AK22 发表于 2010-4-20 14:39

【2010.03.12 芝加哥论坛报】“茶会”也乌龙

【原文标题】'Tea party' steeped in confusion


“茶会”(Tea party)一词原本能令人联想起茶杯和茶托,而现在却和政治运动严重地搞在了一起,将那些真正爱茶喜茶的人搅得晕头转向。

【照片中】托尼.吉布利,右侧,在他芝加哥的公寓里所开设的茶会中,正将乌龙茶倒入壶中。吉布利在网上开办了一个线上茶业生意,但他正发现他很难直接搜索到他的网址,原因是搜索引擎被茶党运动(Tea party)搅混了。

在06年的一次中国之旅中,托尼.吉布利爱上了茶,他同时爱上了品茶和摆茶。他本月开办了一个上线茶叶生意,但他现在有点小麻烦就是,他不能确保该网站(chicagoteagarden.com)受到人们关注。“当我查看搜索引擎对于‘芝加哥 茶’的搜索结果时,我只查到整页整页的芝加哥‘茶党运动’的网址,”吉布利说。“看到几个有‘茶’的地方,然后其他全是这些政治的玩意儿。太让我不爽啦。”好茶的供应商和茶叶爱好者们大都发现他们被语言的切换搞懵了,他们最中意的饮品,现在却和常常在电台访谈和有线新闻节目中被吹吹打打的一个保守政治运动扯在了一起。

“茶党运动”的名字,是借鉴了引发美国独立战争的税收抗议和“Taxed Enough Already”(何以“复”税)的首字母缩写词。它确实与“茶”本身毫无关系。但那也不能说明问题。



乔治.韦德,一名西北风大学的语言学专家学者,他说“茶党运动”可能永远改变“Tea Party”(茶会)一词所能让我们联系到的内容。

“一个社会运动当然可以吃掉一个术语的本意,”韦德说。“如果这个运动有任何持久影响,那么它就会变成这个词的主要含义。就如同‘gay’这个词的例子”——【gay 除了有指男同性恋的含义外,原本还含有快乐的;(色彩)鲜艳的;(地方、场所)吸引人的;轻率的,等引申义】







During a trip to China in 2006, Tony Gebely fell in love with tea, both the drink and the ceremony of enjoying a calm cup.

He launched an online tea business this month, but he is having a little trouble ensuring that chicagoteagarden.com gets noticed.

"When I look at search engine results for 'Chicago tea,' I find a whole bunch of Chicago 'tea party' movement sites," Gebely said. "There are a few tea places and then all this political stuff. It's pretty annoying."

Purveyors of fine tea and tea enthusiasts in general find themselves steeped in a linguistic shift, their beloved beverage now associated with a conservative political movement routinely praised or pilloried on talk radio and cable news shows.

The tea party movement's name, a reference to the tax protests that led to the Revolutionary War and an acronym for Taxed Enough Already, really has nothing to do with tea. But that doesn't seem to matter.

"I certainly can see and have seen some confusion with regard to the name they've chosen for their movement," said Dan Robertson, owner of the Tea House in Naperville, Ill., a major tea distributor. "When I first heard about it, I thought, 'Oh, maybe I can sell them some tea.' Then I realized that probably wasn't going to happen."

He said he recently sent tea samples to a prospective client in Memphis, Tenn., who is starting a business called the Memphis Tea Party. He searched that on Google and came up with nothing but news of political rallies and links to a Memphis tea party organization.

Gregory Ward, a professor of linguistics at Northwestern University, said the tea party movement could permanently change what we associate with the term "tea party."

"A social movement can certainly trump the original use of a term," Ward said. "If the movement has any lasting power, then it will become the primary use. That was the case with the word 'gay.' "

In that case, Ward predicted, traditional tea parties will be renamed.

Steve Stevlic, coordinator of Tea Party Patriots Chicago, sees confusion over "tea party" the event and "tea party" the movement as evidence of the movement's success.

"I think what we're doing is resonating," Stevlic said. "I think it also signifies that it is, in fact, a movement. It's gone from just having a few thousand people taking to the streets last year to millions of people participating in and supporting tea parties. It's been just a meteoric rise."

So fast, in fact, that it managed to catch at least one longtime tea connoisseur off-guard.

Pearl Dexter, editor of Tea: A Magazine, was invited to a tea party meeting last year in Connecticut, where her publication is based.

"When I started to read the information they had there, I thought, 'Well, this is not going to be for me,' " Dexter said. "And it was very clear when they saw the magazine cover with President Obama on it that they had changed their minds about me as well."

AK22 发表于 2010-4-20 14:45

本帖最后由 AK22 于 2010-4-21 07:18 编辑

给出维基百科上关于 可爱的“茶党运动” 的相关资讯。

英文: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement
中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E8%8C%B6%E5%85%9A%E8%BF%90%E5%8A%A8
另外,最后一位仁兄的遭遇让我想到了一对经典视频,特此献上。。。(要求升级Adobe Flash Player时,刷新几下就行了)

A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDUOTwFEsoA

B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWNLPl7oIRc&feature=fvsr

红色的血 发表于 2010-4-20 16:51


fukgm 发表于 2010-4-20 17:06


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-4-20 18:11


不死狂龙 发表于 2010-4-20 22:02


滔滔1949 发表于 2010-4-22 00:39


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