zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-25 15:10

【英语同学会】—— Be Transparent About(2)


Condoleezza Rice has called for China to be more transparent about its military buildup

SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has called for China to be more transparent about its military buildup, citing a 14 percent spending increase as a cause for concern.

Speaking at a joint media conference with Australian counterpart Alexander Downer in Sydney Thursday, Rice said China "should undertake to be transparent about what that means."

China's parliament last week approved a 14.7 percent increase in its annual military budget to $35 billion.

Rice is in Australia for trilateral talks between the United States, Australia and Japan, being held on Saturday, during which the issue of China's growing military, economic and political influence is expected to be discussed.

Rice also said the U.S. would continue to work closely with China on global issues, such as North Korea's nuclear program, but would not hesitate to raise issues of concern.

Rice said that along with transparency on China's military buildup, the U.S. believed China needed to pay attention to economic issues such as intellectual property rights, its currency regime, and government control of some business sectors.

Asked about the U.S.'s approach to Iran, Rice called the Middle Eastern state the "central banker of terrorism" and a "troublesome state."

She said the U.S. believed Iran was secretly developing a nuclear weapon and called on the nation to "heed the international community's call" to resume negotiations on its nuclear program.

Rice said she was "quite certain the (U.N.) Security Council will find an appropriate vehicle for expressing again ... the desire of the international community ... that Iran return to negotiations." (Full story)

Rice's comments came after a bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister Downer Thursday morning in Sydney.

Rice was to have lunch with American service personnel on board two U.S. Navy ships docked in Sydney Harbor and then give a speech to university students.

The secretary is also planning to take in some of the Commonwealth Games being held in the southern city of Melbourne.

She is scheduled to meet Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Friday before Saturday's inaugural ministerial meeting of the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue with Downer and Japan's Foreign Minister Taro Aso.

Before leaving the U.S., Rice said that the three countries must "make sure that we're looking at a Chinese military buildup that is not outsized for China's regional ambitions and interests," The Associated Press reported.

The U.S. in the past has accused China of understating its true military spend, with some analysts saying that China spends closer to $90 billion a year. However, even that figure is dwarfed by the U.S. military budget, which topped $400 billion for 2005.

China's National People's Congress, which met last week, was told the military budget increase was to "strengthen the army's capability to fight a defensive war and to respond to emergencies, and to raise soldiers'

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-25 15:10


文章我是按照搜索得到的结果顺序选的第二篇,关于网络安全问题的那篇是选的出现在排序中的第一篇,之所以这样声明,是因为我刚才粗看了这篇文章,有涉及到曾今在本网站有过强烈争论的what has happened相关的be transparent about问题,以此避一下嫌疑,Ok?If ok,well,now let's go on.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-26 10:43

本帖最后由 zhongdong_wang 于 2010-1-26 11:33 编辑



Condoleezza Rice已经要求中国在其军事建设方面更加透明
悉尼,澳大利亚(CNN)——美国国务卿Condoleezza Rice已经要求中国在其军事建设方面更加透明,并引用了(中国军事建设中)百分之十四的开销增长作为提及(此事)的因由。

在星期四同澳大利亚同行Alexsander Downer谈话的媒体联席会议上,Rice说中国“应当承担责任,说明此举意味着什么/说明此举意图。”






她说 美国相信伊朗正在秘密开发核武器并且呼吁该国“注意国际社会的呼声”恢复核计划谈判。




她已经安排了,在星期六为就职而举行的同Downer和日本外相Taro Aso的部长级三方会谈会议以前,于星期五会见澳大利亚副部长John Howard。/她已经被安排于星期五会见澳大利亚副部长John Howard,然后她将在星期六召开一次就职会议同Downer和日本外相Taro Aso进行三方会谈。

离开美国前Rice说这三个国家必须“明确知道我们正在关注中国的军事建设规模是和中国希望起到的地区作用和利益不相称的。”Associated Press报道说。




zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-26 20:43

Rice said she was "quite certain the (U.N.) Security Council will find an appropriate vehicle for expressing again ... the desire of the international community ... that Iran return to negotiations." (Full story)


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