青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-3-15 20:44

【10.03.10 纽约时报】中国二月份的出口贸易增长达46%

本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-3-16 12:34 编辑

【中文标题】中国出口增长46%【原文标题】China’s Exports Rise 46%【刊载媒体】纽约时报【原文库链接】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-229524-1-1.html【翻译方式】人工【译者】青蛙小王子【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不可转载。【译文】BEIJING —China announced Wednesday that its exports climbed 46 percent in February from a year earlier. Economists said the data signaled a rebound in consumer demand from the United States and other Western markets after the financial crisis last year. 北京电----中国周三宣布,其二月份的出口额较去年同期增长了46%。经济学家称,这是自去年金融危机之后,美国和其他西方国家消费需求回升的信号。

It was the third consecutive month of increases in Chinese exports and the fastest growth in three years. Orders from the United States, the European Union and Japan accounted for almost half the growth, following a pickup in demand from emerging markets in the previous two months. 这是中国出口连续第三个月实现增长,同时也是三年来增长最快的一个月。出口的增长几乎一半归功于来自美国、欧盟和日本的订单,其次是新兴市场国家前两个月需求的回升。

Chinese imports also rose 45 percent over the previous year, led by crude oil as factories stepped up production. 由于工厂加大生产,原油进口需求增加,中国的进口也较前一年同期增长了45%。

Some economists said the figures indicated China’s recovery was well under way. Tao Wang, head of China research for UBS Securities, predicted that Chinese exports would rebound to the level of 2008 before China took a big hit from the global financial crisis. 一些经济学家称,这些数据表明了中国的经济正在顺利复苏中。瑞银证券中国研究部主管王涛预测,中国的出口贸易额将会恢复到2008年遭遇全球金融危机前的水平。

She and others suggested that the robust growth could increase pressure on China to let its currency, the renminbi, appreciate against the U.S. dollar. 王涛以及其他一些经济学家暗示,这种强劲的增长趋势会加剧人民币对美元的升值压力。

Western governments contend the peg to the dollar keeps Chinese exports artificially cheap and depresses competing economies. The Chinese prime minister, Wen Jiabao, said last week that exchange rates would remain “basically stable” for now. 西方政府抗议紧盯美元的人民币汇率政策人为的造成了中国的出口商品价格低廉,从而抑制了经济贸易的公平竞争。中国总理温家宝上周称,目前人民币汇率仍将保持基本稳定。

Commerce Minister Chen Deming said in late December that the outlook for international trade remained “extremely complicated” and predicted that it could take two or three years for Chinese exports to recover to precrisis levels. A Commerce Ministry spokesman repeated that prediction late last month. 商务部长陈德铭在去年12月底称,国际贸易前景依然极其复杂。他预测,中国外贸可能需要两到三年才能恢复到经济危机前的水平。2月底,商务部的一名发言人再次复述了这项预测。

But some analysts saw a hint of a possible shift in policy in comments made Saturday by the central bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan. He called pegging the renminbi to the U.S. dollar a “special foreign exchange mechanism” that would be abandoned “sooner or later.” 但是,一些分析家从上周六中国央行行长周小川的发言中看出了汇率政策可能发生改变的端倪,周小川称,人民币紧盯美元的汇率政策是一种特殊的汇率机制,迟早都要被抛弃。

February figures are harder to interpret than those for other months because of China’s holiday break, which occurs early every year but not on the same date. Moreover, the comparison with the previous year could be somewhat misleading because February 2009 was a particularly bleak month for Chinese exports and imports. 由于春节长假的影响,2月份的贸易数据与其他月份相比,更加难以解读。中国的春节在每年阳历的年初,但是不在阳历日期的同一天。此外,由于2009年2月中国进出口贸易正经历最为惨淡的时期,拿这数据来与去年相比,多少有些令人误解。

Nonetheless, Moody’s Economy.com, an economic research organization, said the data “reflects the dramatic improvement in the trade sector” over a year ago. Other economists said the figures suggested the outlook of the Chinese Commerce Ministry was too pessimistic. 尽管如此,经济研究组织穆迪经济网称,这个数据“反映了一年多以来贸易领域的戏剧性复苏”。其他经济学家则认为,这个数据说明了中国商务部此前的预测太悲观了。

The 46 percent increase in exports beat economists’ predictions and the January increase of 21 percent. Exports of textiles, steel products, televisions and motorcycles also rose. In China’s industrial heartland, some factories are reporting labor shortages as they strive to fill orders.
The pace of growth in imports slowed from January, when China reported an 85 percent increase. Economists attributed that largely to rising prices. 这个46%的同比增长率大大超过了1月时经济学家们21%的预期。纺织品、钢铁制品、电视及摩托车的出口额也出现了 同比增长。订单大量增加,在中国中心工业区,有些工厂甚至出现了民工荒。进口总额的同比增长率则比1月份的85%降低了许多,经济学家们把这种状况归因于进口产品价格的上涨。

China reported a $7.6 billion trade surplus for the month. The trade surplus for January through February shrank by half compared to a year ago, according to Ms. Wang, of UBS. She said the smaller surplus was probably temporary, because of the rising prices of commodities. She predicted a modest drop in the trade surplus for the year. 中国公布的2月份贸易顺差为76亿美元。瑞银证券的王涛指出,与去年同期相比,今年 1-2月的贸易顺差比去年减少了一半。她说贸易顺差的降低有可能是由于商品价格增长导致的暂时性现象,她预测本年度贸易顺差会少量降低。

Separately, others figures from the National Bureau of Statistics also released Wednesday showed the economy was humming along. Investment in real estate rose 31.1 percent in the first two months of the year, compared with a year earlier, Reuters reported.周三国家统计局公布的其他数据也显示出中国经济的复苏态势。路透社报道称,一二月份,中国房地产投资同比增长了31.1%

China unveiled strict new rules Wednesday governing bankers’ pay that are designed to limit risk taking, Reuters reported from Beijing. 路透社北京报道称,中国周三公布了旨在降低金融业运营风险的,对银行高管薪酬的严格规定。

Payment of 40 percent or more of an executive’s salary must be delayed for a minimum of three years and could be withheld if the bank performs poorly, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said in a statement on its Web site. 中国银监会在其网站上发布的一则声明中称,高管绩效薪酬的40%或以上必须延迟至少三年支付。如果银行业务不佳,这部分薪酬可能会被扣留。This would ostensibly put China at the forefront of a global movement to use regulation of bankers’ pay as a way to control investment behavior. The implications in China are less significant, however, because bankers are, in effect, employees of the government in the largely state-owned banking system and their salaries are already significantly lower than those of international peers.这则声明表面上显得中国在规范银行业高管薪酬以控制其投资行为方面已经走在了世界前列。但是,这则声明在中国的实际意义并没有那么重大。因为事实上大型国有银行的高管基本就像是政府雇员,他们的薪酬相较国际同行低得多。

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-3-15 21:30


弦弦掩抑 发表于 2010-3-16 12:10


makelose 发表于 2010-3-16 12:42


st_aster 发表于 2010-3-16 14:21

出口是增加了 但是为什么顺差却减少了

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-3-17 10:46

出口是增加了 但是为什么顺差却减少了
st_aster 发表于 2010-3-16 14:21 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


cowpa 发表于 2010-3-17 18:41

青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-3-17 10:46 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


博雅之士 发表于 2010-3-18 19:38


marie_bi 发表于 2010-3-20 18:06

出口是增加了 但是为什么顺差却减少了
st_aster 发表于 2010-3-16 14:21 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif



aliaselin 发表于 2010-3-20 20:22

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