满仓 发表于 2010-4-6 11:42

【10.04.05 纽约时报】成功营救114名中国矿工被称为“奇迹”

【原文标题】Rescue of 114 at Chinese Coal Mine Called ‘Miracle’








中国政府的一名煤矿安全顾问David Feickert在接受美联社采访时说:“这或许是世界上矿井营救历史上最伟大的一次行动。”





















A coal miner was rushed into a hospital on Monday after being rescued from the Wangjialing mine in Shanxi Province in Northern China.

BEIJING — From the start, China’s latest coal mine disaster seemed likely to end like so many others in a country where an average of seven miners die every day: a failed rescue effort, grieving relatives and few, if any, survivors.

But for reasons still unclear, the March 28 accident at the Wangjialing mine in Shanxi Province in northern China turned out differently.

More than a week after the half-built mine flooded with water, rescuers found most of the 153 men trapped underground still alive. By late Monday, 114 of them had been pulled to safety.

As miner after miner was carried out of the mine’s mouth, rescuers hugged each other and wept for joy. Scenes of the rescue were broadcast repeatedly on national television on Tomb-Sweeping Day, China’s national holiday to commemorate the dead.

Luo Lin, head of the State Administration of Work Safety, told the state-controlled China Central Television network that the miners’ will to survive coupled with an extraordinary rescue mission resulted in a surprising outcome.

“These trapped people have made it through eight days and eight nights — this is the miracle of life,” he said. “Secondly, our rescue plan has been effective — this is a miracle in china’s search and rescue history.”

David Feickert, a coal mine safety adviser to the Chinese government, told The Associated Press: “This is probably one of the most amazing rescues in the history of mining anywhere.”

The accident occurred when workers digging tunnels broke through a wall into an old shaft filled with water, suddenly flooding the new V-shaped shaft with millions of gallons and submerging five of the miners’ nine work platforms.

The mine’s managers had ignored evidence of dangerous water leaks in the half-built mine days before the disaster, according to a preliminary investigation by the State Administration of Work Safety. Workers had been ordered to step up the pace of construction in order to meet an October deadline to begin production, the agency found. The Chinese government has managed in recent years to dramatically cut the death rate at its coal mines, but they remain among the world’s most dangerous.

Had rescue efforts failed, the accident would have been the deadliest since 172 miners perished when a mine flooded in eastern Shandong Province in 2007. More than 2,600 people died in coal mining accidents last year, many of them in Shanxi Province.

There were 261 workers underground when the Wangjialing mine began to fill with water. Of them, 108 quickly made it to safety, but 153 remained trapped in the watery pit and were feared dead.

A huge rescue operation ensued. A battery of pumps was installed, draining as much as half a million gallons of water a day from the mine in the hope that rescuers could safely enter it, the state-run media reported. By Friday, five days after the flooding, the water level inside the mine had dropped nearly 11 feet.

Friday afternoon brought a sudden glimmer of hope. Rescuers heard tapping on a metal pipe underground. They tapped and shouted into a pipe in response, and sent down hundreds of bags of glucose, a phone, pen, paper and two letters of encouragement inside a plastic bottle.

“Dear fellow workers, the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the whole nation have been concerned for your safety,” one letter began. It ended: “Hold onto the last.”

When they pulled one pipe up to the surface, rescuers found an iron wire tied to the end, an apparent signal from survivors, according to Xinhua, the state-run news agency. Rescuers also spotted swaying lights at the opposite end of the shaft, another possible sign of life.

On Saturday afternoon, a team of divers was sent down, returning within a few hours, reporting that the black murky water made it hard to reach the workers’ platforms. Rescuers also said they battled build-ups of toxic gas in the shaft.

But later that day, as water levels continued to drop, rescuers in rubber rafts managed to squeeze through narrow passages and descend into the mine’s shaft.

By late Sunday night, 100 rescue workers had located survivors, most of them stranded on a single platform. according to the Chinese media, one miner spotted a raft and called out: “Can you get me out of here?”

Nine miners were carried out of the mine early Monday morning. Thousands of people keeping vigil along the roadside cheered as ambulances carrying survivors raced by to the nearest hospital. Most of the miners were in said to be in stable condition but at least seven were listed in serious condition, Chinese media reported Monday night.

Up to 300 rescuers were inside the mine by Monday morning. and the number of men saved grew throughout the day. China Central Television broadcast videos of rescuers carrying stretcher after stretcher away from the mine, each laden with a bare-footed miner wrapped in green blankets on stretchers, eyes covered with towels as a shield from the light.

One of the rescued miners said when water flooded the shaft, he had attached himself to a mine wall with his belt so he wouldn’t drown. He hung there for three nights, he said, then climbed into a mining cart that floated by.

Others told the China News Service that they ate bark off the pine mine supports and drank the murky water despite fears that it was contaminated.

A medical officer told reporters that the survivors suffered from severe dehydration, hypothermia, skin infections from prolonged exposure to the water, and unstable blood pressure.

Some were in shock, according to news reports. One was still gripping his miner’s lamp when rescued.

“I have not slept for several days,” one rescuer, Wei Fusheng, told the television station, weeping with happiness. “Our efforts have not been in vain.”

As of Monday night, there was no word on the status of roughly three dozen miners left inside the mine. Rescued miners reported that they had seen bodies of dead co-workers, but how many may have remained unclear.

zhiyi 发表于 2010-4-6 12:41


shinakuma 发表于 2010-4-6 12:50


纯真年代 发表于 2010-4-6 12:58


okko 发表于 2010-4-6 13:07

一直看CCAV直播 感谢上天

yangjian9770 发表于 2010-4-6 13:27


满仓 发表于 2010-4-6 13:27

希望剩下的工人都能活着出来,他们一定还在那个坡上等待,他们一定也有树皮可以吃。 ...
纯真年代 发表于 2010-4-6 12:58 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


下个月 发表于 2010-4-6 13:37


jonestoms 发表于 2010-4-6 14:09


松园虫 发表于 2010-4-6 14:54


superloong 发表于 2010-4-6 15:02


ykfo2 发表于 2010-4-6 15:12


leanderliu 发表于 2010-4-6 15:44



weidabang 发表于 2010-4-6 15:55


agx 发表于 2010-4-6 15:56


With Hope Dwindling, 115 Chinese Miners Are Saved

Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
A worker from the Wangjialing mine in northern China was taken to a hospital on Monday. The miner was among 115 rescued after being trapped since March 28.                By SHARON LaFRANIERE        Published: April 5, 2010
BEIJING — From the start, China’s latest coal mine disaster seemed likely to end as so many others had in a country where an average of seven miners die every day: a failed rescue effort, grieving relatives, few if any survivors.               

But then, more than a week after the half-built Wangjialing mine in northern China was flooded with millions of gallons of water, rescuers heard taps on a metal pipe. They furiously pumped water out of the shaft and sent glucose injections down through a pipe. By late Monday, rescuers had dragged 115 men up to safety, though 38 others remained missing.               
Survivors said they had strapped themselves to shaft walls with their belts so they would not drown, hung there for days, then jumped into a mine cart that floated by. Others said they ate bark from the pine pillars used to construct the mine.                By any standard in the dangerous world of mining — and certainly by those of China’s especially deadly industry — it was a marvel of good fortune.               
“These trapped people have made it through eight days and eight nights — this is the miracle of life,” said Luo Lin, head of the State Administration of Work Safety. “Secondly, our rescue plan has been effective. This is a miracle in China’s search and rescue history.”               
David Feickert, a coal mine safety adviser to the Chinese government, told The Associated Press, “This is probably one of the most amazing rescues in the history of mining anywhere.”               
Investigators blamed the usual culprit in China’s regular mine accidents: a lack of safety precautions.               
For days before the mine flooded, managers ignored water leaks that presaged trouble, according to preliminary findings by the State Administration of Work Safety. Miners had been ordered to step up the pace of construction to meet an October deadline to begin production at the mine, the agency said.               
“The miners should never have been put in this situation in the first place,” Mr. Feickert said.               
Had rescue efforts failed, the mine disaster would have been China’s deadliest in more than two years. Although the government has managed to significantly reduce the death rate at coal mines since 2002, its safety record remains among the world’s worst.               
The accident occurred on March 28 as workers digging tunnels broke through a wall into an old shaft filled with water, flooding their V-shaped shaft. Five of the workers’ nine platforms were submerged. The exit out of the pit was blocked.               
Of the 261 miners underground that day, 108 made it to safety. The rest were trapped and feared dead.               
More than 3,000 workers participated in the rescue operation. At least half a dozen pumps were installed, draining the mine of more than 11 million gallons of water a day, officials said.               
By Friday, the water level inside the mine had dropped nearly 11 feet. Workers had drilled a hole through the dirt and pumped oxygen to the area where they hoped to find survivors, according to news reports.               
But there were no signs of life until rescuers heard the tapping on the pipe Friday afternoon.               
Rescuers tapped and shouted into a pipe in response. They also sent down bags of glucose, milk, a pen, paper, a phone and a plastic bottle. And, requisite for a high-profile rescue effort that could have political consequences, they sent exhortations from both Communist Party and government leadership bodies.               
“Dear fellow workers, the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the whole nation have been concerned for your safety,” one letter began.               
It ended, “Hold on to the last.”               
When rescuers pulled one pipe to the surface, they found an iron wire tied to the end, apparently a signal from survivors, according to Xinhua, the state-run news agency. Rescuers also spotted swaying lights at the opposite end of the shaft, another possible sign of life.               
On Saturday afternoon, a team of divers was sent down. But the divers returned within a couple of hours, reporting that the black murky water made it hard to reach the workers’ platforms. On Sunday, as water levels continued to drop, rescuers in inflatable rafts paddled into the dark, watery pit, letting air out of the rafts when they got stuck in the narrow passages.               
They found survivors that night, most of them stranded on a single platform.               
One miner spotted a raft and called out, “Can you get me out of here?”               
“Since we got in, we will definitely will be able to take you out of here,” a rescuer yelled back, The Associated Press reported.               
The first nine survivors were carried out of the mine’s mouth very early Monday morning, seven and a half days after the accident, on a holiday called Tomb-Sweeping Day when Chinese commemorate the dead. Rescuers burst into tears and hugged one another in relief.               
Thousands of people keeping vigil along the roadside cheered as ambulances raced the miners to the nearest hospital. The number saved grew throughout the day as hundreds of rescuers entered the mine.               
CCTV, the state-run television network, showed rescuers clad in blue and orange jumpsuits carrying out stretchers laden with barefoot miners, wrapped in green blankets, eyes covered with towels to shield them from the light.               
One reached out his blackened hands to grasp those of rescuers in thanks. Another was still gripping his miner’s lamp. A third showed rescuers a pocket full of sawdust, describing it as hard to chew.               
The rescue team’s chief medical officer told reporters that the survivors were weak, severely dehydrated and suffering from hypothermia and skin infections. Some were in shock. Although none were in critical condition, he described 26 as more seriously ill than the rest.               
“I have not slept for several days,” one rescuer, Wei Fusheng, told CCTV, weeping with joy. “Our efforts have not been in vain.”               
Still, some relatives, carefully sequestered and kept under watch in nearby hotels, seemed destined for bad news.               
As of Monday night, there was no word on the status of the 38 workers still trapped. Some rescued miners said they had seen bodies of dead co-workers, but how many workers might have died was unknown.                       
Jing Zhang contributed research.

agx 发表于 2010-4-6 16:03


最初的标题:Over 100 pulled alive in China mine "miracle"
现在的标题:Over 100 China miners survive week in flooded pit

竹隐泉 发表于 2010-4-6 16:04


rainne 发表于 2010-4-6 18:33


靠!人权? 发表于 2010-4-6 18:38


dqsss 发表于 2010-4-6 18:44



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