FLDSJKL 发表于 2010-2-27 12:29

【下载】《掌握纯正美国英语》Mastering the American Accent

《掌握纯正美国英语》Mastering the American Accent.rar

hanhaihong 发表于 2010-3-5 15:59

it's a shame that i can't download it.......Q62) Could you send it to me by email? haihong_han@126.comThanks.


This combination book and audio instructional program is designed to diminish the accents of men and women who speak English as their second language. It will help them speak standard American English with clarity, confidence, and accuracy. Specific exercises concentrate on vowel sounds, problematic consonants such as V, W, B, TH, and the American R, employ correct syllable stress, link words for smoother speech flow, use common word contractions such as won’t instead of will not, and more. Additional topics that often confuse ESL students are also discussed and explained.

CD1CD2: 64.07MB
CD3CD4: 61.04MB

>> 迅雷下载

xhleep 发表于 2012-11-22 10:17

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