水清浅 发表于 2009-12-11 22:55

【09.12.02 AP】一位美国妇女加入中国上访者队伍

本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-12-12 01:31 编辑

【原文标题】American woman becomes petitioner in China【中文标题】一位美国妇女加入中国上访者【原文链接】http://www.google.com/hostednews 【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-210047-1-1.html【译者】水清浅【翻译方式】 人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。【译文】 BEIJING — She joins the crush of Chinese petitioners outside the high, well-guarded gates on cold Beijing mornings. Like the others, shehas a grievance against the government, in her case, a fiance jailed ona charge she says is untrue. 北京消息——她也加入了中国上访者队伍,在寒冷的早晨站在守卫森严的北京政府的大门外。和其他人一样,她也有对政府的不满,她的未婚夫受到指控而被监禁,但是她说这项指控是不正确的。 But unlike the others, Julie Harmsis American and a Harvard graduate. And as she haunts government offices in a long search for justice, even the officials stare. 然而和其他人不同的是,Julie Harmsis是一位美国妇女,而且是哈佛毕业生。很长时间以来,她经常在政府办事处跑动以寻求公正的裁决,甚至于官员们都注意她。 "Yes,I saw her, of course," said Yu Guiying, a petitioner from western Gansu province who stood with dozens of people outside the Supreme People's Court reception office on a recent afternoon. "Tall, thin. She didn't say much, but she spoke good Chinese." “我当然看到过她,她又高又瘦,不多说话,但中文讲的很好。”来自西部甘肃省的一位上访者于桂英说。不久前的一个下午,于桂英曾与很多人都站在最高人民法院的接待室门外等候。 "She got in!" others called out, cheering a rare success at getting past the gate. “她进去了!”其他人都喊到,为她能进入大门而欢呼,因为成功进去的例子很罕见。 Harms said later she didn't make it past security. Despite what the crowd might expect of a foreigner, she has made little progress. Her boyfriend faces his second trial on trespassing charges on Wednesday. 后来Harms说尽管大家希望她这个外国人能做出什么不同的事来,她并没有取得什么进展。她的男朋友周三面临着第二次审判。 "They see this white face and think I have some magic powers, when I can't even resolve my boyfriend's case successfully," said Harms. She made asour face. "I haven't really heard of the whole happy ending." “他们看到我是外国人,以为我会有什么神奇的能力,然而我却连我男朋友的案子都没有处理成功。到目前我还没有听到会有什么圆满的结果。”Harms说。她的表情很忧郁。 Chinese have brought grievances about corruption and injustice to Beijing for centuries, first to the emperor and now to the ruling communist party.Some stay in the capital for months or years, camping out under highways. Some are grabbed off the streets and sent home, often being held in unofficial detention centers petitioners call "black jails." 中国人上北京反腐鸣冤已有上百年历史,以前是向皇帝申诉,如今是向执政的共产党申诉。有些人在首都得呆数月甚至数年,露宿在高速公路桥底。有些人被禁止在街上流浪,遣送回家,更经常的情况是被拘留在非官方的拘留中心。上访者称之为“黑监狱”。 Harmsis believed to be one of the few, and perhaps the first, foreign petitioner. Largely spared the rough treatment Chinese petitioners often receive, the results are no different. She finds officials uspicion, indifference and the desire that complainers would simply go away. Harms是极少上访北京的外国之一,也许还是第一个。虽然很大程度上,她没有受到像其他中国上访者受到的粗鲁对待,但是结果没有什么两样。她发现官员们很冷漠,而且强烈希望上访者离开。 When Harms stood outside the U.S. Embassy during President Barack Obama's visit, hoping to hand him a letter about China's need for legal reform, police detained her for a couple hours at a local police station. 当Harms等候在美国大使馆外想要见来访中国的总统奥巴马并交给他一封关于中国需要法律改革的信时,警察将她拘留起来,关在当地一所警察局达数小时。 The 30-year-old Harms met Liu Shiliang a decade ago at a post office while she was traveling in China and majoring in East Asian studies at Harvard. They were engaged in 2007. 十年前,30岁的Harms来中国旅游时在一所邮局遇见了刘世良。她在哈佛专攻东亚研究。他们2007年订婚了。 Their wedding has been delayed after a neighbor beat Liu up in their village later that year in Anhui province when Liu was home to visit family.The neighbor already was accused of attacking some of Liu's relatives,and his family wonders whether Liu's arrival was mistaken as an attempt at revenge. Liu went to the hospital with serious injuries, Harms said.The neighbor went to jail. 2007年末刘回到自己的家乡安徽一个小村庄探亲时被邻居殴打,于是他们的婚期便推迟了。这个邻居早因侵犯刘的一些亲戚而遭到指控。刘的家人怀疑是不是这个邻居以为刘回家是为了报复他。刘因严重受伤而住院,其邻居则进了监狱。 But Liu ended up facing a trespassing charge in the incident. He was arrested in June in the southern city of Shenzhen, where he runs a shipping company, and has been jailed without bail ever since, Harms said. 然而刘最终却受到非法入侵的指控。刘在深圳经营着一个轮船公司。六月份他在那里被捕,之后就进了监狱且不能保释,Harms说道。 She has seen him once, in handcuffs,at a trial that ended two months ago with the case being sent back to prosecutors, a move which usually means the judges think the evidenceis shoddy. 未婚夫入狱后她只见过他一次,就是在两个月前的一次审判时。原告的控告被驳回,这种情况通常说明法官认为证据太拙劣。 The head of Licai village said Liu is being mistreated because the neighbor has a cousin with the local police. "He did not trespass," Liu Jiali said by phone from Anhui. The two Lius are not related. 里才村村长说,刘受到不公正的对待是因为他的那个邻居有个堂兄和警察局是一伙的。“他没有犯非法入侵罪。”安徽的刘家里在电话里说。这两位都姓刘,但是两者没有亲戚关系。 The chief prosecutor of Wuhe County hung up without saying a word. The head of the local police said he had no information. 来自五河县的主要原告没有说一句话就挂了电话。当地警察局局长说他不了解情况。 The circumstances could be found anywhere in China. The government says it receives 3 million to 4 million letters and visits from petitioners each year, but rights groups say its tens of millions and only a small fraction are solved. 这种情况在中国各地都存在。政府说每年收到300到400万次上访信及上访群众。但是人权组织说有数百万次上访,而政府解决的仅有很小一部分。 "Local authorities are essentially counting on the fact that the local people don't have that much knowledge of the law," Harms said. "I think it's a shame." “地方权力机关基本上是指望当地群众不了解法律,我觉得他们真该感到羞耻,”Harms说。 At the office of China's top prosecutor, the entrance for petitioners is behind a black metal door. Dusty footprints were beside the handle, as though someone kicked it. 上访者进入中国最高申诉办公厅的入口是一个黑铁门。门把边赫然印着脏脚印,似乎是有人踢过门。 When Harms knocked, a guard opened, shouted "We're closed!" and slammed the door. 当Harms敲门时,一名警卫开了门喊到,“下班了!”然后砰地关上了门。 Harms knocked again. Nothing. There were no office hours posted, just a metal slot with a note telling petitioners to submit their papers. Harms再次敲了敲门,没有人理。门外没有贴办公时间,仅有一个通知告诉上访者提交他们的上访信。 Chinese officials tend to deflect complaints, not accept them, Harms said. "If they don't want someone to be there, they'll find a way so that the person is no longer there." 中国官员倾向于推脱而不是受理投诉案件。Harms说,“如果他们不希望某人去上访,他们总会找到方法让那个人去不了。” Harms started petitioning about ayear ago, when she learned her fiance was on a local "most wanted" list for the trespassing charge.
She found it absurd.! 一年前当她得知未婚夫被列为当地非法入侵指控首要通缉名单,她就开始上访了。她觉得这项指控非常荒谬。 Beijing-based lawyer Li Heping has worked with many Chinese petitioners and is no more optimistic about Harms' chances. 在北京工作的律师李和平一直与很多中国上访者一起努力,而他对Harms的案例已不再乐观。 "Any one entering the system will be dominated by the system," he said. "No one can predict what eventually will happen. Her petitioning may help get the thing resolved with her boyfriend freed or compensated, or in the end she may herself be detained." “任何进入这个体制的人都受控于该体制,”他说,“没有人能预测最终将发生什么事。她去上访有可能解决问题,使她男朋友得到释放及补偿,或者她就会被拘留。” Human Rights in China, a NewYork-based group founded 20 years ago and which reported Harms' detention during the Obama visit, has never heard of a foreign petitioner. 纽约人权组织驻中国分部于20年前就成立了,该组织在奥巴马来华访问期间报道了Harms的案例,而之前从未听说过外籍上访者。 "Yes, there is a risk of being labeled a trouble maker by going high-profile and public," executive director Sharon Hom said in an e-mail. “是的,Harms这么态度鲜明而又公开的做法确实有被认为是制造麻烦的危险,”执行理事Sharon Hom在一封电子邮件中写道。 Harms finally delivered a letter about her fiance'scase to Zhongnanhai, the high-walled compound that is the headquarters for the Communist Party leadership. Harms最终将上访信呈交到高墙林立的中南海——中共领导中心。 She was stopped by a guard's out stretched, white-gloved hand and waved toward nearby police. A man with a crewcut and an Adidas jacket inspected the letter. 一个警卫拦住了她,他伸出戴着白手套的手向附近的警察招手。一个穿着阿迪达斯夹克的男子检查了她的信。 "Listen, you should go to the petitions office and report to them," he said. "I've been there," Harms said patiently. "You can go to the Supreme Court ..." "I've been there." “听我说,你应该去上访局,向他们投诉,”他说。 “我已经去过了,”Harms耐着性子回答到。 “你可以去最高人民法院……” “我已经去过了。” A police van dropped off an officer curious to see Harms. The back of the van was full of Chinese, petitioners or protesters, with tattered clothing and distressed faces. 一辆警车停了,走下一位官员,出于好奇他想见见Harms。车尾跟着很多上访者或者是抗议者,他们衣衫褴褛,神色哀伤。 They peered through the barred windows at Harms as the van drove away. 群众都透过有栅栏的窗子凝视着Harms,直到警车开走。

过客不言 发表于 2009-12-11 23:18


連長 发表于 2009-12-11 23:18






roke 发表于 2009-12-11 23:46


dcxng 发表于 2009-12-12 00:02


連長 发表于 2009-12-12 00:07

我们不能说外媒说 ...
dcxng 发表于 2009-12-12 00:02 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


耳冉子 发表于 2009-12-12 00:08


kkdream 发表于 2009-12-12 00:50

本帖最后由 kkdream 于 2009-12-12 00:59 编辑

过客不言 发表于 2009-12-11 23:18 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

耳冉子 发表于 2009-12-12 00:55

本帖最后由 耳冉子 于 2009-12-12 00:56 编辑

上访已经是中国司法中最后一道伸冤的希望了, ...
kkdream 发表于 2009-12-12 00:50 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


kkdream 发表于 2009-12-12 01:07

有必要编造这个吗? 想采访到中国上访者的辛酸,有太多的例子。

耳冉子 发表于 2009-12-12 01:15


estelleljb 发表于 2009-12-12 03:04

编一个美国妇女 = = ??


绿水人家 发表于 2009-12-12 03:21

美国姑娘上访营救中国未婚夫 曾欲找奥巴马求助

rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-12 03:30

前几天下班路上我听NPR也报道了此事。NPR的记者Anthony Kuhn (中文名字 孔安)专门采访了她。故事前头也是绘声绘色的描述JULIE如何排队如果进门这些细节,还有录音。不清楚是不是JULIE去排队前跟记者们都打好了招呼,还是应记者要求再排演一次。当然焦点还是中国司法腐败黑暗,上访者得不到伸冤。不过没提到JULIE为什么认为不公平。

后来我上网搜了搜,她未婚夫刘士亮的案件大致是这样的: 刘士亮家因孩童纠纷与同村刘世勋闹下过节,刘士亮家里多人被打伤。07年刘士亮回家路过刘世勋家门口,他想顺便去讨个说法,谁知单身一人的刘士亮被刘世勋家打得头破血流,住院治疗。07年12月底,刘世勋被捕,08年6月被以“故意伤害罪”判刑5年半。刘世勋家在08年2月将刘士亮告上法院,控以“非法侵入他人住宅”罪。09年6月,刘士亮在深圳被五河县警察逮捕。


绿水人家 发表于 2009-12-12 03:33



rlsrls08 发表于 2009-12-12 05:08


1) 刘士亮回家去找刘世勋讨说法时带了5个朋友去的,这很容易被看成是意图报复和挑衅。
2) 刘士勋判处有期徒刑5年,赔偿刘士亮1.5万余元。但是刘士勋对此判决不满,状告刘士亮非法侵入住宅,也走上了上访之路。
3) JULIE认为--奇怪的是“非法侵入他人住宅”这个罪名。在中国农村,特别是刘士亮的老家,去邻里家走动有时十分随意,不需要预约。


妇科主任 发表于 2009-12-12 06:32


为你而注册 发表于 2009-12-12 09:03


zhubin777 发表于 2009-12-12 10:37


耳冉子 发表于 2009-12-12 10:41

我们国家确实比较官僚,这是不可否认的。但是实际情况是怎么样,我想说的是这位美国妇女肯定是用了美国的一 ...
妇科主任 发表于 2009-12-12 06:32 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

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