mingpingwan 发表于 2010-2-25 23:33

【10.02.25 路透社】中国军方警示华盛顿,否认黑客行为

本帖最后由 青衣紫萝 于 2010-2-26 11:15 编辑

【中文标题】中国军方警示华盛顿,否认黑客行为【原文标题】China's military warns Washington, denies hacking
   【登载媒体】路透社【来源地址】http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE61O0YR20100225【译者】mingpingwan 【翻译方式】人工
China's military warns Washington, denies hacking中国军方警示华盛顿,否认黑客行为
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BEIJING (Reuters) - China's military warned the United States on Thursday to "speak and act cautiously" to avoid reigniting tensions between the two powers, denying the People's Liberation Army played a part in Internet hacking. 路透社北京报道

Huang Xueping, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, said his government would not reverse its decision to suspend "bilateral military plans" with Washington after it said in late January that it would sell $6.4 billion of arms to Taiwan, the self-ruled island Beijing claims as its own.黄雪平,中国国防部发言人说中国政府不会改变暂停与华盛顿的“双边军事计划”,此决定是由于美国一月底宣布对台64亿美元军售引起的。台湾目前处于自治状态,中国政府对其声称拥有主权。

In January, the giant Internet search company Google Inc threatened to pull back from China after complaining of censorship and hacking attacks on it and other companies., Analysts said those attacks were sophisticated operations, possibly overseen or abetted by the Chinese military.在今年一月,网络搜索巨头谷歌公司在抱怨自己及其他(外国)公司受到了监管和黑客攻击之后威胁退出中国。分析人士称,这些攻击手段非常老道,很可能受到中国军方的示意或教唆。
The hacking dispute has added to tensions with Washington over quarrels ranging from trade and the Chinese currency to a meeting last week between U.S. President Barack Obama and exiled Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama, who China reviles as a "separatist" for demanding self-rule for his homeland.黑客活动的争论增加了北京与华盛顿本来就由于在贸易和人民币汇率争吵及美国总统奥巴马上周接见流亡西藏人头头达赖而紧张的双边关系。中国认为达赖是个想在自己家乡寻求自治的“分裂分子”

Huang's remarks, reported by the official Xinhua news agency, shed no new light on how China plans to act on its threats to punish U.S. companies involved in arms sales to Taiwan.官方媒体新华社报道的黄雪平的讲话,没有释放中国对涉及对台军售的公司的采取惩罚威胁的新的具体行动。

But his comments indicated China has not entirely put aside public ire with Washington, despite allowing a U.S. aircraft carrier to visit Hong Kong last week.但从他的发言可以看出中国并没有把民众对美国的愤怒完全放在一边,尽管上周允许了美国航母访问香港。

"China demands that the U.S. speak and act cautiously, to avoid causing further damage to relations between the two countries and their militaries," said Huang.中国要求美国言行谨慎,以免对两国及两军关系造成进一步的伤害,黄说。

"Linking Internet hacking activities to the Chinese government and military is totally unfounded and utterly irresponsible," he said. "This is stirring up a fuss for ulterior motives." 把网络黑客活动与中国政府及军方联系起来是毫无根据和不负责任的,他说,这是在为达到不可告人的的目的在故意炒作。

Internet hacking dispute made fresh headlines recently after reports that the attacks had been traced to two schools in China, and that the writer of the spyware used had been identified as a Chinese cyber-security consultant.

The prestigious Shanghai Jiaotong University and the previously little-known Lanxiang vocational college, a high-school level institution, have both denied any role. 颇有名气的上海交大和之前无人知晓的蓝翔职业学院---一个高校级别的机构都否认参与黑客活动。初次翻译,望诸位不吝赐教,谢谢!2010-2-25晚23:26于泰州。

下个月 发表于 2010-2-26 09:48

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