rhapsody 发表于 2010-1-1 19:01

【2009.08.07 TreeHugger】中国的高速铁路将把美国甩在身后(评论翻译完毕,见3楼)

【原文标题】China's High Speed Rail Will Leave U.S. in the Dust
【来源地址】http://www.treehugger.com/files/ ... -us-in-the-dust.php
【说明】方括号“【 】”里的内容为译注。

While it attempts to kick-start its struggling auto industry, the U.S. is talking about building a high-speed rail network with an initial $8 billion in stimulus funds. Meanwhile, China is investing over $300 billion in high-speed rail through 2020, in a bid to speed ahead of the rest of the world's train systems.

The numbers alone are head-spinning: 16,000 miles of new track by 2020, requiring 117 million tons of concrete just to construct the buttresses on which the tracks will lie. Top speeds from Beijing to Shanghai will approach 220 miles an hour, halving the current travel time to four hours. This year China Railway Company plans to hire 20,000 young engineers. Can we say leapfrogging?

Rail at Center of Stimulus Package

China's high speed rail build-out is at the front and center of its stimulus spending, in large part out of fear: little is more intimidating to Beijing's leaders than the sight of thousands of unemployed workers. So far the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai route alone has employed about 110,000 people.

The rest of China’s stimulus program is focused on building airports, highways and environmental projects, particularly water treatment plants.

But alongside the need for jobs, the demand for better rail in China is also significant. Last year saw 1.46 billion journeys by rail, a 10.9% rise from 2007. The figure could double by next decade.

Stunning Rail Plan

Most of the new high-speed links will not be considerably faster than European trains. Thirty-five lines for trains traveling at 125 mph or more, measuring 6,800 miles in total, will be brought into service by 2012, officials say, with 4,350 more miles by 2020.

But the first phase will include five major routes – three running north to south, two east to west – with trains reaching 217 mph or 236 mph.

China spent $44 billion last year -- up from $12 billion in 2004 -- on rail.

“I don’t think anything compares except maybe the growth of the U.S. rail network at the start of the 20th century,” John Scales, the transport coordinator for China at the World Bank, told the Times.

China Speeds Off

In a recent piece by Bill Powell in Fortune, China's build-out plays foil to the U.S.'s sputtering $8 billion rail plans.

That $8 billion isn't much considering that as of last month, 40 states submitted 278 pre-applications for various high-speed passenger rail projects, amounting to $102.5 billion in requests. California wants to link San Francisco with L.A. via a high-speed link. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants the private sector to get into the act, proposing a high-speed spur to connect Las Vegas with L.A. Final applications are due August 24, and the FRA will begin distributing funds in September.

As Americans wait for projects to be approved, by 2012 Chinese rail travelers could begin to use the largest, most technologically sophisticated rail system in the world.

Much of the high-end rail technology, by the way, is coming from overseas. Canada's Bombardier is working on signaling systems and on 40 of the systems trains.

And the kicker to the Fortune piece:

Maybe, after environmental reviews are finished and eminent domain issues settled, lines will be built. Meanwhile, IBM opened its new global high-speed-rail innovation center last month.

In Beijing.

Rail Growth = Economic Growth

The infrastructure spending appears to be driving surprise growth in China's economy. The country's second-quarter growth, at 7.9%, beat expectations, while economists at Goldman Sachs expect China's growth this year will exceed Beijing's estimate of 8.1%. Despite slowing exports from the global downturn, China's overall steel production capacity has increased by 10% to 12% over a year ago.

There's no doubt that "the acceleration of is playing a key role in China's recovery," says David Li, an economist at Beijing's Tsinghua University.

In May we cited a piece at Infrastructurist arguing that a serious investment in high-speed rail in the U.S. could provide as many if not more jobs than the country's auto industry.

And, as Andy Kunz told us recently, a serious high-speed rail network could significantly cut American carbon emissions, boost technology and help wean us off of foreign oil.

Why is China So Good at This?

As with China's push to become the world leader in electric cars and hybrids, the country's command economy management means that big projects can get going faster than they might under a clunky American bureaucracy. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector provides more than enough steel and concrete. But China's infrastructure success also rests on the early start it got: the rail build-up began in 2005, meaning projects were "shovel-ready" by the time recession hit.

The U.S. meanwhile is still looking for its shovel.

rhapsody 发表于 2010-1-1 19:02


《财富》杂志的文章(英文版):http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/03/ ... llet_train.fortune/
《财富》杂志的文章(中文版):http://www.fortunechina.com/maga ... 1/content_27944.htm





rhapsody 发表于 2010-1-1 19:02


Dallas 4 months ago        

So... Italy was the world's thought and market leader, aka Super Power in the 1400-1500's. Spain was the worlds greatest super power in the 1600-1700's. Great Britain was the worlds Super Power in the 1800's, The US was the great Super Power of the 1900's, and now China is looking like the great Super Power of the 2000's.

I guess that sounds about right.


        kyleteng 3 weeks ago in reply to Dallas       

china has been the leader from 1000s-1800s,go reading so book!


        vsk 4 months ago        


I would love to see this happening here.

For freight as well as passenger travel.

Would be good to get trucks off the roads where possible.



        Preston 4 months ago        

Well, there is always greyhound....


        Sean S. 4 months ago        

You know what I'm tired of? Everytime the Chinese government announces some ridiculous project, everyone jumps and wonders why we aren't doing the same thing, never once questioning whether any of this pie in the sky nonsense will actually happen. I would like to know for every over the top pronouncement Treehugger has highlighted over the years coming out of China, how many, if any, were ever finished and achieved the numbers they were supposed to. In a country where there is no substantial free press, are we just supposed to accept the numbers they give us?

Sean S.:知道我烦什么吗?每当中国政府宣布一个可笑的计划,每个人都跳出来问为什么我们没做同样的事情,而从不质疑这些空中楼阁是否真的能完成。我想知道几年来Treehugger加亮的这些来自中国的公告,有多少(如果有的话)是完成了的并达到它们的预期数字的?对于这个没有新闻自由的国家,我们能接受他们给我们的那些数字吗?

        TrainLover 1 week ago in reply to Sean S.       

Here is the ridiculous project

TrainLover回复Sean S.:这就是那个“可笑的计划”

        Green Joy 4 months ago        

Ok, I get that it's going to get people off those scooters and less people are going to be individually driving, but... I'm skeptical about how this is going to help China reduce their pollution. Could it really make as big of an impact as we need? And I think we need it a little faster than this...


Green Joy:好的,我知道这会使人们不用那些小型摩托车,更少人会采取自驾,但……我怀疑这能在多大程度上帮中国减少其污染。这真能达到我们所需的那么大效果吗?还有我觉得我们需要比这更快一点……——Lindsey

        Frank OConnor 4 months ago        

"environmental reviews are finished and eminent domain issues settled"

Yep! But you have to remember. China's government could care less about the environment and if it needs land it just takes it.

Frank OConnor:“环境评估结束以及突出的征地问题得到解决”没错!但你得记住,中国政府可以不顾环境,还有它如果需要土地的话拿来就是了。

        Shaun 4 months ago        

Wait, China is planning to drop $300B on a fancy train over the next decade.

Is this the same China that insists rich nations like the US need to give them money to clean up their pollution?


Can anyone tell me if trains, especially the high-speed ones, are profitable anywhere in the world? In other words, the fares cover all costs and the governments don't subsidize them? That is a point that no-one ever mentions. Though I suppose that since so many tree huggers have an affinity towards communism that they probably feel that subsidies are a good thing.


        coolhead 4 months ago        

Can anyone tell me if traveling by car is profitable anywhere in the world? Oh, don't forget the cost of building highway. Oh, don't forget the cost of maintaining highway either. BTW, I hate toll roads, but fortunately most highways are free. Isn't car traveling already heavily subsidized?


        Anonymous 4 months ago        

Nevermind that not even five years ago the majority of locmotives in China were still coal fired steam engines. The diesel technology the use was bought from North America and is not allowed in the US anymore because it does not meet EPA standards (EMD's H-blocks). The majority of Chinese rail frieght is still loaded by hand in sacks.

While $300 billion is a lot of money, you also need to lok at the fact that most of China's current rail network is 19th century quality.They HAVE to spend the money to support their own infrastructure.

As for profitability of passenger service, it is almost non-existant. However you will find that the cost of subsidising a railroad is often far cheaper than having to support other transportation infrastructure (like highways). An example of this is a small Washington state railroad that asks for $1million a year in state subsidy to help maintain its tracks for hauling grain. The state happily pays it becuase if they didn't they would need to pay about $61million a year in road repairs each year instead from the cargo moving to trucks.



        coolhead 4 months ago        

"if it needs land it just takes it"

Frank OConnor,

First, in China all land is owned by the state and only leased for private use. Second, the government or developers will compensate, though the amount is often disputed in many cases. Third, India government grabs land when they need, even for Slumdog child starts (http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Second+Slumdog...). You don't know just because they are democracy and thus almost perfect by definition? Do some research about other countries if you want to have a strong opinion.

coolhead:“它如果需要土地的话拿来就是了”Frank OConnor,首先,中国全部土地都是国有的,只能以租的方式作私用;其次,政府或发展商会作出补偿,虽然诸多情况下金额通常具有争议;再者,印度政府在他们需要的时候夺取土地,甚至是为电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》的童星(一个新闻链接)。你不知道;仅仅因为他们是民主的他们按定义就是几近完美的?如果你想有强有力的观点的话,对其他国家先做些调查。

        coolhead 4 months ago        

"Is this the same China that insists rich nations like the US need to give them money to clean up their pollution? "


Reduce CO2, not pollution. India says the same thing as China. They (and many other developing countries) actually mean that since rich nations have been spitting out CO2 like crazy for the past century, but China and India have only done that for a couple of decades, isn't it just fair for rich nations to cover up their own butt first before China and India cover their own butt? Do some research and think fair.


        coolhead 4 months ago         1 person liked this.


Can you tell me if car, traveling is profitable anywhere in the world? Oh, don't forget the cost of highway construction. Oh, don't forget the cost of highway maintenance either. BTW, I hate toll roads and fortunately most freeways are indeed free. Isn't car traveling already heavily subsidized?


        CB 4 months ago        


China does own and lease land today, unlike 'democratic' India which just takes. That's because China "just took" ALL of the land six decades ago. People forced to move get some below market compensation for their (sometimes ancestral) land, after local corrupt govt has skimmed its take. That's not always the case, but its the common experience

My personal opinion is that the West shouldn't shoulder the cost of the developing world reducing its population, because the developing world is doing so with the decades of technological advancement (engineering, science, medicine, etc) China and India are creating so much pollution because they're developing far faster than the West ever did. Its not as though they're working from scratch. The issue isn't about the West having the balls to man up and cut CO2 first, the issue is China seriously demanding that they be held to a different standard.

Car driving sure is subsidized, but autos also generate far more economic activity than rail so its not exactly analogous. Rail is generally a 'one-time' investment (w/ short term economic benefits and perpetual subsidies), whereas maintaing a road system supports continuous economic benefits. Either way, I'm for more rail. I rode trains all over mainland China and loved it. They have the population density, existing cultural support for, and lack of alternative transportation options that make it work really well. The trains run like clockwork, which is incredible for the massive network they operate.


        Teejay 4 months ago        

I really like the steps taken by China to 'connect' the country, its just amazing. And they can very well do that, availability of cheap labour, lot of money in the pocket and no technology patenting issues at all. IMO, no royalty to pay is a big chunk of money that they save. I recently read article in some reputable journal/magazine on how technology was 'stolen' by some big conglomerates as their own. China's high speed railway was one of them, they are modified version of German ICE trains. An order was place at the time of Schröder's government and even though Germans were hesitant to process the order due to possible reverse engineering issues, the order was processed for political reason. The journal did give support to their claim (believe it or not is another debate) and I sort of believed it taking into account China's reputation in 'copy' business.

Such business could take place in rest of the world with rarity and with expensive labour on our end, it will be difficult for us to compete with China.

And, I just hope that Chinese don't use coal generated electricity to run these trains and then ask developed countries to foot the bill for CO2 emissions. Alright, westerners were stupid to use gas guzzlers but Chinese and Indians could learn from their mistakes, or am I too naive?


        Richard 4 months ago        

Unfortunately the US is wasting billions in auto bailouts, highways, cash for clunkers and batteries. Obama is also delaying the new highway bill which would help transform the transportation system adding tens of billions for high speed rail and rapid transit.


        Mechanicmike 4 months ago        

Actually, a large amount of that 7.9% "Rebound" growth does NOT come from High Speed Rail. I love high speed rail, and am a fierce proponent of it's benefits, and while the project (and China's other infrastructure projects) have created large amounts of growth, a lot of that rebound can be attributed to the loosening of normally stringent (bordering on ridiculous) lending restrictions, refuelling a property boom that was being calmed down in the heat of the already hot (pre recession) chinese economy. To help fuel growth now the chinese economy has cooled, the lending requirements were eased, so not ALL the growth can be put down to infrastructure, but a sizable chunk can.


        coolhead 4 months ago         1 person liked this.


What you are talking about is reverse engineering, not "stealing" or "copying". In that sense, China is not very different from other countries during their development. The widespread use of reverse engineering in the 1950s and 1960s had several major consequences for the Japanese system of innovation. Check out this book, section 6.4: The economics of industrial innovation

By Christopher Freeman (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1855670704). And even US was acting like today's China over a century ago. Check out this article to help you put things into historic perspective.

http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles... />
One-sided research does not help.


        coolhead 4 months ago         1 person liked this.

"Alright, westerners were stupid to use gas guzzlers but Chinese and Indians could learn from their mistakes, or am I too naive?"


China IS learning from the westerners' mistakes. You don't know about it just because of the current anti-China mentality in the West. Check out this Reuters report: China leads in global green jobs race (http://www.reuters.com/article/wtUSInvestingNew...) Google more and you will find out more such reports. Don't just assume that China is always the bad guy.


        coolhead 4 months ago         1 person liked this.

"westerners were stupid to use gas guzzlers but Chinese and Indians could learn from their mistakes, or am I too naive?"


China IS learning from westerners' mistakes, at their OWN cost. You don't know it just because of the current anti-China mentality in the west. Check out this Reuters report: China leads in global green jobs race (http://www.reuters.com/article/wtUSInvestingNew...). Here is more complete info about how China has rapidly moved along the path of renewable energy development, all at their OWN cost: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renewable_energy_i... />


        coolhead 4 months ago         1 person liked this.


Renewable energy is helping China complete its economic transformation and achieve "energy security". China rapidly has moved along the path of renewable energy development. About 16 percent of China's electricity came from renewable sources in 2006, led by the world's largest number of hydroelectric generators. Total installations of hydropower reached 145,000 MW in 2007. China has set a target of 190,000 MW for 2010. Technology development and increased amounts of investment in renewable energy technologies and installations has increased markedly throughout the 2000s in China, and investment in renewables is now part of China's economic stimulus strategy.


        London 4 months ago         1 person liked this.

I can tell many people are very jealous about China's high-speed rail project. Because they are not happy, they wish China will fail.

The point is, you are free to make a wish, but it does not help to confuse your wishful thinking with reality.

Go to China by yourself and take a train from Beijing to Tianjin at speed of 350km/h. The 120km journey takes about 25 minutes and costs about $7. This high-speed train was put into service in July 2008.

There are things that you never know or do not want to know, but they exist no matter whether you like it or hate it.


        hlbb 4 months ago        

So... Italy was the world's thought and market leader, aka Super Power in the 1400-1500's. Spain was the worlds greatest super power in the 1600-1700's. Great Britain was the worlds Super Power in the 1800's, The US was the great Super Power of the 1900's, and now China is looking like the great Super Power of the 2000's.

~~~~ sorry, before 1820, china was always the world leader for almost 2000 years. Italy....Spain, only some small country at the corner of Europe, not even 10% of china's GDP.

Can anyone tell me if trains, especially the high-speed ones, are profitable anywhere in the world?

~~~~ China's rail ministry as a whole is very profitable business, although some high speed line does bring deficits.

China does own and lease land today, unlike 'democratic' India which just takes.

~~~~~ Problem for china is everyone with their "rights" so government compensate too much, a guy rent an small apartment about 150 square feet at shanghai require 100 million RMB of compensation since that apartment would have to be destroyed. Come on, you rent it from government for probably 12 RMB a month and you need 100 million compensation???!!! There is a saying in shanghai, "want to be rich, wait to be reloacted", the average compensation about 1-3 million is about a middle class family's 20-30 years of income, that is just TOO much, after all, most of those compensation do not go to the land load, but the tenants.


        joeysmask 2 weeks ago        

While this may be an old article to write a comment on, I really have to say that China's speed of development is hard to believe but actually happening. Whether or not a rail system is profitable depends on the density of population and people's willingness to use it. A huge population China has may actually make rail profitable without subsidy for the first time. And I don't think anyone would argue that rail is more efficient and more environmentally friendly than highway when fully utilized. Unfortunately, the U.S. lacks the necessary density of population to make rail a feasible option for a nationwide expansion in rail. Yes, we have the Amtrek and Greyhound, but they are slow and not quite convenient. When you can take Amtrek to get from NY to Houston in 5 hours without the hassle of security check and luggage check-in, I bet people will start thinking more about rail.


        BDS 10 hours ago        

The speed at which China accomplishes things like high speed rail has a great deal to do with the lack of civil rights.
When the Chinese government decides to annex land for the rail line there is no hearing, no negotiations, no appeal process. You move or they throw you in jail. Then, when the rails are being built, there are no safety standards for the workers.



双子dě真爱 发表于 2010-1-1 19:15


芒果记 发表于 2010-1-1 20:06


連長 发表于 2010-1-1 20:31


rhapsody 发表于 2010-1-1 21:39

双子dě真爱 发表于 2010-1-1 19:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

芒果记 发表于 2010-1-1 20:06 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

vivicat 发表于 2010-1-1 21:55


渔音谦谦 发表于 2010-1-1 22:29

vivicat 发表于 2010-1-1 21:55 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


木兰歌 发表于 2010-1-1 22:35


連長 发表于 2010-1-1 22:58

木兰歌 发表于 2010/1/1 22:35 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


dolittle 发表于 2010-1-1 23:03


agx 发表于 2010-1-1 23:13


地球人啊Q 发表于 2010-1-1 23:15

木兰歌 发表于 2010-1-1 22:35 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif如果这么计较的话,你怎么不去跟全球的国家计较造纸术他们给我们授权使用费了吗?哪这么多废的,有劲吗?


dcxng 发表于 2010-1-1 23:53


hkj626 发表于 2010-1-2 00:13


24632901 发表于 2010-1-2 01:40


harryfx 发表于 2010-1-2 01:53



主体 ...
dolittle 发表于 2010-1-1 23:03 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

dolittle 发表于 2010-1-2 02:42

另外,枢纽需要的是效率,豪不豪华并不重要。 ...
harryfx 发表于 2010-1-2 01:53 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


rah123 发表于 2010-1-2 10:56

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