Anonymous 发表于 2010-1-25 16:09

【10.1.18 BBC】暴动发生6个月之后,中国允许在新疆发短信

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【中文标题】暴动发生6个月之后,中国允许在新疆发短信【原文标题】China allows texting in Xinjiang six months after riots【原文连接】【登载媒体】BBC【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供AC爱国网友使用,未经许可不得删除【原文库连接】【译文】 By Michael Bristow
    作者:迈克尔布瑞斯托 The riots in July were the worst ethnic unrest in China in decades中国7月份的种族暴乱是几十年来最糟糕的 Text messaging services have resumed in the Chinese region of Xinjiang, six months after deadly ethnic unrest that left nearly 200 people dead.近200人死亡的种族暴乱发生6个月之后,中国的新疆地区的短信服务已被恢复。 Services were being restored gradually, according to an official quoted by China's state-run Xinhua news agency. 国营的新华社引述一位官员的话报道称:服务正在逐渐恢复。 People were stopped from sending text messages last July following riots and demonstrations in Xinjiang. 去年7月,新疆爆发暴乱和游行示威,(政府)阻止人们发送短信。 The authorities said this was done to maintain social order between ethnic Uighurs and Han Chinese people. 当局表示,这样做是为了维持维族人和汉人之间的社会治安。 The BBC confirmed that services have restarted by texting a Xinjiang resident. BBC证实,新疆居民的短信服务已经恢复。 Internet access restored互联网连接恢复 An official with Xinjiang's regional government acknowledged the texting ban inconvenience people, but was necessary for security. 新疆自治区的一位官员承认短信禁令给人带来不便,但为了安全,这是有必要的。 "The move proved to be effective in dealing with the riot and maintaining stability of the region," Xinhua quoted the unnamed official as saying. 新华社引述一位未透露姓名的官员说:“此举在处置骚乱事件中被证明有效的维护了本地区的稳定。” The services was being being "gradually" restored beginning Sunday, he added. 这些服务自周日开始正“逐渐”恢复,他补充道。 The ban on sending text messages was introduced shortly after riots and protests in the regional capital, Urumqi, that left nearly 200 people dead, most of them Han Chinese. 自治区首府乌鲁木齐的骚乱和抗议造成近两百人死亡,其中多数是汉族人。之后不久便实施了短信禁令。 Officials have said the unrest was orchestrated by Uighur separatists using the internet and text messaging. 官方表示,这场骚乱是由维吾尔分裂分子利用互联网和手机短信精心策划的。 The unrest revealed deep-seated antagonism between the mainly-Muslim Uighurs, the region's original inhabitants, and Han Chinese, most of whom have moved into Xinjiang over the last five decades. 这次骚乱显示了这一地区的原住民-----维吾尔人和过去五十年来,迁入新疆的大部分汉人之间根深蒂固的对抗。 Internet access, which was also cut off, is also being gradually resumed. 被阻断的互联网连接同时正在逐步恢复连入。 At the end of December the government began to restore access to some officially sanctioned sites, such as Xinhua, and allowed a number of other online services. 截止12月底,政府开始恢复连入一些官方认可的网站,比如新华网,并允许一些其他的在线服务。

绝对中国人 发表于 2010-1-25 16:21


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緣分メ阳阳 发表于 2010-3-3 11:06

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