連長 发表于 2009-12-31 17:17

【09.12.30 BBC】中国提出首个海军基地的概念

【中文标题】中国提出首个海军基地的概念【原文标题】China floats idea of first overseas naval base【原文链接】http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8435037.stm【登载媒体】BBC【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译仅供Anti-CNN使用,未经译者或AC许可,禁止转载【译者】連長【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-214502-1-1.html【译文】 http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45327000/jpg/_45327573_ship_body_ap.jpg China has a force of three ships patrolling the Gulf of Aden中国有3艘巡逻舰在亚丁湾 A senior Chinese naval officer has suggested that China establish a permanent base in the Gulf of Aden to support its anti-piracy operations. 中国一位海军高官建议在亚丁湾建立永久基地,以支持其反海盗行动。 Rear Admiral Yin Zhou's proposal was posted on the defence ministry website. 海军少将尹卓的建议被贴在国防部网站上。 Mr Yin said supplying and maintaining the fleet off Somalia was challenging without such a base, and said other nations were unlikely to object. 尹先生说“如果没有一个这样的基地,供应和维护索马里近海舰队将是一个挑战。”并说其他国家不会反对。 China's navy currently has no overseas bases, but there are calls in the media and web forums for this to change. 中国海军目前还没有海外基地,除此之外,媒体和网络论坛也呼吁这样改变。 The proposal comes after a Chinese cargo ship and its crew of 25 were rescued from Somali pirates on Monday, amid reports that a $4m (£2.5m) ransom had been paid to their kidnappers.该建议提出后,一艘中国船和25名船员星期一从索马里海盗手中获救。据报道,已经支付了400万美元(250万英镑)赎金给绑匪。 'Appropriate'“合适的” The Chinese navy has already been patrolling the Gulf of Aden for more than a year, protecting cargo vessels that are increasingly threatened by pirates based on Somalia. 中国海军早已在亚丁湾巡逻了一年多了,保护着越来越多的受索马里海盗威胁的船只。 
Yin Zhuo, a prominent spokesman on naval matters, made his suggestion to establish a permanent base in the area during a state radio interview on Tuesday. A transcript was later published on the defence ministry's website.尹卓,一个著名的海军问题发言人,在星期二接受国家广播电台采访时,他建议在该地区建立永久基地。之后,一份谈话记录便被登在了国防部网站上。 http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/47010000/jpg/_47010894_-14.jpg The Chinese navy currently has no overseas bases中国海军目前还没有海外基地 "I believe that a relatively stable, relatively solid base for resupply and repair would be appropriate," he said. “我相信一个相对稳定的、比较可靠的基础补给和维护是很合适的,”他说。 Such a base would provide a steady source of fresh food, along with facilities for communications, ship repair and recreation, Mr Yin added. 这样的基地稳定的提供新鲜蔬菜、通讯设施、舰艇维护和娱乐,尹先生补充说。 He offered no suggestion on where such a base should be located. 他的提议没有暗示像这样的一个基地应该部署在哪里。 Any definite decision to establish such a base would have to be decided by the Communist Party, Mr Yin said.任何明确的决定,比如建设这样一个基地,都由共产党来决定,尹先生说。 Allaying foreign concern外国的关注 Other countries have been closely monitoring China's international deployments for signs it is increasing its assertiveness in its foreign defence policy. 其他国家为了增强他们在外交防卫上的自信,一直在严密监视中国的国际部署。 Beijing's leaders are sensitive to these concerns - and the first ships deployed in the Gulf spent more than four months at sea without docking anywhere. 北京的领导人对这些问题很敏感—--第一艘部署在海湾地区的舰艇在海上度过了4个月,期间没有靠岸。 "We didn't want to arouse unnecessary suspicion from some Western countries," Mr Yin explained. “我们不想引起一些西方国家不必要的猜疑”尹先生解释说。  "Gradually, everyone saw we are there to carry out legitimate international duties and we are helping ships from other countries as well," he said, adding that when his vessel finally docked at a French base, his crew were warmly welcomed.
他说道:“逐渐的,每个人都看到我们在那里进行合法的国际任务,并且我们同时还在帮助其他国家的船只”;并且补充道:当他的军舰最终停靠在一个法国基地的时候,他的船员受到了热烈欢迎。 Mr Yin said he believed other nations in the region would understand China's need for a naval supply base so that it could meet its international commitments. 尹先生称,他相信该地区的其他国家会理解中国需要一个海军的供应基地使他能够履行其承担的国际义务。 The United States, Japan and European Union countries already have bases in the region. 美国、日本、和欧盟国家早已在该地区有了基地。 

青蛙小王子 发表于 2009-12-31 17:25


追求公正 发表于 2009-12-31 17:47



skunk4 发表于 2009-12-31 18:23


追求公正 发表于 2009-12-31 17:47 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

垃圾海 发表于 2010-1-1 00:11


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983 发表于 2010-1-1 21:14


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