青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-1-3 00:00

【09.12.21 CNN】电视才艺大赛揭示中国的种族问题

.c【原文标题】TV talent show exposes China's race issue
【译者】青蛙小王子$ I/ p. {. L0 \+ k! ]+ V
【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不可转载。/ F: n+ @. j+ W7 }f
Shanghai, China (CNN) -- It all started with the lure of the glitz, the glamour and the dream of being China's next pop star. But, as with many reality shows, Lou Jing's instant fame came with unanticipated consequences.中国上海(CNN)---- 一切皆源于浮华的诱惑和成为中国下一个歌星的梦想。但是,跟大部分的选秀节目的效果一样,娄婧的一夕成名也给她带来了诸多意想不到的影响。
Lou Jing was born 20 years ago in Shanghai to a Chinese mother and an African-American father. According to her mother, who asked not to be identified in this report, she met Lou's father while she was still in college. He left China before their daughter was born.娄婧20年前出生于上海,她的母亲是中国人,父亲是美国黑人。娄婧的妈妈要求在本篇报道中不要公开其个人信息,她说,当她还在大学读书时,她遇到了娄婧的父亲。在他们的女儿娄婧出生之前,他就离开了中国。
Growing up with a single mom in central Shanghai, Lou Jing said she had good friends and lived a normal life. "When I was young, I didn't feel any different," she said.
But as soon as she stepped into the national spotlight on a Chinese reality television show called "Go! Oriental Angel," Lou Jing became a national sensation -- not necessarily because of her talent, but how she looked.跟一个单亲妈妈一起在上海市中心长大,娄婧说她有很多好朋友,并且过着正常的生活。她说:“当我还小的时候,我并没有感到任何的异常。”但是自从她参加了受全国关注的电视选秀节目《加油!东方天使》后,她就引起了全国轰动---未必是因为她的才艺,而是因为她的长相。
"After the contest started, I often got more attention than the other girls. It made me feel strange," Lou said.“比赛开始后,我通常比其他女孩得到了更多的关注。这让我感到很不习惯。”娄婧说。
The reality show hosts fondly called her "chocolate girl" and "black pearl." The Chinese media fixated on her skin color. Netizens flooded Web sites with comments saying she "never should have been born" and telling her to "get out of China." 选秀节目主持人温柔地称她为“巧克力女孩”和“黑珍珠”。中国媒体把焦点集中在了她的肤色上。网上充斥了她“本不该出生”和要她“滚出中国”的言论。

Lou Jing's background became fodder for national gossip, sparking a vitriolic debate about race across a country that, in many respects, can be quite homogenous. There are 56 different recognized ethnic groups in China, but more than 90 percent of the population is Han Chinese. So people who look different stand out.娄婧的背景成为了其国人闲聊的素材,同时在全国引发了一场刻薄的种族辩论。中国有56个不同的民族,但是90%多的人口都是汉族。在很多方面,中国可能十分类似。因此长相与众不同的人就显得十分显眼。
"We lived in a small circle before," said her mother. "But after Lou was seen nationwide, some Chinese people couldn't accept her."“我们以前生活在一个小圈子里,”她的妈妈说,“但是当娄婧在国内为人所熟知后,有些国人不能接受她。”It has been a shocking ordeal for someone who says she always considered herself just like every other Chinese girl.
"Sometimes people on the street would ask me, 'Why do you speak Chinese so well?' I'd just say, 'Because I'm Chinese!'" Lou said.“有时街上的人们会问我,你的中文为什么说得那么好,我只是说,因为我是一个中国人。”娄婧说。
   But, as any curious child would, Lou Jing certainly thought about why she looked different. In a clip reel aired on the show, her classmates say they tried to protect her from feeling out of place.但是,像其他充满好奇心的孩子一样,娄婧有时也在想,她为什么看起来和其他人不一样。在表演的时候,她的同班同学们说她们在尽力让她不会感到拘束。
"She used to wonder why she had black skin," said one classmate. "We thought about this question together and decided to tell her it's because she likes dark chocolate. So her skin turned darker gradually."“她过去常常想知道她为什么长着黑色的皮肤,”她的同班同学说,“我们在一起思考这个问题,然后决定告诉她,这是因为她喜欢吃巧克力,所以她的皮肤就慢慢变黑了。”
Another classmate weighed in, "We said it's because she used to drink too much soy sauce."她的另一个同学也参与了进来,说“我们说这是因为她过去吃了太多酱油的缘故。”
Even Lou Jing's maternal grandmother admitted in a taped interview, "I told Lou Jing she was black because her mom was not very well and had to take Chinese medicine."娄婧的外婆甚至在一次录制的采访中说“我告诉娄婧说,它之所以黑,是因为她的妈妈身体不好,不得不吃药的缘故。”
But such explanations were not enough for a voracious Chinese public. Show producers convinced Lou Jing's mom to appear on-air and asked her to address the many unanswered questions.但是这些解释不能让贪婪的中国民众满足。节目制片人说服娄婧的妈妈到了直况转播节目现场,并让她回答了很多隐私的问题。
"Lou Jing did not ask about her father until she was sixteen years old," her mother told the audience. "She said, 'Where is my dad?' I didn't answer, I just cried and Lou Jing never asked me this question again."“娄婧知道16岁才开始问到关于她爸爸的问题,”她的妈妈告诉观众说,“她问,‘我的爸爸在那里?’我没有回答,我只是哭,然后娄婧就不再这个问题了。“On stage this time, it was Lou Jing who wept as she held an arm tightly around her mother, gripping the microphone in the other. The camera zoomed in on audience members tearing up as well.这一次在舞台上,娄婧,一只手握着麦克风,一只手紧紧地拥抱着她的妈妈,伤心地哭了。摄影机拍摄到在场观众也流下来泪水。“LOU Jing would cook dinner for me before I got home," her mother said. "I was quite sad then. In other families a girl her age would have a mom and a dad who loved her."

    Although her father has been absent, Lou seemed to be curious about learning more. On the reality show, the host inquired, "Lou Jing, have you ever thought about going to find your dad, to get to know him?"
   Lou Jing pauses for a moment and softly responds, "Yes, I have thought about that before."
   In this way, the most private aspects of Lou Jing's otherwise quiet life became painfully public. But as the show went on, so did Lou Jing. She stuck with her daily routine, listening to Beyonce, her favorite artist, hanging out with her friends and continuing to go to school.
   "I was so angry," said her drama teacher, Tao Yandong, of the Shanghai Drama Academy's School for the Television Arts. "My student had been insulted by others so of course I felt bad, too. But she told me she was fine and wasn't letting these things hurt her heart."
   Watching Lou Jing laugh and gossip with her Chinese classmates today, this appears to be true. Back in her modest two-bedroom apartment, it is hard to imagine that Lou Jing and her mother are subjects of national scrutiny.
   Instead, they are focused on her future. Her career goals are many, spanning from hosting a television show to becoming a diplomat "to bring people together," she said.
   As a college junior, Lou Jing is thinking about graduate school applications, hoping to pursue a master's degree in foreign policy in New York City after she graduates from college.
   When asked what she will do without her mother, Lou excitedly said, "My mom is going to come with me!"
   Her mom shakes her head and smiles. If anything, their enduring bond as mother and daughter only seems to have gotten stronger. After all, for all their critics, there were just as many supporters.

   Until the end of her run on "Go! Oriental Angel," fans continued to vote for Lou Jing show after show. The judges praised her confidence. Lou Jing was eventually eliminated before the finale, but not without a powerful parting message. 直到娄婧参加“加油!东方天使”节目的最后,她的粉丝们依然在为她投票。评委称赞她的自信。娄婧最终在总决赛之前被淘汰,但早就有她要离开舞台的传言。"I think I'm the same as all the girls here, except for my skin color. We share the same stage and the same dream. I've tried my best, so no matter what happens, I'll hold onto my dream."“我想,除了我的肤色之外,我跟这里所有的女孩都是一样的。我们分享这同样的舞台和同样的梦想。我已经尽了最大努力,所以无论发生什么,我都会坚持我的梦想。”

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-1-3 00:00


notailwolf 发表于 2010-1-3 00:16

He left China before their daughter was born.




青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-1-3 00:25

He left China before their daughter was born.

这里应该 ...
notailwolf 发表于 2010-1-3 00:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

happytree 发表于 2010-1-3 00:32

He left China before their daughter was born.

这里应该 ...
notailwolf 发表于 2010-1-3 00:16 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

xuexing 发表于 2010-1-3 00:35


notailwolf 发表于 2010-1-3 00:46

xuexing 发表于 2010-1-3 00:35 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



tctc 发表于 2010-1-3 00:46

回复 6# xuexing

江湖一仙女 发表于 2010-1-3 00:52


連長 发表于 2010-1-3 02:01



連長 发表于 2010-1-3 02:03



博雅之士 发表于 2010-1-3 02:46


中国的骆驼 发表于 2010-1-3 05:44

西霉就是坚决不提其母在新婚蜜月期间与黑人偷情产女的基本事实,而这才是中国人反感的原因。 ...
博雅之士 发表于 2010-1-3 02:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


wangyf315 发表于 2010-1-3 10:27


发表于 2010-1-3 11:34

种族 ?不是有人在说亚洲人全是非洲移民吗?

flyer99 发表于 2010-1-3 13:44


xiaotian_ljh 发表于 2010-1-3 13:50



qcmswq 发表于 2010-1-3 14:31


言论自由否 发表于 2010-1-3 14:31


中华神箭 发表于 2010-1-3 15:11


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