青蛙小王子 发表于 2010-3-26 15:05

【10.03.24 纽约时报】为何美国网站在中国集体溃败?

本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-3-31 10:19 编辑

【中文标题】为何美国网站在中国集体溃败?【原文标题】China’s Internet Giants May Be Stuck There【刊载媒体】纽约时报【原文链接】http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/24/business/global/24internet.html【翻译方式】人工【译者】Tosgoo
  SHANGHAI — Even before Google began threatening to shut down its search service in China, it was not fitting in.
  Google and other major American Internet companies like Yahoo and eBay failed to gain significant traction in the Chinese market. And Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are blocked by the government.

Instead, the hottest companies in the world’s biggest Internet market have names like Baidu, Tencent and Alibaba — fast-growing local firms that are making huge profits. Post-Google, China’s Internet market could increasingly resemble a lucrative, walled-off bazaar, experts say. Those homegrown successes, however, could have trouble becoming global brands.

“If the Chinese government continues to favor domestic companies, those companies that reach critical mass could become phenomenally profitable,” said Gary Rieschel, founder of Qiming Ventures, an American venture capital firm with investments in China. “But it may be hard for those companies to become world class without outside competition.”
“如果中国政府继续偏爱支持本土企业,那些国际互联网大牌所要面临的,将不仅仅是令人压抑的危机感,而要承受切实的资金损失了。”启明创投创始人之一,一位在中国进行风险投资的美国人,盖理·瑞斯彻(Gary Rieschel)如是说,“但是如果没有对外竞争力,这些中国企业与世界级同行的较量也并非易事。”
  Still, the success of Chinese companies here can be measured by the numbers.
  Revenue at Tencent, a kind of Internet conglomerate, jumped over 70 percent last year, to about $1.8 billion.
Baidu, a Google look-alike, has largely clobbered Google in China, despite giving up some ground in recent years. And Taobao.com, China’s huge e-commerce site, handled nearly $30 billion in transactions last year.
The story behind the success of these companies is a simple one, some analysts say. The young people who dominate Web use in China are not just searching for information; they’re searching for a lifestyle. They are passionate about downloading music, playing online games and engaging in social networking.
“Sixty percent of the Internet users here are under the age of 30,” said Richard Ji, an Internet analyst at Morgan Stanley. “In the U.S., it’s the other way around. And in the U.S. it’s about information. But in China, the No. 1 priority is entertainment.”
“在中国,百分之六十的互联网用户是不到三十岁的年轻人”摩根史坦利投资公司的一名网络分析师理查德·积(Richard Ji)说道,“而在美国情况是恰恰相反的。在美国,互联网关乎信息;在中国,娱乐才是互联网的最大功能。”
  Experts say American companies have largely failed here because they don’t have local expertise, are too slow to adapt and don’t know how to deal with the Chinese government.
  “Internet companies in China have to work so closely with the government,” said Xiao Qiang, of the China Internet project at the University of California, Berkeley. “And that means the government’s political agenda can become the company’s business agenda.”
  作为加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校中国网络项目中的一员,肖强(Xiao Qiang)说道:“在中国互联网公司和政府在工作上亲密无间,这意味着政府的行政议程可以成为公司的运营议程。”
  The need to censor Web sites, for example, can overwhelm smaller companies, Mr. Xiao said. “This becomes a growing business cost. So often, small companies don’t develop.”
At this stage, analysts say the Web in China is less about innovation than about quickly delivering on the latest online trend.
“People here are quick to see trends, and to clone and innovate,” said William Bao Bean, a former Internet analyst who is now a partner at Softbank China & India Holdings. “If one company is doing well, other companies will quickly clone it and roll it out.”
No company is better at that than Tencent, which is based in the southern city of Shenzhen.

The company’s biggest weapon is a popular instant messaging service called QQ. Its 500 million active users give the company an advantage when it introduces new products and offerings, like online games.
Tencent was founded in 1998 by a group of friends that included Ma Huateng, also known as Pony, who is now its 38-year-old billionaire chief executive. With Tencent commanding a stock market value of $37.2 billion, the only global Internet companies that are worth more are Google ($173.7 billion) and Amazon ($57.2 billion).
马化腾(Ma Huateng),也就是有名的小马,和他的一群伙伴于1998年成立了腾讯公司。当今小马成为一位年仅三十八岁而身家过亿的董事长。腾讯股价高达372亿,除了谷歌(1737亿)和亚马逊(572亿),腾讯以名列第三的成绩领先于其他任何国际互联网公司。
But there are other Chinese powerhouses. Baidu, which dominates the market for search advertising in China, is expected to benefit from Google’s departure, even though its own search engine is heavily censored. (Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, which remains censored, could also gain users.)
Investors are clearly betting on Baidu’s future. Since January, when Google first announced that it might exit China, shares of Baidu have leapt 50 percent, adding $7 billion to the company’s market value.
One advantage local companies have is government protectionism. Because the Communist Party wants to maintain tight control over communication and the media, foreign Internet companies come under suspicion.

And without competition here from Facebook, which has not yet tried to develop a site for the Chinese market, a social networking site called Kaixin001.com has managed to register over 70 million users.

脸谱网尚未试图在中国开辟一片“领地”,所以这里尚未有来自脸谱网的威胁。但一家名叫开心零零一(Kaixin001.com )的社交网站已成功赢得七千万用户。
But some experts say Google’s departure will leave Internet users here with fewer options, making the country’s Internet market less competitive and less open.
“The biggest loser is Netizens,” says Fang Xingdong, chief executive of Chinalabs.com, a research firm. “Google is a multilinguistic search engine, but Baidu is a Chinese-language one. Chinese information only occupies a small fraction of the Internet.”
“最大的损失者是普通网民”,知名调查公司——互联网实验室(Chinalabs.com)的首席执行官方兴东(Fang Xingdong)说,“谷歌是一家多语言搜索引擎,但百度只是汉语的。中文信息只占互联网消息的一小部分。”
  Google was troubled by censors. And it’s clear that censors make some of the material on Baidu’s search engine look like the bulletin board of propaganda, with some links directed to People’s Daily, the Communist Party mouthpiece.
  But Chinese Internet companies go along, despite some misgivings, sensing that the real money is in online fun and games. These seem to flourish despite repeated government crackdowns and warnings about Internet-addicted youth and illegal music downloads.
  One question, though, is whether Google’s departure will prevent Chinese companies from developing alongside the world’s technology powerhouses.
  “When the Chinese companies go outside of China, they will find that they fail to understand their competitors as well as they did when they were competing in China,” said Mr. Rieschel, founder of Qiming Ventures.
 美国著名投资公司启明创投(Qiming Ventures)创始人瑞斯彻(Mr. Rieschel)说,“当中国企业迈出国门,他们将发现自己不能理解竞争对手,也不能简单复制在国内般的成功。”
  Of course, Chinese companies may just be happy staying home. With 400 million Internet users and growing, their own market is a substantial prize.
  注:《纽约时报》原文标题有所调整      译文出自http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_show.asp?idWriter=0&Key=0&BlogID=534653&PostID=22664030

妇科主任 发表于 2010-3-26 15:29


竹隐泉 发表于 2010-3-26 15:34

“最大的损失者是普通网民”,知名调查公司——互联网实验室(Chinalabs.com)的首席执行官方兴东(Fang Xingdong)说,“谷歌是一家多语言搜索引擎,但百度只是汉语的。中文信息只占互联网消息的一小部分。”


zhiyi 发表于 2010-3-26 15:34



sniper1100 发表于 2010-3-26 15:49


zzzjesu 发表于 2010-3-26 15:54


无可就要 发表于 2010-3-26 16:02


百姓 发表于 2010-3-26 16:24


何艳 发表于 2010-3-26 18:21


緣分メ阳阳 发表于 2010-3-26 18:54

Q72)Q72)    Q72)

耳冉子 发表于 2010-3-26 19:30

本帖最后由 耳冉子 于 2010-3-26 19:31 编辑




视觉残像 发表于 2010-3-26 19:51


triangel 发表于 2010-3-26 20:00

我在想…我们的企业,不管是腾讯还是百度,虽然它们在中国占有巨大的市场…可是只要跟世界上的其他企业比较 ...
视觉残像 发表于 2010-3-26 19:51 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

博雅之士 发表于 2010-3-26 20:14


懒羊羊 发表于 2010-3-26 20:29

"本土企业的一个优势就是享受政府保护政策。"? 当几年前外资企业享受各种税收减免和政策优惠时,也没见外企们喊不公平,现在税负一样了,就受不了了? 事实上即使现在大部分外企相比国内企业还是享受着特殊待遇的. 他们总以为把美国一套照搬过来就所向披靡,而不接受无论在市场文化背景还有客户习惯都和美国有着巨大差别,总希望中国客户接受他们的业务运营模式. 大部分外企使用港台管理人员,大多没有管理国内这样一个大市场的经验,每年简单地把中国市场发展给他们中国业务带来的自然增长吹嘘为他们这些没有整体市场策略的业绩,前几年确实把这些外企总部老外们哄得开心,时间一长,老外们才发现在这些港台经理人管理下的中国公司业绩虽然年年有增长,可市场份额却越来越小. 他们倒是不敢把失败归责与中国客户,说我们消费方式和西方人不一样,为保面子归责于中国政府,真亏他们找得出这样恶心的借口.

视觉残像 发表于 2010-3-26 20:30

To 13L:是吗?我最近都不登Q了,所以也没怎么关注了,有时间我会去看看…不过凭我以往的经验,腾讯其实很多游戏都是非常山寨的,特别是QQ飞车和QQ炫舞真的是雷到我了…除了网游,还有QQ旋风,QQ影音,QQ拼音输入法等软件真的可以说是彻头彻尾的照搬了…这也是我担心的一个原因,如果只是复制他人的东西,那么这个产品最终会彻底失去竞争力的

gar 发表于 2010-3-26 21:23



莫说 发表于 2010-3-26 21:42


betty1130 发表于 2010-3-27 16:04

zzzjesu 发表于 2010-3-26 15:54 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


阎魔瞳 发表于 2010-3-27 16:43

Q17)Q17)对于谷歌的离开我们深表遗憾   不过我马上就会有谷姐谷妈 谷妹·············哦安息吧谷歌
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