連長 发表于 2010-1-15 17:40

【10.1.13 路透社】印度一半的防御装备已经过时

    【原文标题】Half of India's defence equipment outdated
 Wed Jan 13, 20101:29am ESTBy Bappa Majumdar2010年1月13日作者:巴帕·马俊德 NEWDELHI, Jan 13 (Reuters) - At least half of India's defence equipment isobsolete and needs urgent upgrade, a report said on Wednesday, underlining gapsin its defence preparedness in a region roiled by Islamist militancy andmilitary rivalries.新德里,1月13日讯(路透社)--本周三,一份强调其防务不足的报告中指出:在有好战分子和军事竞争对手的地区,印度的防御装备至少有一半已过时,急需升级。 Only 15percent of India's equipment is "state of the art", according to thefirst comprehensive report on the country's defence sector prepared by globalconsultancy firm KPMG and the Confederation of Indian Industry.据全球咨询公司(KPMC)和印度工业联合会针对该国防御区的首份综合性报告指出:印度的装备只有15%是“技术上先进的”。 New Delhichanged its defence procurement policy last year to further open its defencesector to the world and local companies after the Mumbai attacks in November2008, in which 166 people were killed.2008年11月,孟买发生了袭击案,其中166人死亡。之后,新德里调整了他们的国防采购政策。去年进一步开发防务部与世界和本地公司的合作。 Theattack revealed glaring holes in India's security system.这次袭击暴露出印度安全系统的巨大漏洞。 The newreport, released by Defence Minister A.K. Antony, says India will have to focuson improving homeland security after the Mumbai attacks and the governmentneeds to support private firms in manufacturing equipment locally.国防部长A.K.Antony发布了新的报告。他说,孟买袭击案后,印度将着重于改进本土安防,并且政府会支持本地的私企造武器。 India saysit is keen to upgrade its largely Soviet-era arsenal to counter potentialthreats from Pakistan and China with a series of acquisitions and by phasingout old weapons.印度称,它极迫切地需要升级大量苏联时代的武器,以应对来自巴基斯坦和中国的潜在威胁,并分阶段淘汰旧武器。 Thecountry has lost nearly 200 Russian-made MiG series aircraft in crashes since1990, blamed by the air force on manufacturing defects.自1990年起,该国已在坠毁事故中失去了近200架俄制米格系列战机,空军把责任归咎于制造缺陷。 Indiawants to increase its air force squadrons from 34 (612 fighters) to 42 (756fighters) by 2020 with modern aircraft. The Indian army also needs new weaponsurgently, the report said.报告指出,印度想增加它的空军中队和现代战机,到2020年时,将从34队(612架战机)增至42队(756架战机),印度陆军也迫切需要新的武器。 BoforsHowitzers were the last major acquisition made by the Indian Army way back in1986, it said.报告指出,在1986年以前,博福斯榴弹炮是当时印度陆军最后一笔主要的采购项目。 "TheKargil conflict of 1999 (with Pakistan-based militants in Kashmir) highlightedthe shortcomings of equipment held by the Indian armed forces, highlighting theneed to modernise the equipment portfolio," the report says.报告指出“1999年的卡吉尔冲突(与克什米尔的巴基斯坦武装分子)凸显出陆军装备的缺陷,印度需要现代化的武器装备。” Sinceearly 2000, India began to buy weapons from other countries like Israel and theUnited States to replace Russian-origin defence equipment and is now speedingup deals.自2000年初开始,印度开始购买以色列、美国及其他国家的武器,以替换俄制防御武器,现在正在加速进行。 India iscurrently the 10th largest defence spender in the world with an estimated 2percent share of global expenditure.印度目前的国防花费为世界第十,估计约占全球总额的2% TheUnited States, Britain, China, France and Japan are the leaders in globaldefence spending, each accounting for 3-5 percent of total global expenditure.美国、英国、中国、法国和日本是全球国防开支大国,每个国家大概占全球总开支的3%~5%。 LastAugust, India started field trials to buy 126 multi-role fighter jets, defenceofficials said, moving forward on a $10.4 billion deal, one of the the biggestin play.去年8月份,印度开始就126架多功能战斗机的采购项目进行地面测试,防务部官员称这笔大单价值将高达104亿美元,是最大的采购项目之一。 India isalso seeking heavy lift helicopters, submarines, ships and artillery for itsarmy, valued at millions of dollars, the KPMG report says.KPMC的报告中指出:印度也在为它的军队寻求价值数百万美元的重型直升机、潜艇、军舰和大炮。 All dealsare part of a $100 billion budgetary provision over the next 10 years, Indianofficials say.印度官员表示,上述所有采购都是印度未来十年1000亿美元武器采购预算的一部分。 (Editing byAlistair Scrutton and Paul Tait)(编辑:艾利斯泰尔·斯克鲁顿、保罗·泰特)

红色的血 发表于 2010-1-15 18:12

不是说在中印边境地区 印度早已实现了直升机巡逻和运输么,这已经大大领先中国了

yekai1227 发表于 2010-1-15 18:12


連長 发表于 2010-1-15 18:14

yekai1227 发表于 2010/1/15 18:12 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


穆萨 发表于 2010-1-15 19:00


无可就要 发表于 2010-1-15 21:07


莫说 发表于 2010-1-15 22:19


popop_ryan 发表于 2010-1-15 22:29


chen077 发表于 2010-1-15 23:32


harryfx 发表于 2010-1-16 00:45


小宇凡 发表于 2010-1-16 08:36


luke99e3 发表于 2010-1-16 21:06


fengyue_x 发表于 2010-1-16 21:13


st_aster 发表于 2010-1-17 13:52


百姓 发表于 2010-1-17 14:31


skywing 发表于 2010-1-18 00:05


連長 发表于 2010-1-18 00:28

理论上说,印度的现代化装备比我们还多.但是实际战斗力,除了印度人还有人认为印度比中国好的? ...
skywing 发表于 2010/1/18 00:05 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


红尘不透 发表于 2010-1-18 09:31


clbshi 发表于 2010-1-23 14:39

欧美 又在忽悠阿三花钱买东西了Q76)
加油 加油

zmzlyh 发表于 2010-2-16 20:46

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