smithrock 发表于 2009-12-27 14:06

[UNITED KINGDOM]Queen's sadness over Afghan deaths

The Queen has expressed her sadness at the heavy death toll suffered by British forces fighting in Afghanistan, during her Christmas message to the nation.
The stoicism showed by bereaved service families, who have seen more than 100 loved ones die during military operations this year, was praised by the monarch who offered them her sympathy.
The sovereign said Britain owed a profound "debt of gratitude" to all past and present troops who have served in Afghanistan.
The town of Wootton Bassett, which has come to symbolise the nation's respect for fallen servicemen, was featured in the broadcast.
Touching footage was shown of the July day when eight military coffins passed through the Wiltshire town which came to a standstill to honour the dead.
Echoing her famous 1992 Guildhall speech, when the the Queen labelled that year an "annus horribilis", the monarch described how some years are "best forgotten".
She highlighted how the past 12 months had brought problems for many, especially those affected by the recession.
The Queen said in her television address: "Each year that passes seems to have its own character. Some leave us with a feeling of satisfaction, others are best forgotten. 2009 was a difficult year for many, in particular those facing the continuing effects of the economic downturn.
"I am sure that we have all been affected by events in Afghanistan and saddened by the casualties suffered by our forces serving there. Our thoughts go out to their relations and friends who have shown immense dignity in the face of great personal loss."
As she said these words images were shown of the hearses carrying the remains of the eight soldiers. They were watched by thousands lining the route and a woman was briefly featured throwing flowers at the passing cortege. The servicemen were killed a few days before during the Army's bloodiest 24 hours in Afghanistan.

wyd2008 发表于 2009-12-27 23:46

The stoicism showed by bereaved service families
was praised by the monarch
Touching footage
which came to a standstill ???to honour the dead.
labelled that year an "annus horribilis
saddened by the casualties
the hearses

听学英语 发表于 2009-12-28 03:26

The stoicism showed by bereaved service families
was praised by the monarch
Touching footage
which came to a standstill ???to honour the dead.
labelled that year an "annus horribilis
saddened by the casualties
the hearses
wyd2008 发表于 2009-12-27 23:46
bereave:剥夺。bereaved:被剥夺的。 什么被剥夺了呢?亲人被剥夺了。就是有亲属死了。service family:英国的军人叫service man,为国家服务嘛。所以service family就是军人家属的意思。
monarch: 大独裁者。英国谁是大独裁者呢?自然是女王啦。所以monarch是君主的意思,这里指英女王伊丽莎白2世。
annus horribilis:这个东西嘛,太太有文化背景了,非英国人不知道是应该的。这里是解释:
Meaning: A horrible year.

Origin:Derived from the Latin phrase 'annus mirabilis' - year of wonders (or miracles). Recorded since the mid 1980's but brought into popular use after Queen Elizabeth II used it to describe 1992 - the year that the marriages of her two sons Charles and Andrew broke down and Windsor Castle caught fire.



听学英语 发表于 2009-12-28 03:38

... the Wiltshire town which came to a standstill to honour the dead.
原来英国有一个传统,就是为了纪念某个事情,通常是战争中死亡的本国士兵,在某一时刻原地默哀几分钟。所以,一到那个时刻,大家就停止一切活动默哀。这就是the Wiltshire town came to a standstill to honour the dead.

听学英语 发表于 2009-12-28 03:49


wyd2008 发表于 2009-12-28 16:35

听学英语, 你太伟大了, 谢谢你的解释, 明白了好多! :handshake:

smithrock 发表于 2009-12-29 10:32

听学英语, 你太伟大了, 谢谢你的解释, 明白了好多!
wyd2008 发表于 2009-12-28 16:35

smithrock 发表于 2009-12-29 22:00

bereave:剥夺。bereaved:被剥夺的。 什么被剥夺了呢?亲人被剥夺了。就是有亲属死了。service family:英 ...
听学英语 发表于 2009-12-28 03:26

Origin:Derived from the Latin phrase 'annus mirabilis' - year of wonders (or miracles). Recorded since the mid 1980's but brought into popular use after Queen Elizabeth II used it to describe 1992 - the year that the marriages of her two sons Charles and Andrew broke down and Windsor Castle caught fire.

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