum wage, benefits, etc. we cannot compete.

Posted by: JACK | Dec 3, 2009 1:40:25 PM


Right on sara.

I just don’t understand how Republican voodoo math works. A pathetic 5 Million new jobs were created over the past 8 years. And don’t forget this

recession began in 2007, right after almost a decade of supply side tax cuts and financial deregulation.

Today millions of the middle class live paycheck to paycheck, frightened that a medical problem or a layoff will destroy a lifetime of work.

One in eight Americans is on food stamps.

Over 120,000 families are filing for bankruptcy EVERY month.

And, $5 Trillion has disappeared from middle class pensions and savings.

Back in the 60s, America’s middle class income jumped 33% (adjusted for inflation) – but during the booming 2000s, families gained a teensy 1.6% income increase.

So what happened to all our nation's wealth? Take a close look at the financial industry that is supposed to serve us. For decades this industry has reaped Billions selling new fangled credit, inventing “fees”, and gambling with products like “swaps”. When their shady practices helped trigger our current financial crisis, the financial industry came to Washington for a handout, paid for by the peons. And now their powerful lobbies want to preserve the rules that got us into this mess.

Anyone who howls that new government banking regulations means “socialism” has been duped.

Posted by: CenterOne | Dec 3, 2009 1:58:42 PM

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 05:55

本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-12-4 05:56 编辑



Americans see diminishing role in world, China's riseDec 3, 2009 7:21 PM | By Sapa
Americans increasingly view the United States as playing a less important role in the world and as many as half expressed the desire to become more isolated from global affairs, according to a poll released.

The Pew Research Centre poll found that 41 per cent of Americans believe the US plays a weaker role in the world than it did 10 years ago, the highest number ever shown by the survey.

Meanwhile, 44 per cent of Americans view China as the world's leading economic power while only 27 per cent named their own country. The numbers reflect the poor US economy and China's growing control of the US national debt.

There is also rising isolationist sentiment. Forty-nine per cent of Americans - an all time high in the poll - believe the United States should "mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own."

In the wake of President Barack Obama's decision to deploy 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, 57 per cent of those surveyed said the war is not going well.

忍耐 发表于 2009-12-4 07:57


jerrywu 发表于 2009-12-4 09:16

【原文标题】Pew Poll: Isolationism and China Rising
【中文标题】皮尤调查: 孤立主义和中国崛起
【登载媒体】ABC NEWS 美国广播公司新闻
【来源地址】http://blogs.abcnews.com/george/ ... -china-rising-.html
That jolt of confidence President Obama brought to the country last year has faded fast...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 04:56 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

耳冉子 发表于 2009-12-4 12:35



rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 12:49

jerrywu 发表于 2009-12-4 09:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-4 13:38

ZT: 美国人的天真:中国经济最强 美国军事最强


位于美国华府的独立民调机构「皮尤研究中心」(Pew Research Center)3日表示,根据最新的调查结果,44%的美国人认为中国是现今全球首要经济强权,只有27%认为美国是首要经济强权。





船人 发表于 2009-12-4 14:06


猎猎晚风 发表于 2009-12-4 16:09


estelleljb 发表于 2009-12-4 20:12


liuyu39 发表于 2009-12-4 20:38


yy10cij 发表于 2009-12-4 21:00

大意: 在俄罗斯人们有酒后开车的自由,在美国酒后开车就得入狱,保险涨价和记录在案。共产主义国家--中国--一定比美国还自由。美国政府管太多了。



hhjnet 发表于 2009-12-4 23:36


走读生 发表于 2009-12-5 02:32

liuyu39 发表于 2009-12-4 20:38 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


wxd111 发表于 2009-12-5 06:43


ChinaErection 发表于 2009-12-6 20:06


圈圈圆圆Q 发表于 2009-12-8 10:23

estelleljb 发表于 2009-12-4 20:12 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
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