水清浅 发表于 2009-12-7 19:42

【09.12.7 Time】中国跨国公司的世界

本帖最后由 渔音谦谦 于 2009-12-7 21:26 编辑

【原文标题】The World of China Inc.
Lunch at the site of the future Ramu nickel and cobalt mine in the remote hills of Papua New Guinea is a hurried affair, food shoveled into eager mouths. But the menu is as divided as the two distinct groups of workers squatting in the heat, swatting away flies and filling their bellies before their nine-hour, seven-day-a-week shifts begin again. In one huddle are local laborers chewing chunks of sweet potato and the canned fish known in pidgin dialect as tinpis. In another clump are imported workers from China who dig into rice topped with pork belly and chili – black bean sauce. The Chinese, who were shipped in by the state-owned China Metallurgical Group Corp. that has invested $1.4 billion into this faraway outpost, can understand neither English nor pidgin, two of the national languages. The Papua New Guineans speak no Mandarin. Even at mealtime, an event during which both cultures would normally encourage community and hospitality, the air is weighted by mutual incomprehension. "How can we eat together if everything about us is different?" asks Shen Jilei, whose first overseas experience transferred him directly from China's Sichuan province to a South Pacific nation he hadn't even known existed.

Notes of culture clash ring everywhere I wander in the vast construction zones that by the end of this year will turn a pristine stretch of virgin forest and grassland into one of the world's largest nickel-extraction sites. On the palm-fringed coast of Basamuk Bay, where the Ramu refinery will be situated, a chatty Beijing-born building engineer tells me that before the Chinese arrived, "the natives were completely uncivilized and running around almost naked." I voice my doubts, telling him that I've just talked to a nearby villager who described a PowerPoint presentation she recently made detailing environmental concerns about the mine. The engineer, like many other Chinese I meet, remains unimpressed. "All they do is chew betel nut and act lazy," he says. "They don't know how to work hard like we Chinese do."
我在这片辽阔的建筑工地上漫步,到处都能感觉到文化冲击的气息。这片地区将于今年底从原始森林和草原变成世界上最大的镍矿采矿区。在宛如手状的巴萨慕克湾沿岸,也就是镍矿将坐落的地方,一位爱讲话的北京建筑工程师告诉我,在中国工人来之前,“当地人完全没有接受文明,几乎是赤身裸体地四处逛。”我提出了我的质疑,告诉他我还跟附近的一个村民谈过话,她向我展示了她最近做的一个ppt,详细阐述了对矿区环境的担忧。 这个工程师,和我遇到过的很多中国人一样丝毫不为所动。他说,“当地人所做的仅仅是吃槟榔子,而且举止懒散。他们就不知道像我们中国人一样努力工作。”

The impression the Chinese have left on many P.N.G. nationals isn't much better. A local landowner whose ancestral territory lies in the middle of the mine site alleges, improbably, that the nickel will be used to feed a secret Chinese weapons program. In the capital Port Moresby, my driver announces that if a gang to evict Chinese from P.N.G. is formed, he will be the first to join. "I will sharpen my bush knife and chop 10 or 20 heads," he says. The unease about Chinese influence extends to government circles, even if the Ramu mine promises to add 8 percentage points to the country's GDP. "I know the Chinese are going out everywhere in the world and investing successfully," says Rona Nadile, an assistant secretary of labor and industrial relations. "But what I don't understand is why are they are so stubborn to not respect our local culture. We are a democracy. They have to play by our rules or we will rise up."
这些中国人给很多巴布亚新几内亚国民留下的印象也不怎么好。当地一个土地拥有者的祖传土地恰好位于矿区中间,他说,搞不好这片镍矿将会被用来支持中国秘密的武器项目。在首都莫尔兹比港,我的司机说,假如有一个旨在将中国人驱逐出巴布亚新几内亚的帮派成立,那他将是第一个参加的。他还说,“我将会把我的割灌刀磨得锋利,然后砍他十个二十个中国人的脑袋。”即使Ramu镍矿承诺将给该国的国内生产总值增加8个百分点,对中国影响的担忧还是扩散到巴布亚新几内亚政府层。“我知道中国人走向世界各处,而且投资很成功,但是我不明白的是他们为什么固执己见而不尊重我们当地的文化。我们是民主国家。他们必须按我们的规则来,否则我们就会起来反抗。”一位负责劳动与劳资关系的助理秘书Rona Nadile说。

Mixed Blessings
When China began its global investment push in the early part of this century, the flood of new money was welcomed, particularly in those parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America that felt abandoned by the West. China's promise not to politicize aid and investment by attaching pesky conditions like improved human rights pleased many governments. Between 2003 and 2008, Chinese direct investment overseas skyrocketed — rising from $75 million to $5.5 billion in Africa, 1 billion to $3.7 billion in Latin America and jumping from $1.5 billion to $43.5 billion in Asia. The People's Republic now ranks as the No. 1 foreign investor in countries as diverse as Sudan and Cambodia. In exchange for the natural resources needed to feed China's economic engine, Beijing began an assiduous campaign to win foreign hearts and minds by financing stadiums, hospitals and lavish government offices. The Foreign Ministry in East Timor was built courtesy of the Chinese, while Guinea-Bissau's marble-accented parliament building was a gift from Beijing.

Some countries, however, are no longer as willing to extend a red carpet toward the globetrotting Chinese. Although political strings might not come with Beijing's cash, there are economic catches. The roads, mines and other infrastructure on offer are most often built by armies of imported Chinese labor, cutting down on the net financial benefit to recipient nations. Chinese companies investing abroad also tend to ship in nearly everything used on building sites, from packs of dehydrated noodles to the telltale pink-hued Chinese toilet paper. It's not only the contracted Chinese workers who show up, either. Within a few years, their relatives invariably seem to materialize to set up shops selling cheap Chinese goods that threaten the livelihood of indigenous entrepreneurs. Locals who do get work on Chinese-funded projects complain that their bosses don't heed national labor laws ensuring minimum wage or trade-union protection. Over the past three years, anti-Chinese riots have erupted everywhere from the Solomon Islands and Zambia to Tonga and Lesotho. Tensions are also simmering in India, where the Chinese are involved in several major infrastructure projects. Even high-level officials are speaking up. In Vietnam, plans for a $140 million Chinese-operated open-pit bauxite mine were publicly excoriated by none other than revolutionary hero General Vo Nguyen Giap because, he said, of "the serious risk to the natural and social environment."
然而一些国家已不再愿意接纳“自费”的中国人。尽管北京方面提供的资金可能没有什么政治附加条件,但是却伴随着经济上的陷阱。中国主动提供的公路、矿区以及其它基础设施建设大多数情况下是由中国输入的劳动力建成的,这样就减少接受国的净财政收益。中国海外投资的各个公司还倾向于从中国运输几乎所有用于建设的材料,从方便面到粉红色的中国卫生纸都是从中国运进来的。而且并不是只有条约上签订的工人来建筑地。不用几年,他们的亲戚们似乎都必定能实现在该国开店并销售廉价中国商品,威胁着本土的企业。那些在中国人资助的项目基地工作的本土工人抱怨说,老板不遵守本国保证最低工资以及保护工会的劳动法。在过去的三年,反中国暴乱在所罗门群岛、赞比亚、汤加以及莱索托各地都发生过。在印度冲突也蓄势待发,中国在印度也参与了好几个大型基础设施项目建设。甚至高层的官员也大声发表不满。在越南,投资一亿四千美元中国经营的露天铝土矿计划受到公开的批评指责,不是别人,正是革命英雄Vo Nguyen Giap将军,因为他说,“这会给自然环境以及社会环境都带来严重的风险。”

An Island Apart
Nestled in one of the most backward parts of one of the world's least developed nations, the Ramu mine has emerged as an acute example of resentment against China Inc. In 2004 P.N.G. Prime Minister Michael Somare returned home from Beijing, triumphant at having snared the country's largest foreign-investment project to date. The euphoria was short-lived. Landowners brandished slingshots and announced they wouldn't sign off on their tribal territory being used for mineral extraction, no matter what document was signed in China's Great Hall of the People. Environmentalists cried foul over plans to deposit mine waste in the sparkling Basamuk Bay, while local workers protested conditions that even P.N.G.'s Minister for Labor and Industrial Relations David Tibu described as slavelike and "not fit for pigs or dogs." Skirmishes repeatedly broke out between villagers and the 1,500-plus imported Chinese laborers, some of whom were working illegally in P.N.G. At the same time, anger has boiled over because of an influx of thousands of Chinese who over the past couple of years have monopolized businesses that by law should be reserved for P.N.G. nationals. In May, anti-Chinese riots convulsed cities nationwide, and several people were killed amid the looting of Chinese-owned shops. "Our timber, our minerals, everything, goes to China," says Damien Ase, founder of the nonprofit Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights in Port Moresby. "But we get so little in return."

水清浅 发表于 2009-12-7 19:51


notailwolf 发表于 2009-12-7 19:56

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