Rok-Viv 发表于 2010-1-25 22:50

【2010.01.23 THEHINDU.COM】中印两国不打算签订哥本哈根协议

【中文标题】中印两国不打算签订哥本哈根协议【原文标题】India, China won't sign Copenhagen Accord【登载媒体】【来源地址】【译者】Rok-Viv【翻译方式】人工【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载【原文库链接】【译文】

India, China won't sign Copenhagen Accord
中印两国不打算签订哥本哈根协议 A giant globe placed outside a shopping mall during the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen in 2009. The Indian and Chinese governments have had a rethink on signing the Copenhagen Accord, officials said on Saturday.2009年联合国哥本哈根气候会议期间,一个巨大的地球仪放置在一家购物中心门外。周六,印度官员称,印、中两国政府已重新考虑哥本哈根协议签订一事。(图片)
The Indian and Chinese governments have had a rethink on signing the Copenhagen Accord, officials said on Saturday, and the UN has also indefinitely postponed its Jan 31 deadline for countries to accede to the document.周六,印官员称,中、印两国已重新考虑哥本哈根协议签订一事,而联合国原本要求各国在1月30日之前应决定协议的签订,现在或许会推迟其最后期限,但仍不明确。

An Indian official said that though the government had been thinking of signing the accord because it “did not have any legal teeth and would be good diplomatically”; it felt irked because of repeated messages from both UN officials and developed countries to accede to it.一印度官员称,印度政府在考虑该协议的签订问题,因为签订该协议并无任何法律效力,只是在外交上或会好一些;而且来自联合国及发达国家敦促签订的声音让人感到很是烦人。

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has written to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon seeking a number of clarifications on the implications of the accord that India -- with five other countries -- had negotiated in the last moments of the Copenhagen climate summit in December, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.一些匿名的印度官员说道,印度总理曼莫汉·辛格写信至联合国秘书长潘基文,旨在阐明印度在去年十二月哥本哈根气候峰会最后时刻与其他国家五国商讨的结论。
“That letter, and the defeat of the Democrats in the Massachusetts bypoll, has forced the UN to postpone the deadline indefinitely,” an official said. “With the Democrats losing in one of their strongholds, the chances of the climate bill going through the US senate have receded dramatically.另一名官员称,这封信以及美国麻省民意测试中民主党人的失败迫使联合国不得不推迟决定该协定签订的最后期限。由于民主党人的这一失利,参议院通过气候议案的可能性大打折扣。
“So if the US is not going to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent, which was a very weak target anyway, why should we make any commitment even if it does not have any legal teeth?” the official said.这名官员说,倘若美国都不打算减少其少之又少的17%的温室气体排放,我们又为何要做出承诺,更何况这也没有任何法律的要求。

China also appears in no mood to sign the accord.同样,中国也似乎对此表现冷淡。
“With the deadline postponed, we are not going to sign now,” said a Chinese official now here to take part in the BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) meeting to chalk out a climate strategy.正在印度参加“基础四国”(BASIC,包括巴西、南非、印度、中国)会议以制定气候战略的一名中国官员称:“由于这一最后期限的推迟,我们目前还未打算签订该项协议。”

The meeting of the four environment ministers Sunday is likely to end with the announcement of a fund they will set up to help other developing countries cope with the effects of climate change, said an official of the environment ministry.印度一气候部门官员称,周日,四国环保部长举行的会议最后有望发表建立气候基金的声明,该基金旨在帮助其他发展中国家应对气候变化问题。

Only four countries -- Australia, Canada, Papua New Guinea and the Maldives -- have signed the Copenhagen Accord so far, though Brazil, South Africa and South Korea have also indicated their willingness to do so.虽然巴西、南非、韩国已表明签订哥本哈根协议的意愿,但目前只有澳大利亚、加拿大、巴布亚新几内亚、马尔代夫已经签订了哥本哈根协议。

Though Australia and Canada have signed, they have not indicated the greenhouse gas emission reductions they are committing under the accord -- something developed countries are supposed to do.发达国家应该率先制定出具体的减排目标,而澳大利亚和加拿大虽已签订哥本哈根协议,但他们并未表明在协议之下温室气体减排的具体目标。

Rok-Viv 发表于 2010-1-25 22:55

本帖最后由 Rok-Viv 于 2010-1-25 23:14 编辑

rhapsody   vivicat, thx a million

忧心 发表于 2010-1-25 23:25

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