qywqszwgl666 发表于 2010-2-27 01:33


【原文标题】China warns US to 'act cautiously'

【来源地址】http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/China-warns-US-to-act-cautiously/articleshow/5614514.cms7 G" ?8 i% F! t& v_0 _" n$ h7 c. a3 ?, A! ]
【译者】 qywqszwgl666
【翻译方式】 人工AC四月青年社区- j2 r# N0 s! ~- G3 m
【声明】   本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。" U" |1 {1 X3 v0 I+ P3 J! J# K
China warns US to 'act cautiously'中方警告美方“谨慎采取行动”BEIJING: China warned the United States on Thursday to "speak and act cautiously" to avoid further strains in ties and denied any military involvement in recent cyberattacks against Google. 北京:中方于周二警告美方
A defence ministry spokesman also said Beijing's position on suspending military exchanges with the United States over arms sales to Taiwan remained unchanged, after the Pentagon said at least three visits had been postponed.一位国防部发言人同时表示北京方面在因对台军售而暂停双方军事交流的举措上的立场不变,此前五角大楼表示至少三项军事访问已被推迟。
China has said it will sanction US firms involved in the 6.4-billion-dollar deal announced last month which included Patriot missiles, helicopters and equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet, but no submarines or new fighter aircraft. 中方表示将对参与对台军售的美国企业实施制裁。这项于上个月宣布的价值640亿美元的军售包括了“爱国者”导弹,“黑鹰”直升机以及F-16战斗机机群的零部件,但不包括潜艇和新型战机。
Beijing views self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory.北京视自治的台湾为自己领土的一部分。
"The Chinese side urges the US side to speak and act cautiously to avoid further damage to bilateral relations and peaceful cross-strait development," ministry spokesman Huang Xueping was quoted as saying by the state Xinhua news agency.
Pentagon spokesman said Wednesday that several planned exchanges had been put off, including a visit to the United States by China's chief of the general staff, and a trip to China by the commander of the US Pacific Command. ! 五角大楼发言人于周三表示若干计划军事交流已被推迟,其中包括中国解放军总参谋长对美的访问以及美国太平洋司令部司令对中国的出访。Chinese authorities allowed the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier to visit Hong Kong last week just hours before US President Barack Obama met the Dalai Lama -- which also sparked an angry reaction from Beijing. 而仅仅在中方同意美国尼米兹号航空母舰于上周访问香港的数小时之后,美国总统奥巴马会见了达赖喇嘛,这次会见引起了北京的强烈反应。US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said this week he still planned to visit China later this year. 美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨于本周表示他仍然计划在今年晚些时候访问中国。
Sino-US ties have also been rocky since US Internet giant Google said last month it was considering shutting down its Chinese-language search engine and leaving the country altogether over hack attacks and government web censorship. 以遭受黑客攻击和政府网络审查为由,美国互联网巨人谷歌于上个月表示正在考虑彻底关闭其中文搜索引擎并离开中国市场,而自从这件事情之后中美关系就一直存在波动。 Q# W
Google has said it believes those attacks originated in China, and recent reports said they had been traced back to two schools in China, one of which is linked to the military. Beijing has repeatedly denied any involvement.谷歌确信这些攻击来自中国大陆,最近有报道称其已经追溯到中国的两所学校,而其中一所与军方有某种联系。北京方面已对此多次进行否认。
Spokesman Huang called the accusations of links between Internet hackers and the Chinese military "baseless and irresponsible", adding they had been "hyped up for ulterior motives".发言人黄雪平称将网络黑客行为与中国军方扯在一起是“没有根据且不负责任的”,并表示对这种别有用心的行为感到担忧。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-2-27 10:13


无可就要 发表于 2010-2-27 10:25



qywqszwgl666 发表于 2010-2-27 12:40

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