波默默妞 发表于 2010-4-2 12:29


本帖最后由 波默默妞 于 2010-4-2 15:29 编辑

【中文标题】中国打贪风暴刮起——澳洲也应该有所行动【原文标题】Australian Activists Welcome China's Crackdown on Rio Tinto Corruption【译者】波默默妞
      尽管为资本家卖命的澳大利亚媒体指责中国逮捕力拓官员,但是,深明大义的澳大利亚工会成员们,土著人民权利的支持者们,反对剥削贫穷国家的正义战士们,都强烈支持中方严令惩治力拓的硕鼠们。在澳洲,一场反对力拓,支持中国的游行正在筹划当中。希望中国留学生和移民能踊跃参加此次集会。联系电话:0417 204 611 电邮:trotskyistplatform@gmail.com        召集令:
   让我们以这次中国打击力拓的事件为契机,揭开力拓集团剥削劳苦大众所使用的那些卑鄙的勾当。我们可以看到中国有决心严肃处置力拓集团的权贵,那我们也来反对那群那我们也来反对那群肆无忌惮的硕鼠吧!“强烈反对力拓集团” 停止掠夺,停止妨碍工会 集结号:5月20日 周四下午5点 地点:马丁广场19-29 力拓集团悉尼总部(卡苏里大街,美国大使馆所在大楼)





l 要求力拓以及其他大公司同意由工会监督——揭露所有的腐败行为,对政党领导人的贿赂行为。反对《公平工作法》对工会对公司文件监督权力的限制!l 强迫力拓接受主要工地的工会协议。l 打倒力拓在加利福尼亚Boron的反工会行为!Boron矿工必胜!l 禁止任何公司在能给高管300,000美元年薪或分红的情况下裁员。l 要求力拓,必和必拓,斯特拉塔等公司停止侵犯澳洲原住民的土地权。l 要求力拓按照当前美国法院所判决的侵犯人权罪和种族歧视罪给予布干维尔岛民相应的赔偿。l 如果中国方面发现力拓高管被卷入腐败丑闻,不准阻碍中方引渡相关人员的要求。感谢中国出手打击力拓集团的恶棍们。不要在压力下退缩——要揭露力拓所有的腐败行为!【原文】 Australian Activists Welcome China's Crackdown on Rio Tinto CorruptionAlthough the Australian capitalist-owned media are denouncing China for arresting Rio Tinto executives, thoughtful Australian trade unionists, supporters of Aboriginal rights and opponents of exploitation of poorer countries are welcoming China's stance against Rio Tinto's corruption and greed.

      Activists in Australia are building a demonstration on May 20 in Sydney to say, "China is Cracking Down on Private Sector Corporate Greed and Corruption - It's About Time that This Starts to Happen Here! Stop Rio Tinto's Plundering and Union Busting."

   Chinese students and immigrants residing in Australia are encouraged to join and help build the rally. Please call Australian mobile no. 0417 204 611 or Email: trotskyistplatform@gmail.com to get involved in this united-front campaign.

      China Is Cracking Down on Private Sector Corporate : Greed and Corruption!Starts to Happen Here!Rio Tinto's obscenely rich bosses are notorious for attacking trade unions, trampling on Aboriginal rights and plundering the wealth of peoples in the "Third World." And they are used to getting away with it! However, since the Peoples of Republic of China (PRC ) arrested four Rio Tinto executives for bribery and stealing information from the PRC's public sector, Australia's corporate high fliers and their parliamentary servants are in a bit of a spin. Why? Because someone has finally stood up to Rio's bosses.
For our part, let's use China's crackdown on Rio bosses to publicise the nasty methods used by big business owners in their drive to exploit more and more wealth from the toiling masses.
   Now that we have seen that a serious force is willing to take on Rio's bigwigs, let's take up the offensive here against the anti-worker attacks and unrestrained greed of all the big corporate bullies. "
   Stop Rio Tinto's
   Plundering & Union Busting.Rally at 5pm,Thursday, May 20Outside Rio Tinto's Sydney Office, 19-29 Martin Place (Cnr Castlereagh Street, same building as the US Consulate)For information call Trotskyist Platform on 0417 204 611
When in the 1960s Aboriginal people in the Cape York objected to a Rio Tinto subsidiary's failure to offer decent compensation for building a bauxite mine on their land, Rio worked with the Queensland cops to have the entire Aboriginal community of Mapoon arrested and their whole town burnt down.
In the late 1980s when the people of the PNG island of Bougainville rose up to resist the way that the Australian arm of Rio (then called CRA) was operating its huge Panguna copper mine without any regard to the local people, the PNG government and its masters in Canberra waged a brutal war and blockade against the Bougainville people. As a result 15,000 Bougainvilleans perished - all for the sake of Rio's profits.

Then in the 1990s Rio Tinto used intimidation, spied on union activists and bribed workers to leave unions so as to drive out trade union influence from iron ore mines and other mining sectors in Australia. They are still at it today! Rio has been arrogantly resisting calls to negotiate a union collective agreement with ore train drivers in the Pilbara. Meanwhile, on January 31, Rio Tinto locked out 560 US miners in Boron, California who had refused to accept a new contract that would casualise the workforce, impose involuntary overtime etc . Rio brought in scabs protected by armed private security guards and government riot cops.
Rio bosses are used to having state forces enforce their will. So they got an awful shock when four of their millionaire executives were arrested for corruption and plunder of public property in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). You see, in the PRC, the state is not run for the sake of the Rio Tinto bigwigs and their mates.
Australia's pro-capitalist politicians have made out that the China arrests are simply about a commercialdispute between Rio and Chinese steel corporations. However, while Rio is dominated by rich owners, China's steel companies, like all its biggest corporations, are socialistic state-owned enterprises that belong to all of its people. When Rio bosses rip off such companies they are stealing from 1.3 billion people! In contrast, when Rio makes a grotesque profit that bring little benefit to its workers. Take the year 2008. Despite paying themselves lavish executive salaries and over $ 2.6 billion to shareholders for the year's dividends, Rio bosses announced in December 2008 that the company would slash its workforce by 14,000. The mainstream media here have tried to portray the Rio Tinto arrests as a case of China picking on foreign companies. Yet the PRC is in the midst of a wave of arrests of local corporate figures and high-ranking officials and politicians for plundering public assets. Soon after the Rio Tinto executives were formally indicted in February, China's (now ex-) richest man Huang Guangyu was also charged with serious economic crimes. Meanwhile, thousands of notoriously unsafe privately-owned coal mines have been forcibly nationalised leading to significant reductions in workplace deaths. Moves to shore up publicly-owned property in China should be welcomed by Australian working class people.
Furthermore, the Rio Tinto arrests have added significance here. For they not only publicise the devious methods of Rio's bosses but they also prove that these powerful capitalists are not invincible. Encouraged by this, here are some things that we should be fighting for and proclaiming here.Open all of Rio Tinto's books and those of other corporate giants to inspection by unions - Expose all corruption, hiring of anti-union outfits and bribery of community leaders.
& J& W6 _E8 KDown with the Fair Work Act restrictions on union rights to inspection of company documents!Force Rio Tinto to accept union agreements with workers in all key sites.Smash Rio Tinto's union-busting actions in Boron, California! Victory to the Boron mine workers! Ban any company that can pay any of its executives or owners more than $ 300,000 in annual renumeration or dividends from laying off any workers.Stop Rio Tinto, BHP, Xstrata etc from trampling on Aboriginal land rights.For Rio Tinto to pay out the compensation demanded by Bougainville people in a current US court case for Rio's crimes against humanity and racial discrimination in connection with the Panguna mine.For no obstacles to the extradition of Australian Rio Tinto executives if the PRC finds that they have been involved in the corruption scandal.
      Thank you Peoples Republic for standing up to the Rio corporate thugs. Do not back down under pressure - Expose all of Rio Tinto's corruption!

波默默妞 发表于 2010-4-2 12:32


shimo1989 发表于 2010-4-2 12:53


kyunghoo 发表于 2010-4-2 13:00


洛书出处 发表于 2010-4-2 13:01

内讧啊 力拓

鬼雄 发表于 2010-4-2 13:20


why_together 发表于 2010-4-2 13:39


拥抱和平 发表于 2010-4-2 13:55


hotchinahreat 发表于 2010-4-2 14:46

本帖最后由 下个月 于 2010-4-2 16:42 编辑


xjxlan 发表于 2010-4-2 15:29


laizhebushan_ 发表于 2010-4-2 16:33


diojojojo 发表于 2010-4-2 17:30


忧心 发表于 2010-4-2 21:42


redondo616 发表于 2010-4-2 21:45


mummy 发表于 2010-4-2 22:14


南宫儒 发表于 2010-4-2 22:36


不死狂龙 发表于 2010-4-2 22:49


popop_ryan 发表于 2010-4-2 22:58


fukgm 发表于 2010-4-2 23:07


trotskyistplatf 发表于 2010-4-3 02:10

Hi Wendy_qian,

Sorry I am from Australia and cannot speak Chinese. I read your post through a translator software, you asked about the burning of the Aboriginal village on behalf of Rio Tinto. Here are more details about this incident:

In the late 1950s, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto's Australian arm (then called CRA) wanted to mine the bauxite deposits in Queensland's Cape York. However, the company owners and executives did not want to spend even a small portion of their profits on giving any compensation to the Aboriginal people that lived in the area. And the greedy bosses sure the hell weren't going to share the expected mining wealth with the Aboriginal people whose land they were trampling on. So the Australian state intitutions, which serve the likes of the Rio bosses, moved to simply drive off the people living in the Mapoon Aboriginal Reserve and the Weipa Aboriginal Reserve. When the Aboriginal community stood firm, the Department of Native Affairs intercepted welfare payments and then warned residents that their children would be removed due to "neglect" if they did not leave the area. Finally on November 15, 1963, armed police arrested the entire Mapoon community! The police then burnt down the Aboriginal residents' homes, school, stores and shops.
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查看完整版本: 澳大利亚民众集结号吹响,反对力拓集团,支持中国——