青蛙小王子 发表于 2009-12-17 14:19


valkyrie 发表于 2009-12-18 08:51


64396170 发表于 2009-12-18 10:36


guanli1987 发表于 2009-12-18 12:42


柳絮轻飞 发表于 2009-12-18 13:01


lin111qd 发表于 2009-12-18 17:06

我们应该支持拉登 支持在西方的伊斯兰信众,他们正在受到迫害。911本来就是西方迫害穆斯林后才发生的。为了正义和公理,巴勒斯坦人,伊拉克人,伊朗人,阿富汗人等穆斯林完全有理由争取他们的自由和生存权。

阿姿 发表于 2009-12-19 22:15


Q9) 2009年12月份美国国国家地理杂志中文版”新疆维吾尔人悲歌”, 很多地偏颇,所以 写了以下的读者来信到该杂志以作抗议。 敬启者:       当我读到2009年12月份国家地理杂志”新疆维吾尔人悲歌”, 心中有很多感触, 我是香港人, 对这件事比较能以中立的角度解读, 可是我发觉贵刊的文章十分偏颇,严重扭曲事件。      对新疆骚乱事件我一直很关注, 并且读了很多大陆,香港及外国媒体的报导 (包括杂志, 报刊及网站),综合的图像是当时确有维族青年残杀汉人, 并放火抢劫, 可是贵刊文章只轻描淡写的记录该骚动,只集中报导维吾尔人的”伤亡”, 对被维族屠杀的200多名汉人郄丝毫不提。 而中央派出军队维持秩序,也被描写为镇压, 要知,当时维汉两族仇恨正深, 有需要军队维持秩序, 军人既要保护汉人, 同时也是要保护维族人,免受汉人的报复, 因为种族互相残杀很容易血流成河, 这在历史上屡见不鲜。      贵刊文章作者只以个人从访问维族的报导便确定维族人是受害者, 对伤亡的汉族人是否公平? (有关汉族平民被屠杀一事可参考亚州周刊, 有较详细及中肯的报导)。还有, 新疆不只有维吾尔族, 汉族,还有回族, 蒙古族,哈萨克族等, 新疆自古以来就是多民族的地方。      贵刊是国际性的刊物, 素来标榜为中立性及可靠性,重点在报导考古, 动植物学和生物科学为主, 应有科学客观及有事实根据的态度, 今次郄报导这件政治事件, 并且狭隘偏颇, 将新疆与西藏相提并论, 显然居心叵测!   Dear Editor,
When I read your December issue of 2009, I found the article:” The Sad Story of Uygurs” very biased and distorting. I am a citizen of Hong Kong and can hence be more neutral in my stance.
I have all along followed the happening in Xingjian with intense interest and have read extensively about that riot (including journals, newspapers and websites), the overall picture is that in that riot, many Han Civilians have been killed by the Uighurs, their shops were burnt down and their shops robbed. But your article only briefly touched upon that incident and pictured the Uygurs as the sole victims and were suppressed by armies, neglecting the fact that most of those who died and wounded were Hans. Also, I feel that under that circumstances, it was necessary to dispatch armies to maintain law and order; otherwise ethnic violence may result in huge bloodshed, as evidenced in history. (You may refer to the International Chinese Newsweekly www.yzzk.com that has a full report of the riot)
Your article reports the situation in Xinjian from the viewpoint of a few Uygurs, ignoring the suffering of the Han Chinese. Is this fair reporting? In addition, I would like to remind you that Xingjian is not resided only by Uighure, but also the Hans, the Huis, the Mongolians and the Kazaks. Indeed, it is a region of multi-ethnic groups and the picture is not as simply as your article presents.
Your journal is a well famed journal and you always pride yourself on fair reporting. In the past, your topics include mostly about archeology, plants, animals and scientific discoveries.
Now suddenly you report a political event with a very biased attitude. You also link Xingjian with Tibet; it shows you have some intentions. Such biased reporting is a breach of the principle of your journal.


青蛙小王子 发表于 2009-12-19 22:28


only2008 发表于 2009-12-19 22:40


連長 发表于 2009-12-19 22:40


hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-12-19 22:52

支持! 敬礼致意 !

请问有” The Sad Story of Uygurs” 原文网址吗 ?

rhapsody 发表于 2009-12-19 22:59

支持! 敬礼致意 !

请问有” The Sad Story of Uygurs” 原文网址吗 ?
hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-12-19 22:52 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

2009年12月份美国国国家地理杂志中文版”新疆维吾尔人悲歌”, 很多地偏颇,所以 写了以下的读者来信到该 ...
阿姿 发表于 2009-12-19 22:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

木樨 发表于 2009-12-19 23:05


遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-12-19 23:15


zero9999 发表于 2009-12-19 23:17


达到诬赖 发表于 2009-12-19 23:32


妇科主任 发表于 2009-12-19 23:43


smile4u 发表于 2009-12-20 01:36




hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-12-20 08:17

感谢楼主和一众译者提供原文和翻译, 在下受教也受益良多,


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hong_hai_er 发表于 2009-12-20 08:20

Letter to the authorand the editor of "The Other Tibet", National Geographic

In review of your recent issue's article "The Other Tibet", I have made the following criticisms.

                   The Uygurs, Muslim people of China’s resource-rich far west, are becoming strangers in their own land as Han Chinese pour in. Like the Tibetans, who face similar pressures, some Uygurs see a chance for a better life, but others protest the disintegration oftheir culture, even at the risk of death.

    * One of the most important feature of Islam is that Muslims believe in one and only one God.They don't worship spirits.Strictly speaking, Ughurs are not real Muslims because they are heavily influenced by their native religion Shamanism and they still practice rituals of Shamanism in Islamic festivals.

    * Islam cannot be the sole religion of the Ughurs.Just like Hans are not all Buddhists.It's wrong to generalize Ughurs as "Muslim people of China".

    *addressing Xinjangas "China's resource-rich far west" is a popular NYT propaganda technique... I suggest you to try something else next time in order to have your magazine standing out really "different" from the rest

    * "disintegration of their culture", "even at the risk of death" ? .... Culture and language is not a dead object that stay forever without changing.As time pass by, every culture assimilates with other cultures it encounters with and evolve into anew version as its own.For your information, long before the arrrival of Islam,Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism had all once been dominant religions for inhabitants of that region.Xinjiang continued to stay as a multi-religious region for a long time after Islam was brought in along the Silk Road.Christianity and Catholicism came in the 18th century. You wouldn't blame the Uighurs for extinguishing and wiping out the culture /religion of the Zoroastrinaists, Buddhists, Taoists, Manichaeists and Nestorianists, would you ?

                  The first several seconds of the incident in Urumqi seemed almost lighthearted, considering the previous week. And they revealed nothing about what would follow. A cool front had swept over the city on this particular day in July, drawing people from their homes. Some shops stayed closed because their windows had been shattered, but food vendors pushed their carts out onto the street. A week earlier anethnic clash had broken out here, killing almost 200 people in one of China’s most deadly protests since the Tiananmen Square massacre two decades ago. So the Chinese government had sent tens of thousands of security forces into the city, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, to restore order between the Han and the Uygurs. The Han dominate Chinese society, but the Uygurs (pronounced WEE-gurs), aTurkic-speaking Central Asian people, claim this western borderland astheir ancestral home.

    * It is wrong to define Uygurs as "Central Asian people" just because a lot of them live in Central Asia and then those living in Xinjiang, China suddenly become"Central Asian people".You wouldn't call Mexicans who are born &raised in New Mexico, USA, as Spanish speaking Central American people.They are American Mexicans.So, why would you define the Uygurs in Xinjiang, China,as "Turkic-speaking Central Asian people"?What's your logic ?

                Han security forces stood in ranks along every street in the city's Uygur quarter.They bristled with riot gear and automatic weapons. The only sound came from loudspeakers mounted on trucks that trawled the market streets,broadcasting the good news of ethnic harmony. If Urumqi had an edge of unrest on this Monday, it was sheathed in silence.

   * What do you mean by "Han security forces" ?Would you define the American security forces as "Caucasian security forces" ?You wouldn't.   Only when it comes to the Chinese ones, it would suddenly be defined by its ethnicity.   Is Chinese security forces recruited by ethnicity ?Are minorities in China being banned to join the security forces ?Don't you see even Rebiya Kadeer was once on the payroll of the Chinese government civil servants ?

       Most Uygurs are Muslims, and about noon I stood on the street infront of a central mosque wondering how many people might be inside. As if in answer, a mass of humanity came pouring out, hundreds of people tumbling and plunging into the street.

Bystanders watched,puzzled, but the emerging crowd offered only odd and inscrutable clues:Many hadn't had time to pull on their shoes and ran in just their socks. They cried out with alarm or possibly in celebration, and their faces glowed with either fear or joy. If they were fleeing from danger,there was no sign of it, and the group split and flew north and south. In the flicker of a moment they had disappeared.

      Now three men stepped from the mosque, holding what looked like wooden sticks. One wore a blue shirt, one a black shirt, and one a white shirt. They shouted and smiled, which gave their faces a buoyant quality. Their tiny rally seemed brash: Did they not see the Chinese police on every corner or hear the amplified news about manifest happiness?

      They turned southward. All three walked with peculiar long strides and waved their sticks overhead, like three baton-twirling drum majors whose marching band had run ahead of them.They passed rows of market stalls where people shouted to them to stop whatever they were doing. Shop owners slammed shut their stall doors.After two blocks the men stopped and turned back north; just before they reached me, they crossed the street. They still held up what were,more likely, rusted swords.

      Once across the street, they burst into a run, heading toward a group of armed Chinese. The man in blue sprinted ahead; he seemed to catch the government forces off guard, because they turned and ran. The details of the next moment—the angle of the running man, his shirt billowing behind him, the strange coolness of the air—were etched by a sound: a gunshot. But the threeUygurs did not stop in the face of destruction. They tilted toward it.

    * This few paragraphs are generalizing the rioters as Muslims pouring out from the Mosque.This is one of the most distasteful western propaganda technique that deserved to be spitted on.It is common-sense that Muslims gather in mosques for group praying on Friday not Monday. I sincerely doubt the author's claim of "a mass of humanity came pouring out, hundreds of people tumbling and plunging into the street.".

               The Tibetan struggle for independence from China has long captivated the West. Fewer people are familiar with an arguably more critical struggle in a neighboring hinterland: that of the Uygurs.Their anonymity is ironic because the West has played an unwitting role in their current crisis—and because the Uygurs, whose culture is fading toward obscurity, once occupied the center of the known world.

             Xinjiang sits in the middle of Asia, encircled by some of Earth's highest mountains, as though a drawstring had cinched the top of the world like a coin purse. Passes through those snowy mountains funneled ancient traders and travelers along paths that became the renowned Silk Road. "They say it is the highest place in the world,"Marco Polo wrote of climbing the Pamir mountains from the Afghanistanside. When he emerged from the pass, he found the Uygur homeland and marveled: "From this country, many merchants go forth about the world."

               The territory became the fulcrum on which Asia and Europe balanced. Turkic raiders and later Genghis Khan, Buddhists and then Muslims, traders and tribesmen, missionaries and monks—all passed through this hemispheric crossroads, and each group left something of itself. I saw a Uygur woman wearing a Muslim head cover and holding her baby, whose head she had shaved into phantasmagoric designs, apre-Islamic shamanistic practice to frighten away baby-stealing evil spirits. Xinjiang's history is also written in the faces of its people:dark faces with oval eyes. Also fair faces with narrow, jet eyes. And sometimes blue eyes with blond hair.

    * Thank you for bringing the shamanistic practice up to prove my point that Uighurs are not real Muslims. Real Muslims wouldn't believe in phrantasmagoric designs can frighten away baby-stealing evil spirits because one of the most important criteria of being a Muslims is to believe God is the Oneand only One. When you claim that Uighurs are Muslims, you are misleading your readers around the world.

               Geography itself protects the mosaic of Uygur culture in Hotan, in far southwestern Xinjiang. A range of snow capped mountains rises at the town's back, and before it lies the Taklimakan, a desert larger than Poland, which people sometimes call the Sea of Death. Hotan's inhabitants are mostly farmers, and many of them come together each Sunday outside the town for a bazaar where children eat sweetened iceshaved from chunks that float down the Karakax (Black Jade) River,women browse tents full of silk, and men gather to have their beard strimmed while they tell jokes.
      It's an old scene, although there is an occasional sign of technology: Knifemakers sit in long rows on ancient bicycles they've reconfigured to spin grindstones, looking like an invading horde of spark-spitting cyclists.A young Uygur man named Otkur (the names of Uygurs in Xinjiang have been changed for their protection) shared his bowl of sheep's lung with me, and afterward we approached an astonishing device: a two-story-high swing set with a seat big enough for two people to stand on. Otkur smiled. "For playing," he said. Two women climbed onto the ends of the seat and swung so high they disappeared into tree branches.

    In town I met Dawud, a music master who teaches a small group of students. In his school a large mural showed a mashrap, a traditional all-male gathering—now closely regulated by the Chinese—where Uygurs convene to play music, recite poetry, and socialize. Dawud fashioned a finger pick from a piece of wire and some twine, flicked his fingersacross the five strings of a tambur, and launched into a series of complex songs with roots that reach back at least five centuries.

      Those patchwork elements of Uygur life underscore something crucial about the Uygurs as a whole: Centuries of living at a great Eurasian way station have made them a complicated people who defy careless classification. But in time the world forgot this, with disastrous results.

                As the Silk Road began to fray and trade took to the seas, both East and West lost interest in the Uygurs and their mountain fastness. For generations China saw little promise in this remote land—Xinjiang means "new frontier"—because the Chinese prized agriculture, and the wild west offered only dust and stones.People there ate mutton, not pork. In 1932 a British officer traveling in Xinjiang wrote with dark foresight, "Perhaps an awakening China,wondering where to settle its surplus millions of people, may have the good sense to call in the science of the West and to develop." But through the early 20th century, the Chinese government did not extend its influence to the distant region, and the Uygurs twice declared their own independent country. The second attempt atself-determination, in 1944, lasted five years, until the rise of Maoand the Chinese Communist Party, which sent in military forces and later established a nuclear testing ground, Lop Nur, in Xinjiang to eliminate any confusion.

    * "Through the early20th century, the Chinese government did not extend its influence to the distant region," You are absolutely right but unfortunately, youleft the cause for the readers to conclude that the Chinese didn't careabout Xinjiang at all.Let me fill in the missing part.The cause isthatthanks for the invasion of imperialistic western powers and militaristic Japan, the Chinese Nationalist Government wasn't able to take proper care of its sovereign at all.

         Realizing that, if nothing else, its big, empty territory provideda buffer against foreign influence, Mao's China instituted a program called the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps—combining farm,military garrison, and prison—in which settlers from other Chinese provinces would work the soil and watch the borders. The first arrivals, in 1954, included more than 100,000 demobilized soldiers.Some were coerced, but the flow gathered momentum as the government extended a railroad west to Urumqi in 1962 and used promises of food and clothing to entice residents from overcrowded cities like Shanghai.

    Meanwhile the Chinese were discovering that Xinjiang offered far more than just a border cushion: It held something vital to their very survival as a nation. Xinjiang contains about 40 percent of China's coal reserves and more than a fifth of its natural gas. Most important,it has nearly a fifth of the nation's proven oil reserves, although Beijing claims it holds as much as a third. Never mind the massive deposits of gold, salt, and other minerals. Xinjiang isn't empty. It's strategic. And with that realization, other things came sharply into focus for China's leadership: Xinjiang is the largest, most far-flung
region. It borders more countries than any other. And it's home to anethnic group that has tried twice in living memory to make a break forfreedom.

            In 1947, during the second incarnation of Uygur independence, about 220,000 Han Chinese made up 5 percent ofXinjiang's population. Uygurs numbered about three million, or 75percent, the remainder being a mix of Central Asian ethnicities. By2007 the Uygur population had increased to 9.6 million. But the Han population had swelled to 8.2 million.'

    * China, as a country which includes Tibet and Xinjiang, has been assuming a seat in the United Nation since 1971.Her government is the legitimated government recognized by 167 countries around the world, including the United States.If you want to challenge the legitimacy of the People's Republic of China's sovereign which included Tibet and Xinjiang, may Isuggest you to firstly blame your country's foreign diplomatic policy ?

         Some Uygurs found opportunity in the influx. In the 1980s in burgeoning Urumqi, a laundress named Rebiya Kadeer grew her business into a department store, then built that into an international trading empire. She became one of the wealthiest people in China and an inspiration for her compatriots—a Uygur woman who appeared in Asia's Wall Street Journal and met with such businessmen as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. In many ways she seemed emblematic of Xinjiang: In the last two decades of the 20th century the region's GDPincreased tenfold.

             But many more Uygurs languished. The big business in Xinjiang is oil, but all that oil is controlled from Beijing by state-owned energy companies. Many of the good jobs in Xinjiang are government jobs, and employees can advance more readily if they join the Communist Party, which requires renouncing their religion. And most Uygurs won't do that. The result isan ironic and combustible symmetry: As Han settlers pour in, Uygurs, unable to find work in their fantastically wealthy and spacious homeland, migrate east to work in privately owned factories in crowded coastal cities.

    * The big business in Xinjianghas never been "oil" until recently.Otherwise, Rebiya Kadeer would have become an oil tycoon instead of running department store andinternational trading.   Why are you so upset about "all that oil is controlled from Beijing by state-owned energy companies" ?May be you would be more comfortable to see all that oil to be controlled by Shell, Gulf, Exxon etc... instead ?

            Inthe past few decades local resistance has flared up around Xinjiang,fluctuating in scale and violence. During the 1980s Uygur studentsprotested treatment by police in a handful of incidents; in 1990 adisturbance south of Kashgar against birth limits ended in perhaps fourdozen deaths. In 1997 hundreds of people in a city called Gulja marchedto protest repression of Islamic practices and were arrested; thenumber of casualties is unknown. Other examples abound, including busbombings and assassinations.
         The Chinese government realized that it had a problem in Xinjiang, much as it had a problem in neighboring Tibet. Along with regulating mashraps—those traditional gatherings—the state monitored services at mosques, afraidthey might provide a platform for dissidents. In general, officials downplayed the unrest as the work of isolated "ruffians" in a Uygur population that was otherwise blissful. In early September 2001, Xinjiang Communist Party Secretary Wang Lequan announced in Urumqi that"society is stable, and people are living and working in peace and contentment."
            A few days later Beijing received a potent and unexpected propaganda tool: September 11.
         As America and much of the West launched the "war on terror," China recognized the momentum of global public opinion and chose a new tack. The shift happened so fast it came with an almost audible crack. On October 11 a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry described China as "a victim of international terrorism." Then the government issued a report on unrest in Xinjiang blaming none other than Osama bin Laden. "It's an effective strategy," says James Millward, a professor at Georgetown University and an expert on Xinjiang, "because in America we see Muslims somewhere who are unhappy and maybe even violent, and we assume it's because of religious reasons."

            And just like that, the Uygurs—with the complexity of their culture, the richness of their past, the fullness of their grievance against the Chinese state—fell into a tidy classification. China asked the United States to include a group of militant separatist Uygurs on its list of terrorist organizations butwas rebuffed—at least at first.

            In December 2001, 22Uygurs were captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where they may have received weapons training with the intent of battling the Chinese military back in Xinjiang. The men were rounded up by bounty hunters,handed over to U.S. forces, and sent to Guantánamo Bay. (Years later aU.S. court would order their release.) In August 2002 Deputy Secretaryof State Richard Armitage traveled to Beijing to discuss, among other issues, America's upcoming mission in Iraq. While there, he announced are versal in the U.S. stance: A militant Uygur group called the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement would now be listed as a terrorist organization.

    * Violence is violence.The violence in Xinjiang is no less terrifying than the violence in America.Both result with innocent civilians to be slaughtered en mass.If you called it a "propaganda tool" for Beijing, it is no lessa "propaganda tool" for Washington either.   Those Uygurs captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan are terrorists.How dare you try to defensethese terrorists who were trained and prepared for slaughtering innocent civilians ?As much as your Congressman Frank Wolf who has been a long-term ally of Rebiya Kadeer, he also addressed his strong opposition against the resettlement of these Uighur terrorists in the United States as a matter of national security.

"There is a clear distinction between those individuals who have received training as terrorists and the Uighurs who are here, who yearn for democracy and fundamental freedom and rights," Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia told about 100 advocates in May 2009 at the Capitol during a meeting ofthe World Uyghur Congress, an international coalition of expatriate groups.

Your government wouldn't even offer them with refugee status for political asylum.If they were just as you said, "may have received weapons training with the intent of battling the Chinese military back in Xinjiang", you should write a featured article to advocate your country to embrace with these terrorists as one family and convince your government to allow them to resettle in the United States.

          The heart of Uygur tradition is the ancient capital of Kashgar. Today its Old City looks much as it must have when Marco Polo spied it after descending through the mountain pass—a warren of passageways and ancient mud-brick homes that resemble a jumble of over size children's blocks. Early this year the Chinese government undertook a bold step: They began systematically bulldozing the OldCity block by block and moving the inhabitants into a new compound on the edge of town.

            Uygurs don't discuss the subject in public for fear of imprisonment, but one man who lives in the Old City, Ahun, agreed to talk with me in his home. A rendezvous would not be easy, because for days the Chinese security services had been following me. I was to wait in the main square during the busy midday until I saw him pass under Mao's statue, then follow at a distance without acknowledgment.

            As we walked through city streets, he stopped casually to take a drink of water at a cart and later to tie his shoe. Finally we entered the Old City. The Chinese government's ostensible reason for demolishing the neighborhood is thatit's too old to withstand an earthquake. But there may be another motive. As Ahun and I wove our way deeper into the warren, I watched his shoulders relax and his gait loosen. He was hard to trace in here.The Old City is a refuge.

             The homes are adjacent and interconnected, and each is two stories high and arranged around a central courtyard. I followed Ahun up a flight of stairs, and when heflung open the door, it struck me that these homes are like oysters: Onthe outside they're drab and crude, but on the inside whitewashedplaster walls gleam, and many-colored rugs complement painted ceilings."I pray. When I worship, I ask Allah, 'Rescue me my house,' " Ahunsaid. From his house he has a clear view of a government wrecking crewat work on a nearby home. According to the demolition schedule, they'llarrive at Ahun's home in three years.

         He was born in the house, he said. So was his father. So was his grandfather, after his great-grandfather built it on family land. "I have two sons," he said. That's five generations who have lived inthe same house.

         Hotan represents Xinjiang's past—with a Uygur majoritythat gathers to sharpen knives, trim beards, sing songs—then Kashgar isits present. Uygurs still make up most of the city's population, buttheir culture here is embattled. The government is working fast to tearit down.
            Given enough time, Ahun said,China's economic development will bring political change, and hope forhis people. "China will be obliged to receive a democratic system," hesaid. But right now, for a man who prays each day for the survival ofhis family home, no act is too desperate. "You do not understand ourrage," he said. "In the Middle East there are human bombs, who connecttheir bodies with bombs. But with our rage, we don't need bombsconnected. We ourselves explode."

            In June of this year, a disgruntled worker at a toy factory in Shaoguan, near HongKong, reportedly claimed that Uygurs had raped two women. A meleefollowed. The violence lasted several hours and left scores injured.Angry Han workers in the factory's dormitory beat to death two Uygurco-workers.
       This spark lit a fire 2,000 miles away, in Xinjiang. On July 5thousands of Uygurs—the numbers reported varied widely—took to Urumqi's streets to protest the treatment of the Uygur workers. The authorities were caught off guard.
      I spoke to a young woman named Arzigul, who had attended theprotest. She said it started off peacefully as young people circulatedaround the capital's public square. "They were screaming the name'Uygur! Uygur! Uygur!' " she said. When security forces arrived,something happened—exactly what is unclear. Each side says the otherstruck first, but at some point the authorities tried to quell the crowd, which apparently devolved into a mob attacking Han on the street. Two days later a group of Han—apparently numbering in the thousands—took to the street with meat cleavers and clubs and knives.They in turn attacked Uygurs.

            Chinese officials saythey're protecting their citizens from terrorists. In July, Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei called the riots "a grave and violent criminal incident plotted and organized by the outside forces ofterrorism, separatism, no comma after separatism in original source and extremism." James Millward, the Xinjiang expert, says many Han—evenofficials—sincerely believe Xinjiang faces a threat from terrorists and interlopers. "It's what they are constantly told." Eventually military forces and police clamped down on Urumqi, and there seemed nopossibility of further unrest. That's when the three men emerged from the mosque in the Uygur quarter, scattering people in every direction.

         I watched them stride up the street and back, then run at the Chinese forces. First came the single shot, which missed. The Uygurs continued their charge, and I realized that the running men with their rusted swords did not expect to prevail. They expected to die.

         A moment later another officer released a burst of automatic fire. The lead Uygur—the man in the flowing blue shirt—fell with the sudden slackness of a thrown rag doll. His body hit the pavement, butthe momentum of his sprint sent him tumbling, and his feet flew up andover his head.

    * Demolition of the city'sold sector for modernization is a natural part of urban development, not a crime.It is not an excuse for violence and disturbance ofpublic order.   Organized demonstration, disregarding how peacefully itstarted out, once turned into violent, is an act of terror.In thename of all the innocent civilians, disregarding their individualethnicity, got slaughtered in terror during the 7-5 riot, I despisey our ugly manipulation of words to decorate and to promote terrorism.

The department store held special significance for the Uygurs. It belonged to their heroine Rebiya Kadeer, the laundress turned mogul who had become beloved after she began to speak outagainst China's treatment of the Uygurs. In 1999, as an American delegation arrived in China to meet Kadeer, security officers arrested her. She spent the next six years in prison, then joined her exiled husband in the U.S. Her imprisonment only raised her status among her people, who regard her as the "mother of all Uygurs."

    * The "mother of all Uygurs" that you promote is also a "mother" of many tax cheatings and many business frauds.

            She's a grandmother, just over five feet tall, and she terrifies the Chinese authorities. Mentioning her name in Xinjiang brings swift and severe punishment. When I went with Ahun tohis home in Kashgar's Old City, he spoke freely of rebellion against China's government, but when I mentioned Rebiya Kadeer, he froze. "If China finds this," he said, pointing to my voice recorder and thenreaching for my throat in mock vengeance, "on Judgment Day I will catchyour neck."

    * Who's talking ?When you can put up with your countrywriting "Prevention of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism"into the law and pass it, you have no right to accuse China on how tohandle Rebiya's supporters.

            Afterthe July riots, trucks with loudspeakers circled the public squares of Urumqi, proclaiming that the unrest had been organized by Kadeer from her office in Washington, D.C. Chinese officials accused her in news reports around the globe and were said to be planning to tear down her trade centers. "The Chinese authorities are fearful of me because of what they have been doing to the Uygur people," she told me recently.In her office an enormous East Turkistan flag—symbol of a free Uygur nation—hangs on one wall, and photos of her 11 children, two of whom are in prison, hang on another.

    * Rebiya Kadeer is an illiterate old liar who could hardly keep track ofher own lies.If the Chinese authorities were fearful of her, China wouldn't release her and let her go to the United States.

         The Western world knows of the struggle for freedom by Tibetans largely because the Dalai Lama presents a warm and charismatic embodiment of his people. The Uygurs have remained obscure, in part,because they have no such figure. But the Chinese government's recent efforts to demonize Rebiya Kadeer have lifted her into a representative role. "I keep advocating for my people, for the self-determination of Uygurs," she told me. Whether that means autonomy within China or apush for full independence depends on the government's reaction, she said. "At the moment I'm trying to invite the Chinese authorities tocome to the dialogue peacefully."

    * Give me a break !   If she means "peace", she wouldn't have title her memoir as "Dragon Fighter".

         Even as Kadeer spoke, another round of strife loomed inXinjiang—rumors, allegations, protests—and she acknowledges that a peaceful resolution may be impossible. After seeing the region's pastand present through Hotan and Kashgar, we may be glimpsing its future in Urumqi: a sprawling city that serves Han migrants drawn byXinjiang's natural resources, where a Uygur minority stays confined toits quarter.

    * Exactly, she's just empty-talking.She didn't mean peace.She meant to fight.So, who is demonizing whom ?

And on an otherwise silent Monday afternoon, men detonate on the street from the sheer force of their rage.

   * Violence is not Islam. Genocide is no Jihad."Men detonate on the street from the sheer force of their rage" are not faithful Muslims.

      Your article "champions" at distorting the public image of the Hans, the Chinese, the Chinese Government as well as the Muslims ingeneral.How can I not recommend your magazine to my fellow countrymen / women who are serious in studying the language skills of westernmedia political propaganda writings !
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